USA Bureau / USA Bureau Agenda
All Party System Co. Meeting's Minutes for 4/10/2016 Meeting
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/10/2016
All Party System Co.'s Approved Guidelines for 1/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 4/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes from 4/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 7/10/2016
All Party System Co.'s (USA) Approved Guidelines for 7/10/2016
All Party System Co.'s Guidelines Approved on 4/16/2017
All Party System Co.'s IB (International Bureau) Guidelines Approved on 4/16/2017
Meeting's Minutes from 7/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes 4/16/2017
Proposed Meeting's Minutes (For Next Meeting on July 23rd, 2017)
* * *
USA Bureau Virtual Board Room
Facebook Page
Minutes for the 7/10/2016 Meeting
There are 26 Board Members
Simple majority of 14 of the 26 board members required to vote
in attendence or to sign before the agenda is considered approved.
Please sign and return post to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, California 93950
(831) 747-5863
Sign here
Print name here
_____/_____/ 2016
Date Here
Meeting's Minutes for 7/10/2016
(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
James Ogle called the meeting to order at approximately 10:10 am on
Sunday, July 10th, 2016.
(b) Roll Call.
Present were James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
and Roz Kollcaku.
President Zeka noted after meeting that two attendendees were
listening with no audio output (Sam Halibi) and were being
briefed (Buck Rogers).
President Zeka wrote in facebook chat; "Our CEO Buck Rogers
was presented by me also informed for our process."
Five in attendence answered roll call and confirmed/approved
all agenda items.
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
James Ogle explained that all BoDs were contacted via
telephone, email and facebook methods.
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
Roz Kollcaku.
(e) Ratification of prior Board actions.
James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
Roz Kollcaku.
(f) Report of officers.
President Zeka gave the only report.
She spoke about the "2016 success",
the good program of APS Co. for
selling shares to businesses, individuals
and banks. She spoke highly of CEO Buck
Rogers. She said we are ready for 2017.
(g) Reports of committees.
No committee reports.
(h) Election of directors.
James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
Roz Kollcaku.
CEO Excellency Dr Brig General Lord Buck Rogers [Conservative]
President Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
Vice President James Ogle [Republican]
Secretary Sam Halabi [Democratic]
Treasurer Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
Ethics & Grievances Officer Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
Committee of Four Jim Doyle [Republican]
Committee of Four Ernest Wells [Communist]
Committee of Four Germaine Stewart [Liberal]
Committee of Four Tony Jones [Republican]
Worker BoD Dulce Neri [Pink]
Worker BoD Alan Reynolds [Whig]
Worker BoD Dawn Pierce [Pink]
Worker BoD Rocio Esparza [Pink]
Worker BoD Mark Herd [Libertarian]
Worker BoD Barbara Schroeppel [Respublica of Earth]
Worker BoD Pamela Elizondo [Green]
Worker BoD Lakbir Singh Sokhi [Independent]
Worker BoD Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth]
Worker BoD Colia Clark [Green]
Investor BoD Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
Investor BoD Jim Doyle [Republican]
Investor BoD Dorothy Atkinson [Democratic]
Investor BoD Frank-Michael Hensel [NWP]
Investor BoD (CA) Rhett Smith [Free Democratic]
Investor BoD Ralph Hoffmann [Republican]
Investor BoD Ralph Beach [Independent]
(i) Election of bylaws.
James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
Roz Kollcaku.
Secretary and Assistant Secretaries: The Secretary shall issue notices for all meetings,
except for notices for special meetings of shareholders, directors workers and employees.
which may be called by a simple majority vote by each sub-group's elected members.
The secretary shall have charge of the seal and the corporate books, shall make such reports and
perform other duties as are incident to his/her office, or are properly required by the
Executives or Board of Directors.
New Version of Bylaw/Guideline Items and #14., #17., #22., #26., #34., #38., #43., #49., #85., #86., #96. and #97.:
The president sets the policy and tone for the company. The President
of the company must be a signer on all stocks that are sold.
The co-signer is either the company Trearurer or Secretary.
The President, is elected by the votes of the executives and the board of directors,
and shall preside at all meetings of either the Executives
and/or the workers, employees, shareholders and Board of Directors, shall have general
supervision of the affairs of the corporation for whom the President represents,
be it the Executives or the Board of Directors, and shall perform all other duties as are
incident to their office or are properly required of him by the Executives and/or Board of Directors.
The President shall issue notices for all meetings and will have priority over Secretary
for issuing such notices for special meetings of shareholders, directors workers and employees.
Nominations for dates for board meetings may be elected by a simple majority vote by the
board of directors but dates not nominated and approved will be called by the President.
The President shall have charge of the seal and the corporate books, shall make such reports and
perform other duties as are incident to his/her office, or are properly required by the
Executives or Board of Directors.
* * *
The Secretary may contact all the currently elected BoDs on the USA Bureau
on a quarterly basis with suggested meeting times and project items to be
nominated and reviewed by being added to the agenda.
The secretary may be a co-signer with the company president on shares sold or given as gifts
and the secretary can conduct any functions by any of the Regular Executives when needed.
Secretary and Assistant Secretaries: The Secretary may issue notices for all meetings.
There may be an Assistant Secretary, or Assistant Secretaries, elected in the order
designated by the Executives and/or Board of Directors, who shall perform all of the duties of the
Treasurer during the absence or disability of the Treasurer, and at other times may perform
such duties as are directed by the Executives, President or the Board of Directors.
* * *
22. Regular Executive Nomination and Election Schedule
a. All Worker BoD, Investor BoD and Executive Elections in both the
APS Co., USA Bureau and APS Co. International Bureau are to be
elected in Quarterly Cycles.
The election cycle begins at the meeting/conference call with nominations,
and ends on the first meetings/conference call which follows, as long
as proof of service was properly executed for both meetings.
Elections and meeting/conference calls are timed with four annual quarters,
usually the first Sunday every three months. In July, the meeting/conference
call falls on the first Sunday which follows July 4th.
b. After the Regular Executives had been established for one full year,
the Regular Executive Elections may be subject to "Votes of Confidence"
which are initiated by nominations of a new name(s) for the five Regular
Executives known as "Top 13" Regular Executive Elections.
c. Only elected BoDs may nominate and/or vote for names for the Regular Executives beginning on the annual and/or quarterly APS Co. meetings. The time for the call is under the section 97., l.) "Call for Nominations of New Board Members". The call for nominations and votes is to be made after items a. to k. are completed.
d. All newly nominated names must be added to the (e)ballot immediately and any board members may vote for the new name at any time, 365-days a year.
e. Any new name(s) nominated to the ballot for Regular Executive, may vote for their own name when new elections are called under item 97., l.. Elections start and end at APS Co. board meetings and continue through to the next official meeting, which ever one follows the last meeting where the name(s) was nominated, be it a quarterly, bi-quarterly, tri-quarterly or annual meeting.
f. Once the five Regular Executive seats are filled, all eligible Founding Executives, Regular Executives, Regular Executive nominees, Investor and Worker BoDs, may change their votes for the Regular Executives at any time. The election of Regular Executives are effective immediatelty.
g. Election totals and bonuses are only approved at the first official board meeting following the election of the Regular Executive. The dates that the responsibilities, voting powers, share bonuses and payrolls become effective, are the same immediate dates that the name(s) of Regular Executives are elected, with exceptions due to non-signings, non- compliance with bio-form or contact information requirements.
h. All elected board members are required to provide their mailing address, email address, facebook page address and phone number within 48 hours of being elected or the election of their name is denied, the votes recounted and the next-highest ranked name is automatically elected.
i. TOP THIRTEEN - Only current Executives, the "top thirteen" vote getters, plus new nominees, may be added to the updated eballot for Regular Executive elections.
j. Current and newly nominated names for the Regular Executive elections will remain on the eballot once nominated until an official meeting/conference ends the election. The top 13 names, plus new nominations, will remain on eballot/ballot after meeting is adjourned.
k. Newly nominated names are to be added during the election cycle, usually added within 48 hours after name has been nominated.
l. "TOP 13" Regular Executive nominees who agree to accept having their name on the Regular Executive ballot will listed on the ballot/eballot, but those who do not accept being on the ballot will be listed on a list of all nominated names but not on the official ballot.
m. The sitting President or Vice President are contacts for nominating and ballot preparation.
n. All names eliminated for non-compliance of bio-form submission must turn in correctly completed bio-form before being reinstated to any ballot.
o. Proof of Service must be initiated by the APS Co. President
or Vice President for all board meetings on which the
quarterly, bi-quarterly or tr-quarterly or annual election cycles
end. The election cycle can only end on the same board meeting when the
beginning of the next election cycle begins.
The first Sunday following July 4th is to be be the only
meeting required annually and a vote by the board can reschedule
the annual July meeting once each year.
* * *
a. All Worker BoD, Investor BoD and Executive Elections in both the
APS Co., USA Bureau and APS Co. International Bureau are to be
elected in Quarterly Cycles.
b. The Worker Board of Directors (or BoDs) are elected by votes from all board members including the Founding Executives, Regular Executives, Worker BoDs, Investor BoDs, "Wish List Staff Nominees" and nominees for Worker BoDs.
c. Only elected BoDs may nominate and/or vote for names for the Regular Executives beginning on the annual and/or quarterly APS Co. meetings. The time for the call is under the section 97., l.) "Call for Nominations of New Board Members". The call for nominations and votes is to be made after items a. to k. are completed.
d. Only current elected Worker BoDs will be listed on the official ballot. Any board member may vote for the new name at any time, 365-days a year, but final results for Worker BoDs do not become official until the elections are confirmed under item 97., (h) "Confirmation of Elections of All Regular Executives and Directors."
e. Any new name(s) nominated to the ballot for Worker BoD, may vote for their own name when new elections are called under item 97., l.. Elections start and end at APS Co. board meetings and continue through to the next official meeting, which ever one follows the last meeting where the name(s) was nominated, be it a quarterly, bi-quarterly, tri-quarterly or annual meeting.
f. Once the ten "Worker BoDs" seats are filled, all eligible Founding Executives, Regular Executives, Regular Executive nominees, Investor and Worker BoDs, may change their votes for the Regular Executives at any time, but final results for Worker BoDs do not become official until the elections are confirmed under item 97., (h) "Confirmation of Elections of All Regular Executives and Directors."
g. Election totals and bonuses are only approved at the first official board meeting following the election of the Worker BoD, with exceptions due to non-signings, non-compliance with bio-form or contact information requirements.
h. All elected board members are required to provide their mailing address, email address, facebook page address and phone number within 48 hours of being elected or the election of their name is denied, the votes recounted and the next-highest ranked name is automatically elected.
i. At the board meeting, all names are approved/confirmed from the voting cycle for "Worker BoDs" and the election ends at the annual or quarterly board meeting and the ten names elected as "Worker BoDs" are then added to the official ballot/ eballot for the "Worker BoDs" within seven days following all board meetings.
k. Newly nominated names are to be added to the list of nominated names, nominees who agree to accept having their name on the "Worker BoDs" ballot will listed on the ballot/eballot, but those who do not accept being on the ballot will not be listed.
m. The sitting President or Vice President are contacts for nominating and ballot preparation.
n. Should the five executives approve the "parliamentary go-ahead" for "Wish List Staff" Nominees, then those elected volunteers by the "parliamentary go-ahead" may also nominate new Worker BoDs at the board meeting and through the next board meeting using RCV.
o. Once the parliamentary go-ahead is approved by the Five Executives, the automatic elections of volunteers continues and is not removed until the next board meeting which follows, the implementation of the parliamentary go-ahead remains in effect until next set of Worker BoDs are confirmed at the next meeting which followds the last.
p. All names eliminated for non-compliance of bio-form submission must turn in correctly completed bio-form before being reinstated to any ballot.
q. Proof of Service must be initiated by the APS Co. President
or Vice President for all board meetings on which the
quarterly, bi-quarterly or tr-quarterly or annual election cycles
end. The election cycle can only end on the same board meeting when the
beginning of the next election cycle begins.
The first Sunday following July 4th is to be be the only
meeting required annually and a vote by the board can reschedule
the annual July meeting once each year.
* * *
38. QUARTERLY REVIEW OF PROJECT ITEMS: The same number of BoDs or more who approved
the annual projects may review and re-rank all the approved and unapproved project items
on a quarterly basis. All the current BoDs would be contacted by the USA Bureau's
elected Execs on a quarterly basis with meeting times and project items being
reviewed. Any BoD may contact the Execs to initiate the review process.
Only projects approved by the BoDs' votes are to be considered approved.
* * *
When names resign, then the marked eballot for Executives that had been
cast from that person is deleted from the records and when the name
is re-elected they must accept their name being elected and in order to
vote again or to have their previos vote reinstated.
* * *
If a name is ever unelected from the Worker BoDs,
their name may be returned as holder of a seat
on the Investor BoDs with the correct financial data as long
as they specifically request and agree to be elected to the
Investor BoDs.
All BoDs and officers elected by the elections which build up
to the quarterly, bi-quarterly or tri-quarterly meetings shall
be considered the legitimate elected BoDs only after
being confirmed by the meeting/conference call and approved
by the required majority.
The only exception is the five Executives, whose name is
elected effective immediately, based on the vote totals.
During the time between Fedbuary 1st and
March 1st on the same year, names which
remain on the BoDs shall be listed as legitimate
BoDs for the Delaware tax filings, and no new BoD elections will
take place until the tax filings are completed.
All BoDs will remain on the list of elected BoDs at the
time of filing the Delaware state taxes, whose date falls before
March 1st on the following year, as long as they provide a correct
mailing address and they confirm that they do wish to be a BoD.
They must also comply with required information before March 1st,
in order to be listed on the tax filings as an elected company BoD.
BoDs will be allotted stocks/shares in the company each year which may
pay dividends as a percent of the company's profits in the form
of money or shares. The time that the shares are issued is
to be on January 1st of the following year. The
profits and share amounts will be kept on the company books and
made public through the web to the BoDs. The payments are
based on monthly cycles and therefore the money is only
paid out to those serving full month terms in each year.
* * *
Notice of Meetings: Unless the Articles of Incorporation provide otherwise, any regular
meeting of the Board of Directors may only be held with notice of the date, time, place, or
purpose of the meeting. Any special meeting of the Board of Directors must be preceded by at least
thirty days' notice of the date, time, and place of the meeting, but not of its purpose, unless
the Articles of Incorporation of these Bylaws require otherwise. Notice may be given personally,
by facsimile, by email, by mail, facebook message or in any other manner allowed by law.
Oral notification shall be
sufficient only if a written record of such notice is included in the Corporation's minutes book.
Notice shall be deemed effective at the earliest of. (a) receipt; (b) delivery to the proper
address or telephone number of the directors as shown in the Corporation's records; or (c) five
days after its deposit in the United States mail, as evidenced by the postmark, if correctly
addressed and mailed with first-class postage prepaid. Notice of any meeting of the Board of
Directors may be waived by any director at any time, by a signed writing, delivered to the
Corporation for inclusion in the minutes, either before or after the meeting. Attendance or
participation by a director at a meeting is not required unless the director promptly objects to holding the
meeting or to the transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting was not lawfully
convened and the director does not thereafter vote for or assent to action taken at the meeting.
* * *
86. Quorum: A simple majority of the whole Executive or Board of Directors shall be necessary
at all conference calls/meetings to constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Meeting via teleconference and/or combination of teleconference and in-person meetings
are enough to reach a quorum. When no quorum is reached, the addition of those signing of
the meeting's minutes to make a simple majority is sufficiant.
Only the Board of Directors (BoDs) who are either present at the annual meeting
combined with those who sign the meetings minutes will remain on the BoDs as the 50%-plus-
one-majority and all the remaining BoDs whose numbers add up to more than 50% of the BoDs who
did not attend or sign the minutes will be eliminated from the BoD beginning with the
lowest ranked names from the Worker BoDs until a majority of BoDs who either attended
the annual BoD meeting plus those who signed the meetings minutes within 60 days equals
a simple majority of remaining BoDs. If Investor BoDs remaining on the the complete board
help constitute part of numbers making more than 50% who did not attend the annual meeting
or signers of the meetings minutes than the Investor BoDs will also be removed one-by-one
until the remaining BoDs consist of a majority who attended the annual meeting or
signed the meeting's minutes.
* * *
96. Annual Meeting Time: The annual meeting of the Executives, shareholders and
workers for the election of directors and for the transaction of such other
business as may properly come before the meeting, shall be held each year on
on the first Sunday following July 4th, at the hour of 9:00 am PST, if not a legal
holiday. If the date of the meeting is a legal holiday,
then the conference call/meeting will take place on the day following, at the same hour.
* * *
97. Conference Calls/Meeting's Agenda
Order of Business: At the annual meeting of
shareholders, workers and executives, the order of business shall be as follows:
(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
(b) Roll Call.
(c) Proof of Service, Notice of Meeting or Filing of Waiver.
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
(e) Ratification of prior Board actions.
(f) Report of officers.
(g) Reports of committees.
(h) Election of directors.
(i) Election of bylaws.
(j) Election of Agenda.
(k) Miscellaneous Business.
(l) Call for Nominations of New Board Members.
(m) Final Roll Call.
* * *
(j) Election of Agenda.
The BoDs agree that the price of All Party System Co. shares sell
between the price of $25. to $100. from this date (7/10/2016)
and through the future until a new vote is taken at a future
BoD meeting.
The price will be set by consensus between President and Vice
President for International Parliament Store.
James Ogle, Jim Doyle, Pamela Elizondo, Edlira Zeka,
Roz Kollcaku.
(k) Miscellaneous business.
Pamela Elizondo mentioned briefly about her "Five Simple Changes"
that she wants to being before APS Co. for a vote and she and
Edlira Zeka agreed to communicate later via email.
Jim Doyle nominated Liz Haemmel for "Worker BoD".
(l) Final Roll Call.
James Ogle, "present"
Jim Doyle, "present"
Pamela Elizondo, "present"
Edlira Zeka, "present"
Roz Kollcaku, "present"
Sam Halabi - confirmed present by Zeka and Kollcaku (no audio output, only audio input to him)
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