USA Bureau / USA Bureau Agenda
All Party System Co. Meeting's Minutes from 4/10/2016's Meeting
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/10/2016
All Party System Co.'s Approved Guidelines for 1/10/2016
Meeting's Proposed Agenda for 4/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes from 4/10/2016
Meeting's Proposed Agenda for 7/3/2016
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Meeting's Minutes From the 4/10/2016 Meeting
There are 24 Board Members
Simple majority of 13 of the 24 board members required to vote
in attendence or to sign before the agenda is considered approved.
Please sign and return post to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, California 93950
(831) 747-5863
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_____/_____/ 2016
Date Here
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1213-C Forest Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
Meeting's Minutes from 4/10/2016
(a) Calling of the meeting to order (completed by James Ogle at 9:15 am)
(b) Roll Call.
Present were CEO Buck Rogers, Vice President James Ogle and Worker BoD Jim Doyle
Edlira Zeka and others attended by Skype but James Ogle did not engage, by mistake.
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
James Ogle stated the meeting's time, date and all info. was emailed, facebook page
and telephone calls to those not using email and facebook, including call to Doyle.
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
James Ogle read previous meeting's minutes from January 10th 2016.
CEO Rogers, confirmed
VP Ogle, confirmed
Worker BoD Doyle, confirmed
(e) Ratification of prior Board actions.
CEO Rogers, confirmed
VP Ogle, confirmed
Worker BoD Doyle, confirmed
(f) Report of officers.
Jim Doyle made a brief statement about the Congo group who had
seen the website but dismissed it as "too political".
(g) Reports of committees.
(h) Election of directors.
New Directors Elected from previous eballots
Worker BoD Barbara Schroeppel [Republican] elected on 4/10/2016
Worker BoD Colia Clark [Independent] elected on 4/10/2016
Ethics and Grievances Officer Roz Kollcaku [Democratic] elected on 4/10/2016
CEO Rogers, confirmed
VP Ogle, confirmed
Worker BoD Doyle, confirmed
Worker BoD Elections to End on July 10th, 2016:
Lakbir Singh Sokhi [Independent] accepts nomination,
Singh, Doyle and Ogle all vote for him.
Also, Worker BoD Errol Reed on ballot for 7/10/2016.
(i) Election of bylaws.
VP Ogle, confirmed
Worker BoD Doyle, confirmed
New Version of Bylaw/Guideline Item #53
All new Worker BoD names or Founding Executives who are elected on
July 5th, 2014 who had not ever recieved any company bonus shares,
shall receive 1000 shares of preferred stocks. After that date, the
amount awarded will be 100 shares(*) each time a new Worker BoD,
Founding Executive or Regular Executive is elected.
The 100-share bonus applies only one time to new board members.
No board member who had received such a bonus for being
elected for the first time shall receive a second bonus.
* * *
New Version of Bylaw/Guideline Item #123
123. Elect One to Five Chief Executive Officers (CEOs)
Elect one Chief Executive by majority vote of all BoDs.
1 Chief Executive Officer
The first Chief is one of the 31 voters on the board of
directors of APS Co. (BoDs).
Elect One to Four Non-Executive Offices by President's
and Vice President votes:
2 Chief of Operations
3 Chief of Staff
4 Chief of Finance
5 Chief of Board
The one to four non-executive Chiefs are not voters/members
of the board of directors (BoDs).
The four non-executive officers can be elected or unelected
at any time by either the President or Vice President.
The first four non-executive Chiefs will receive a signing bonus.
Chiefs can receive additional shares for completing work
assigned by the President and Vice President.
Chiefs will work on programs and will receive shares for such
programs, the number of shares to be determined by President
and Vice President, but no chiefs receive a salary or monthly
payments in shares.
All elected Chiefs will be subject to a one-year probation.
Once elected, all Chiefs must comply with all requirements for
BoDs as laid out in guideline item #28 (REQUIREMENTS FOR ALL BOARD
* * *
(j) Election of agenda.
VP Ogle, confirmed
Worker BoD Doyle, confirmed
1) Issue 750,000 shares in 2016 for Business Package by APS Co. President Edlira Zeka
2) Payments in shares to Chiefs
3) 1000 common stock voting shares are to be issued to Executives
4) A second two-for-one split (2nd to the 2-for-1 split already approved in 2014)
5) Remaining unassigned 718,000 shares to be assigned
* * *
1) Issue 750,000 shares in 2016 for Business Package by APS Co. President Edlira Zeka
Grand Total of shares to be issued in 2016 = 750,000
Issue Sub-Total = 375,000 common
Issue Sub-Total = 375,000 preferred
* * *
2) Payments in shares
The CEO's 25,000 shares are not affected by this plan and CEO agrees to support the President's plan.
The remaining shares to be issued to CEO for 2016 is 16,000 shares.
* * *
3) 1000 common stock voting shares are to be issued to Executives
Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Ethics and Grievances Officer
* * *
4) A second two-for-one split (2nd to the 2-for-1 split already approved in 2014)
of all shares also gets approved at this April 10th APS Co. BoD meeting which can
be executed and timed as deemed needed by APS Co. President and/or a 3/5ths vote by the APS Co.'s five executives.
* * *
5) Remaining unassigned 718,000 shares to be assigned
by APS Co. President and Vice President after all obligations
to board members and non-board members share issuances are
* * *
* * *
(k) Miscellaneous business.
(l) Final Roll Call.
Jim Doyle and James Ogle present.
* * *