USA Bureau / Proposed USA Bureau Agenda

All Party System Co. Proposed USA Bureau 10/4/2015 Meeting's Minutes to Be Signed

All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 7/5/2014 to 1/5/2015
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 1/5/2015 to 12/31/2015
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2013
Meeting's Minutes from 1/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 1/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Marked Eballots and Totals for Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/3/2016

USA Bureau Virtual Board Room
Facebook Page

Proposed Eballot for Items on Agenda for 10/4/2015 special meeting/conference call.

Sign here

Print name here

_____/_____/ 2015
Date Here

Return Postal Address
1213-C Forest Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(831) 747-5863

Annual Meeting - Order of Business: At the annual meeting of
shareholders, workers and executives, the order of business shall be as follows:

(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
(b) Roll Call
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
(e) Report of officers.
(f) Reports of committees.
(g) Election of directors.
(h) Election of bylaws.
(i) Election of agenda (Twelve funded items, plus free items).
(j) Miscellaneous business.
(k) Final Roll Call

Original Writing Proposed Rules and Rule Changes

CEO Rogers's marked eballot for agenda on 9/16/2015:
1 Corporate sponsorship,,via a separate committee, and poss some sort of international contest that can be paid with corporate sponsorship
2 Sponsored particular ministries/ events of int parl
3 Fund raising committee for ip/us parl or both
4 Corporations to join ip as a direct entity
5 Poss invite ngo charities to have a platform/voice/representation
6 Website logos sponsorship
7 Fundraising for ipo
* * *

Secretary James Ogle's marked eballot for agenda on 9/17/2015:
1 Corporate sponsorship,,via a separate committee, and poss some sort of international contest that can be paid with corporate sponsorship
2 Sponsored particular ministries/ events of int parl
3 Fund raising committee for ip/us parl or both
4 Corporations to join ip as a direct entity
5 Poss invite ngo charities to have a platform/voice/representation
6 Website logos sponsorship
7 Fundraising for ipo
* * *

Guidelines items from current set of guidelines, to be replaced

Secretary James Ogle's marked eballot for guidelines on 9/17/2015:
1 Use Current Rules, with items below, to replace former items with same guidelines items:

Bylaw items 15, 34, 35, 41 to 50, 112, 196 and 228 will be updated upon
approval of the majority of the 27 board of directors and the
newly improved bylaws items will then read as follows:

15. A person elected as a Founding Executive's replacement is to be accountable
to the USA Parliament's one national executive who had first elected them
to the USA Bureau, and the election of their name may be annulled
by that same individual Founding Executive for any reason.

Founding Executives in some cases one person may hold more than one seat
on the All Party System Co., USA Bureau Board of Directors (BoDs). The special
case is for the five Founding Executives who may also serve as a Regular Executive
when elected to that position and thereby hold two seats on the board of directors (BoDs).
The Founding Executive who holds
such a second seat will have only one vote on matters of the board. No
other board members or Regular Executives may hold a second seat.
Founding Executives may not hold a seat on the Worker or Investor BoDs.
* * *


35. The Worker Board of Directors (or BoDs) are elected by the "Wish List Staff Nominees".
All Founding Executives, Regular Executives and Investor BoDs may also vote in such
elections. The Worker BoD elections end on July 5th of every year at 2:15 pm PST
and terms last for one year or until the name stands down or is disqualified.

All registered members including elected members, nominees, investors,
and volunteers may vote for free for the "Worker BoDs" in an election
cycle that begins with nominations on January 1st and ends on July 5th at the annual meeting and
approval of the bylaws.
* * *


42. The BoDs shall always consist of a maximum of a maximum of thirty-one names:
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all 31 BoDs
5 Founding Executives
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by USA Parliament MPs
5 Regular Executives
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all 31 BoDs
10 Worker BoDs
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all elected
"Wish List Staff Nominees", BoDs including Worker BoD nominees, Executives,
Investor BoDs and common stock/shareholders.
10 Investor BoDs
Elected by the top ten voting common stock/shareholders.
Total = 31 BoDs
* * *

43. The 31 elected board of directors (BoDs) must complete the following minimum
requirements in order to remain on the BoD. These requirements must be
completed by the dates listed or their name may be removed from the board of
directors, the company's records and web site.

All thirty-one BoDs;
-- accept being elected to the BoD prior to having their name listed on any ballot.
-- provide two methods of contact information prior to having their name listed on any ballot.
-- provide a completed biography form within 60 days after being elected at the annual
board of directors meeting on July 5th of each year.
Newly elected executives and board members have 60 days
to comply.

The true name of all Executives and BoDs must be used and
proof of such may be requested by the companies USA Bureau's
executives if/when a question arises as to the truth of the name.
* * *

44. Voting Requirements for Holders of Authentic Common Stocks/Shares

Buyers/holders/voters of common voting stocks must specify whether they wish
to be categorized under one of three categories:
a) an annual "Cost-free-voter" via e-ballot
b) "Paper Ballot Voter", registered as a voter using paper ballots
c) to be designated as "Non-voter" (no paper or eballot to be
provided by the All Party Sysytem Co. to non-voters.)

The Three Categories of Common Stock Shareholder Voters;
a) Cost-free-voter, b) Paper Ballot Voter and c) Non-voter

a) Authentic Voters; Cost-free-voter and b) Paper-ballot-voter
A authentic voter is one who votes for their own name or other names,
as consecutively ranked names and names as consecutively ranked names as back-ups,
using an cost-free eballot or a paper ballot (added costs)
and consecutive numerals beginning with the numeral "1" must be used.

Were any numerals or characters other than consecutive numerals beginning
with the numeral "1" is used, that vote is considered a vote to be declared
null, void and deemed democratically not legit.

a) Authentic Cost-free-voter = Voting via Email, Telephone or Facebook Messaging
(The marked eballots/votes are uploaded to the web site for the
verification purposes of the voter and all observers.)

b) Authentic Paper-ballot-voter = Voting on paper ballots only via postal service
(The marked paper/votes are uploaded to the web site for the
verification purposes of the voter and all observers.)

c) Non-Voter = Holder of Common Stock Does not Wish to Vote
(No marked eballots/votes are uploaded to the web site for the
verification purposes of the voter and all observers although non-voter
names may be listed on the site.)

Non-voters may hold common stock shares, but once a non-voter self-declares
and is identified by them and the APS Co.'s department of Investor Relations,
non-voters will not be contacted again after the one first time which
is at the time of the purchase of the share when the purchase agreement
is signed and the buyer had indicated whether they planned to be a non-voter (no voting)
or voter (voter equates to a #1 vote for their own name as "Investor BoD").

All Top Ranked Consecutively Ranked Voters, top to bottom, holders of "Common Stock Shareholder Voters"

The top holders of the common stocks shares who are self-categoriezed
as "authentic voters" in the description above will be contacted in consecutive
order, to complile the votes needed from them for electing the ten "Investor BoDs"
of the All Party System Co., USA Bureau.

Each top holder of common stocks, may elect their own name to the board
which is done by a nod through paper ballot, eballot, telephone, email, postal or other means.

A #1 Ranking May Be Used

Any vote for the common stock shareholder for their own name is considered
a #1 vote for their own name. Additional consecutively ranked names
may also be used but no such additional rankings have ever set precedents to
these matters as on 8/16/2015.
* * *

45. Proxy voting not permitted as of 8/16/2015.
Proxy voting as defined by the All Party System Co. is the
method of when another person is designated as the voter
in the stead of the person who actually owns the voting
common stock shares or vote by a person other than the
name that had been elected.
* * *

46. Elected BoDs must participate in the July 5th annual
teleconference call and/or sign the meeting's minutes
within the 60th day which follows the meeting or risk
being removed as BoD. This way, a majority of the
BoDs is guaranteed to approve the annual BoD meeting's

When a majority of the board members is not attained
for approving the company's bylaws, minutes, elections and/or agenda
by signing the annual July 5th board meeting's minutes,
even after board members not in compliance have been
eliminated from the board, then the lowest ranked
Investor BoDs and then Worker BoDs will be eliminated one at
a time until a majority for approving the minutes is achieved.
* * *

47. First the lowest ranked Investor BoD, then the lowest ranked
Worker BoD, each are alternated and no/zero consecutively ranked BoDs may
be automatically elected in their stead. The board members
are continually eliminated in a balanced manner until
the majority required for signing the meeting's minutes
is achieved.
* * *

48. Worker and Investor Board of Directors' (BoDs) Priorities and Resignations:

One of the unique traits of the All Party System Co. is the voting system
which tries to have a 50/50 balance between workers and investors in the company
whose balance is decided by the executives' votes. The Worker and Investor
BoDs comibine to elect the five Regular Executives.

Worker BoDs

Worker BoD nominations begin on January 1st, elections start on
March 1st and end on July 5th of each year,
with the annual board meeting on July 5th being the date where all
elections are finalized. Should Directors need to be eliminated
in order to approve the July 5th meeting's minutes, then once the
meeting's minutes are approved, the election of back-up names can be resumed.

The new names are automatically elected one week (seven days)
after the previously eliminated name is removed, provided that these bylaws had
been approved by a simple majority of board members.

All wish list elected volunteers, all board members, employees and holders
of common stocks who are correctly registered may vote for the Worker BoDs.

Investor BoDs

Any holder of common shares/stocks may elect their own name to the
ten seats on the board known as the "Investor BoDs" at any time
of the year and the top ten names who own the top ten numbers
of voting shares known as common stocks/shares are the first
to be elected provided they vote for their own name.

Each consecutively common stock holder may vote for their own name until all
ten "Investor BoD" seats are filled.

Only the top share holders need to be contacted by the vote counter,
starting from top to bottom of list of shareholders, but all
shareholders are welcomed to vote for all Worker and Investor BoD nominees
and this voting takes place for free online because of savings on postage and

The All Party System Co., USA Bureau is set up so that the top ten share
holders are ranked with the prioritization based on total shares owned.
But each "Investor BoD" may only have one vote on the board, on condition
that they agree to elect their own name there and that they provide the
biographical info. that we request.

Then the eleventh top common stock/share holder isn't on the board once
all ten "Investor BoD" seats are elected, because all ten seats are taken.

The eleventh name will "spill over" into the subsidiary countries such as
the International Bureau, the USA Sub-station Bureaus and other countries'

RESIGNATIONS: Once the holder of common stock resigns from the BoD, they will
not ever be contacted unless they specifically ask to be reinstated or when their name
is elected in another office or capacity other than as a Investor BoD. Once they
resign, they must contact the central office to have their name re-instated to the BoD
as a holder of common stock, when they wish to resume their duties and have their
name be returned to the BoDs. They only receive the one seat on the Investor BoDs
based on the rankings of the numbers of total share units they own/hold
and only when they accept and agree to have their name elected, and they must meet
all the requirements within 60 days after annual board meetings; providing their correct
name and mailing address is correct, accept the election of their name and
they provided the biographical information.
* * *


50. The period of procedure for removing BoDs who do not meet the requirements
and who will be eliminated from the elected "Workers' BoDs" will continue
until a majority of the BoDs who remain have met the required
guidelines. The elimination of names continues between the dates
of March 1st, July 5th, September 5th and December 31st of each year,
which are known as the primary attrition dates.

When names are eliminated, no new names for Worker or Investor BoDs are
elected from the next consecutively ranked names on the
marked ballot totals until the annual meeting's minutes are approved
by a simple majority. Once the minutes are approved following the
July 5th annual meeting, the Worker BoDs who had already been ranked
as the original nominees may be re-elected as Worker BoDs and
new Investor BoDs who provide the required vote and share purchase
may be elected.

The biographical information must be provided by
all board members within the 60-day requirement in order to be elected
or re-elected.
* * *

112. Only founding Executives need not attend annual board meetings
or sign. That's due to the very special cases of the founders' needs
in particular founder Tiffany Briscoe, who is disabled and unable

When items are approved as a simple majority by the board memers
who attend the annual July 5th board meeting, then the votes by those
in attendence are considered to be 100% approval.
The when signatures on the meeting's minutes are sought
by those not in attanedence, the number needed to approve
the new items are derived from the number of board members in attendence
plus those who sign the meeting's minutes within the 30-day period.
* * *

___ Proposed rule #196 shall read:

(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
(b) Roll Call.
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
(e) Ratification of prior Board actions.
(f) Report of officers.
(g) Reports of committees.
(h) Election of directors.
(i) Election of bylaws.
(j) Election of agenda.
(k) Miscellaneous business.
(l) Final Roll Call.
* * *

228. Elect a CEO by majority vote of all BoDs.
The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) will be paid a signing
bonus of 25,000 shares (preferred and/or common) and
will be charged with spearheading the process of both
business plan development and raising capital for
expansion of video and news projects. The CEO will be
elected and their name will posted above the five Executives
on the web page
The guidelines for the election of the CEO are outlined under the company's
bylaw item #187 and subject to a majority approval from the board:
Company Bylaws.

The elected CEO will be subject to a one-year probation
period and the allotment of shares is prorated by month to month (i.e. 1000 shares upon being elected and 2000 shares a month payable in full at end of year provided the CEO is not unelected by the board of directors before first anniversary after being elected.

Should the CEO be unelected before the full year then the board of directors may vote on how many shares to pay the CEO beyond the original signing bonus of 1000 shares.

Once elected, the CEO must provide the biographical information to the
company office within 60 days.
* * *