USA Bureau / USA Bureau Minutes 7/5/2013
All Party System Co. USA Bureau Minutes 7/5/2013
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Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2013
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USA Bureau Minutes 7/5/2013
Meetings held via teleconference call on Sunday, July 5th 2013 from noon to 12:22 pm
CALL TO ORDER by company president Norman Mickey
PROOF OF SERVICE Norm asked about proof of service and the company's initiator
James Ogle said that an email or phone call was made to all board of directors exactly
30 days ahead of the meeting which gave the time and conference call and was made on
June 5th, 2013.
ROLL CALL: Present was Jim Dolye, James Ogle, Norm Mickey, Mary K., Benjamin
Meiklejohn, Dexter Redland
OPENING STATEMENT BY NORM MICKEY: Company President Norman Mickey opened the meeting
expressing why he is involved and elected president of the company. It's because
he's interested in what is "ethical and good". He said, he sees the time spent by
politicians on raising money and "campaigning" instead of "doing what's needed" as harmful.
REPORT BY OFFICERS: Company Treasurer James Ogle reported that a special half price on
donation value for company shares was in effect for the day during the meeting.
No donations secured.
ELECTION OF DIRECTORS: Elected by the eballot voting under ranked choice voting
are the following USA Bureau Officers and Directors:
Founding Executives
James Ogle
Benjamin Meiklejohn
Vanessa Davis
Larry Carter Center
Tiffany Briscoe
USA Bureau Volunteer Executives
President Norm Mickey
Vice President Jay Keniston
Treasurer James Ogle
Secretary Tiffany Briscoe
Ethics & Grievances Officer Misha Bogatirev
Worker Board of Directors
BoD Jim Doyle
BoD Jen Kiran
BoD Colia Clark
BoD Daniel Stromgren
BoD Lydia Kelemen
BoD Dexter Redland
BoD AJ Dittmar
BoD Scott Perry
BoD Pat LaMarche
BoD Zachary Gordon
Donor Board of Directors
BoD Lucifer Samael Ciccone
BoD Rhett Smith
BoD Claire McHugh
ELECTION OF BYLAWS: No objections, bylaws 1-217 elected.
ELECTION OF AGENDA: tally of top twelve funding projects to be announced after
meeting is adjourned and the votes are counted by vote counter James Ogle.
MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS: Stament by Mary K. saying she was pleased to participate
and by Dexter Redland saying he was beginning to appreciate the difference between
the political USA Parliament and the business All Party System Co. and that
they should remain separate.
FINAL ROLL CALL: No new names.
46. Elected BoDs must participate in the July 5th annual
teleconference call and/or sign the meeting's minutes
within the 60th day which follows the meeting or risk
being removed as BoD. This way, a majority of the
BoDs is guaranteed to approve the annual BoD meeting's
If you were not listed as a participant in the meeting by way of the
roll call in these minutes, then please sign these minutes to show
that you are in agreement with the results of them.
Thank you very much. If you'd like to see a copy of the agenda
and/or the company's bylaws which are both posted online, please
give us a call and we will send you the hyperlink to them or else
mail a paper copy if you prefer the paper compy.
Very truly yours,
--James Ogle, company initiator
(831) 383-1409
I the undersigned, agree by signing here below, that I am in agreement
with the meetings results. I understand that this is the first annual
board of directors meeting of the All Party System Co., and that all
the items listed in this document are true and correct.
Signed ________________________________________________________
Print Name ____________________________________________________
Date ___________________________________
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