USA Bureau / USA Bureau Agenda

All Party System Co. USA Bureau 1/4/2015 Meeting's Minutes to Be Signed

All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 7/5/2014 to 1/5/2015
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 1/5/2015 to 12/31/2015
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 11/2/2015 to 12/31/2016
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2013
Meeting's Minutes from 1/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 1/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/3/2016

USA Bureau Virtual Board Room
Facebook Page

Proposed Items on Agenda approved at for 1/4/2015 conference call must now be
signed by seven Board Members (BoDs) since four were present on conference call.
To be approved by a majority, 11 of the 20 BoDs, must now sign the minutes.

Sign here

Print name here

_____/_____/ 2015
Date Here

Return Postal Address
651 Cannery Row, B-18
Monterey, CA 93940
(831) 383-1409

(a) Calling of the meeting to order, done by James Ogle.
(b) Roll Call, done by James Ogle.
Present were James Ogle, Dorothy Collins, Ralph Beach and Jim Doyle.
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
James Ogle provided proof of notice of meeting on or before 12/3/2015
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
(e) Report of officers.
James Ogle reported that 28 members have signed up since RESOLUTION NUMBER 1 passed.
(f) Reports of committees.
(g) Election of directors.
President Dorothy Collins, Vice President Scot Olewine, Treasurer Mahmoud Assaf,
Secretary James Ogle and Ethics & Grievances Officer Tony Jones, all elected.
(h) Election of bylaws.
All bylaws approved in consecutive order (see below)
(i) Election of agenda.
All agenda items approved in consecutive order (see below)
(j) Miscellaneous business.
(k) Final Roll Call.
Present were James Ogle, Dorothy Collins, Ralph Beach and Jim Doyle.

Under current bylaws online at:
we hereby approve by ranking all the following aganda items.

(g) Election of directors.
Approve all elected Executives

1 Agenda item D) Correction of meetings minutes
to include confirmation of item H
which is to be approval of proposed
bylaws. That item, item H of bylaw
line #196 had been ommitted from
meeting's agenda minutes.

2 Update improvements to International
Bureau which include "phase one" and "phase
two". "Phase one" of the plan to launch the new
entity begins with approval of this item at the
company's special meeting on January 4th 2015
and the raising of the money for creating
such an entity. The time frame for phase one
will be to continue the process until enough
$5000. is raised. "Phase two" begins once the
entity is establishment but not before an
office is opened and secured for the project's business
location. The proposed guidelines/bylaws
for the new International Bureau have the ten
Founders' names written in and there will be
shares distributed to all the board members
should the company be set up successfully.

3 Approve the filings of Forms S-1, to
be filed by elected USA Bureau Secretary
James Ogle soon after January 5th meeting with
the Federal Securities & Exchange Commission,
as a first step for acquiring a ticker
symbol for APS Co.
The S-1 filing will be a signal for IPO and it
is understood these shares can't be re-sold
by the buyers until after March 15, 2015.

4 Schedule the IPO for July 6th, 2015
pending we acquire an underwriter or
a broker for such IPO.

5 Approve the sale price of the company's
shares to "free float" to market value.
By doing that it's expected that the
price of the company's ahares could
fluctuate anywhere between $0.01 and

6 Discuss proposed soccer league
and annual raffle as fund-raisers.

7 Discuss proposed party on March
15th 2015 when shares can be sold to
outsiders without restrictions in some
states including California, Florida
and Louisiana.

8 Authorize the offering of 120,000
shares of a combination of preferred
and common shares for sale during
fiscal year 2015 at a rate of 12,000
a month or a maximum of 500 shares
per any business day.

9 Bylaw item #35 will be updated in by this agenda vote to correctly spell
word "stands" as fifth to last word instead of "stand".

10 Bylaw item #48 will be updated in by this agenda vote to have the
following sentence added to the beginning of the bylaw item, replacing the words "48. Investor BoD Resignations:
"48. Investor BoD Priorities and Resignations:
Once elected, the seat that the Investor BoDs holds will remain a
priority over a Worker BoD seat election which otherwise would elect the
Investor BoD as a Worker BoD, on election which fall on same board at a later date."
48. Investor BoD Resignations: Once the holder of common stock resigns from the BoD, they will
not ever be contacted unless they specifically ask to be reinstated or when their name
is elected in another office or capacity other than as a Investor BoD. Once they
resign, they must contact the central office to have their name re-instated to the BoD
as a holder of common stock, when they wish to resume their duties and have their
name be returned to the BoDs. They only receive the one seat on the Investor BoDs
based on the rankings of the numbers of total share units they own/hold
and only when they accept and agree to have their name elected, and they must meet
all the requirements within 60 days of being elected; providing their correct
name and mailing address is correct, they accepted the election of their name and
they provided the biographical information.

11 Bylaw item #50 will be updated by this agenda vote to have the
following sentence added to the bylaw item:
When names are eliminated, new names for Worker BoDs are
elected from the next consecutively ranked names on the
marked ballot totals for previously unelected Worker BoDs
who qualify to be elected next in line. Only Worker BoDs
nominees are to be re-elected as Worker BoDs and only
Investor BoDs are to be re-elected as Investor BoDs.
The new names are automatically elected one week (seven days)
after the previously eliminated name is removed.

12 Bylaw item #67 will be updated by this agenda vote to corrected
to say "Worker BoDs may be nominated" instead of just "BoDs".
The revised rule #67. will read:
for Worker BoDs may begin to be nominated. The previous lists are
deleted, new names may or may not be from previously nominated names
from the preceeding year(s), but the nominations of the new names
must be accepted for the new election cycle by the nominee to qualify.
When names resign, then the marked eballot for Executives that had been
cast from that person is deleted from the records and when the name
is re-elected they must accept their name being elected and vote again.

13 Bylaw item #71 will be updated by this agenda vote to clarify who may vote
for the five Execitives and Baord Members.
Here is the current wording:
Only elected wish list nominees, elected board of directors, elected donors,
holders of common stocks (investors) and founding directors may vote within
the All Party System Company. New people may self-nominate and vote for
their own name in any election.
Here is the new wording:
Any person may nominate their own name or another's name for Executive.
Only the elected board of directors; The ten Worker BoDs, ten Investor BoDs,
current Executives, new nominees for Executives and Founding Executives
may vote, within the All Party System Co., for the five Executives.

14 Bylaw item #98 will be updated by this agenda vote to clarify
the time frame for being elected as one the five Execitives
by the addition of the following sentence to the item:
"Once the voting totals are approved at a company's official meeting
by a majority of board members then the Executives have 48 hours
to pick which seat they want. Should they miss this 48-hour time
frame then the next highest ranked name picks instead and the
Executive whose name was passed over may return to pick the
seat on a future date."

15 Bylaw item #114 by this agenda vote will triple the pay of shares to Executives:
Here is the current wording:
114. The pay scale for Regular Executives
and for Worker BoDs will be;
President - 45 shares a month*
Vice President - 30 shares a month*
Secretary - 30 shares a month*
Treasurer - 30 shares a month*
Ethics & Grievances Officer - 15 shares a month*
Worker BoDs - 2 shares a month*
*Plus 100-unit signing bonus
Here is the new wording:
114. The pay scale for Regular Executives
and for Worker BoDs will be;
President - 135 shares a month*
Vice President - 90 shares a month*
Secretary - 90 shares a month*
Treasurer - 90 shares a month*
Ethics & Grievances Officer - 45 shares a month*
Worker BoDs - 2 shares a month*
*Plus 100-unit signing bonus