USA Bureau / USA Bureau Agenda
All Party System Co. USA Bureau 1/5/2014 Meeting's Minutes
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 7/5/2014 to 1/5/2015
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 1/5/2015 to 12/31/2015
All Party System Co.'s Bylaws 11/2/2015 to 12/31/2016
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2013
Meeting's Minutes from 1/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2014
Meeting's Minutes from 1/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/3/2016
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USA Bureau Meeting's Minutes for 1/5/2014
Founding Executives:
Exec Benjamin Meiklejohn (5/28/2013)
Exec Vanessa Davis (4/15/2013)
Exec Larry Carter Center (4/2/2013)
Exec Tiffany Briscoe (10/22/2012)
Exec James Ogle (10/22/2012)
Volunteer Executives:
President Norm Mickey [Peace & Freedom]
Vice President Janine Kloss [Libertarian]
Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
Treasurer Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
Ethics & Grievances Officer Tony Jones [Libertarian]
Volunteer Worker BoDs:
BoD Jim Doyle [Republican]
BoD Colia Clark [Green]
BoD Liz Haemmel [Peace & Freedom]
BoD Gina DAndrea [Democrat]
BoD Joshua Angell [Socialist]
BoD Sue Edward [Green]
BoD Paul Holman [Independent Democrat]
BoD Richard Rodrigues [Aqua Tangerine]
Volunteer Donor BoDs:
BoD Dawn Pierce [Pink]
BoD Rocio Espanza [Pink]
BoD Ernest Wells [Communist]
BoD Ralph Beach [Libertarian]
BoD Rhett Smith [First Freedom]
BoD Rich [Democratic]
BoD Ralph Hoffmann [Republican]
CALL TO ORDER: By company president Norman Mickey
ROLL CALL: By company president Norman Mickey
Present were Norm Mickey, Jim Doyle and James Ogle
Three minutes of free speech time for all participants
James Ogle: APS Co. has ordered coffee & nut samples from Hawaii for our wholesale line.
PROOF OF SERVICE: By company secretary James Ogle; Postage mailings to all share holders, emails,
facebook messages and phone calls were also made notifying all BoDs of the time and phone number
of the conference call.
APPROVAL AND/OR CORRECTIONS OF LAST MEETING'S MINUTES: Reading of last meeting's minutes on 7/5/2013 (Approved)
7/5/2013's Minutes online
DONOR BOD ELECTIONS: Voting for new Donor BoDs - None
VOTE OF CONFIDENCE: Call for votes of confidence of the five executives - No new votes
AGENDA ITEMS FOR VOTE: Reading and votes for each agenda item results in the following totals
Voting Records for Agenda Items
Blank Eballot
1,1,1 Require all executives and founders of the USA Bureau to provide their bio information
within three months of being in that position. Non-compliance will result in being de-listed
as a board member. They must use the company's bio form and transmit the information
via U.S. mail or other means.
2,2,2 Have the APS Co. pay a performance incentive of
five shares of common to APS Co. President/Author Norm Mickey
which will be the number of common stocks to the writer of
the mission statement "Democratic decisions by ranked choice
voting". (Five shares = 5/10,000th units before split)
5,7,5 Reward of 1 unit of a 1/10,000th share for BoDs in compliance with bio form
submission with February 21st, 2014 being the deadline for compliance.
6,3,10 DEVALUATION COMPENSATION: Three categories of share buyers/holders are to be compensated
on PPM due to tremendous losses by our biggest supporters; "CASH, NON-CASH and PENNIES", buyers.
CASH - Those who paid cash can swap dollar-paid for dollar-selling-price on insider bids.
NON-CASH - Those holding 1/10,000 units who did not pay cash for purchase get no special treatment.
PENNIES - Those paying cash in pennies may swap penny-paid for penny-selling-price or get a refund.
(Those are those buying during the test-marketing period between 12/20/2013 to 1/5/2014)
Bylaws Change for July 5, 2014 To be Implemented by This Agenda Upon Approval and Effective Immediately
11,5,14 Required contact information will include at a minimum of two of the three following
methods as a requirement of all board members; U.S. mailing address, phone number
and email address. All three are preferred and exceptions will be made when
the board members provide a reason as to why only one contact method is available.
Bylaws Change for July 5, 2014 To be Implemented by This Agenda Upon Approval and Effective Immediately
12,4,15 All board members will have contact information to all other board members.
Bylaws Change for July 5, 2014 To be Implemented by This Agenda Upon Approval and Effective Immediately
13,6,16 The Treasurer's duties will include access to all banking records and will be
expanded to include transparency.
3,3 The board agrees to four splits which take place as needed, based on supply, by filing an amendment
to the company's corporate charter. Adjustments in numbers can be made at the July 5th, 2014
annual board meeting/conference call. The share splits will end on 12/31/2014
1st split 10-for-1 = then sell 80 common shares (> 1 shares a day in 90 days) at $5.00 + or -
2nd split 10-for-1 = then sell 800 common shares (> 10 shares a day in 90 days) at $5.00 + or -
3rd split 10-for-1 = then sell 8000 common shares (> 100 shares a day in 90 days) at $5.00 + or -
4th split 10-for-1 = then sell 80,000 common shares (> 100 shares a day in 180 days) at $5.00 + or -
Total 341,500 units (or 34.15 shares before splits) Round off to 8 shares/cycle
4,4 Allot only one unit (1/10,000ths before any split) of common shares to
all executives and founders of the International Bureau.
7,7 The Board delegates the authority for the company's filer James Ogle to file notice of
Regulation D, rule 506 (c) with the Securities and Exchange Commission the private stock offering
as a Private Placement Memorandum (PPM) and with any of the 50 state's securities regulation
agency where sales take place.
8,8 Establish subscribers who buy $1.00's worth of shares (using numbers for 10,000-for-1 split) every day of the
year at a costof $365./year. That way shares are guaranteed to have a buyer every day for one year.
Bids which are higher than the subscribers bid will always purchase only the daily allotment.
Subscribers daily bid money applies only to each day's bids and future daily
purchases only when the money is received within 30 days.
9,11 Set a limit at 1/11th (9%), plus one share, of the 49% allotted for the APS Co. to sell.
The combined total of common and preferred shares permitted to be purchased and owned by
any and all of the elected Directors of the USA Bureau at any point in time shall never
exceed [490 X 9% (plus 1 share) = 44.10 + 1 share].
Note: Excess shares currently held in excess of 9% (plus one share) by James Ogle once this
item is passed are put for sale on the insider bids web page waiver wire.
Insider bids web page will have a disclaimer and contact information for buyers.
10,12 Award the company's first 39 holders of penny credits one common stock share(s)
and consider all of them among the founders on the date when shares are valued
equivalent to a price one cent per 10 million shares on 12/23/2013.
6 Write terms of a stock sale, take a board vote authorizing the offering.
This shall be recorded in the board meeting minutes and retained
to verify the legitimacy of the stock offering. Start sales at $.40 cents
and increase the price by 20% every month in order to reach a price of $5. by
year's end, December 31st, 2014.
9 The sale of common and preferred stock should start once the PPM is registered
and will continue through the next annual board of directors meeting on July 5th or
until all units of the available 8.33% total shares are completely sold or exhausted.
Continuation of the 8.33 annual sales rate in the second
half of 2014 and each following year is automatic unless changes in bylaws
or agenda takes place which outline different rates. The number of shares
to be offered during the year 2014 will be 18 units of common (before a split)
in the first six months of 2014 and 18 shares of common in the last six months of 2014.
13 Any donor who requests a transfer of penny credits into shares, and the
reverse of shares into penny credits, may do so as long as the value is
even, one-for-one. However certain costs to the company for
maintaining the web page, accounting, postage and other costs shall be
covered by the member and/or trader in cases when recovering the costs are requested.
* * *
In additional comments;
One ballot will be sent to all BoDs for voting.
The meeting's minutes must be signed by a majority of BoDs for
items with a majority vote to be considered approved.