SEC Ministry / APS Co., International Bureau, Bylaws Approved 4/16/2017
All Party System Co. APS Co., International Bureau, Guidelines Approved 9/27/2017
All Party System Co. International Bureau Virtual Boardroom
All Party System Co. International Bureau Text Version of Virtual Boardroom
APS Co., USA Guidelines Approved 9/27/2017
All Party System Co., IB (International Bureau) Guidelines Approved 9/27/2017
Meeting's Minutes 4/16/2017
Meeting's Minutes From 7/23/2017
Proposals for 2018 Meeting
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This (E)Ballot Elects the Corporate Charter for the All Party System Co., International Bureau (IB)
Official Eballot Vote Online Now
Contact the All Party System Co. to obtain paper ballot.
Simultaneously elects All Bylaw Items for Corporate Charter for the All Party System Co. International Bureau (IB)
Bylaws to Remain into Perpetuity
Directions to Voters
Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message
addressed to vvc at allpartysystem dot org. Mark your choices and send.
Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside
your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on.
You may rank as many choices as you please. Do not put the same
figure beside more than one choice/name.
Copy, paste and email the marked eballot to:
<------cut here, email to unitedcoalition at international-parliament dot org------>
___ _________________________________________________(write in)
___ _________________________________________________(write in)
___ _________________________________________________(write in)
1. ESTABLISHED, April 29th, 2013 by Jen Kiran [Taoist]
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2. The All Party System Co., International Bureau (IB) will experience three
phases of growth; PHASE ONE, PHASE TWO and PHASE THREE.
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Phase One which begins with adoption of these bylaws when approved by a
majority of the All Party System Co., USA Bureau, by the USA Bureua's Directors
at a special meeting on January 4th 2015.
Phase One Bylaws - All further language in these bylaws will refer
to the International Bureau as an entity owned and operated by the All
Party System Co., USA Bureau, until such a time when the costs for
opening as a separate entity are realized, Phase Two and Phase
Three can be successfully implemented.
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4. PHASE TWO - 9/23/2017
Phase Two begins after the signers for making these improvements
have put the ink to the paper for the APS Co.'s 9/23/2017 meeting's minutes
and consists of opening an international store which will be run by a
board of directors to be known as "All Party System Co., International Bureau",
APS Co., "IB" and/or International Store". Under Phase Two, a bank is
opened outside the USA, with CEO and President as signers.
Under Phase Two, bank accounts and office are secured.
Registered Office Under Phase Two
Registered Office and Registered Agent: The registered office of the
corporation shall be located in the State of Delaware at such place as may
be fixed from time to time by the Executives upon filing of such notices
as may be required by law, and the registered agent shall have a business
office identical with such registered office.
Other Offices
The Corporation may have other offices within or outside
of the State of Delaware at such place or places as the Executives may
from time to time determine.
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No longer may nominees for Worker BoDs be able to vote for their
own name. Only elected volunteers (AKA "Wish List Staff Nominees")
and board members may vote in all APS Co. elections.
Require new "Wish List Staff Nominees" of APS Co. to provide their proof of ID,
when their name is nominated and before their own vote can be added
to the voting for BoDs. for USA and all Bureaus.
Require new nominees for Worker BoDs, Executives and Investor BoDs of APS Co.
to provide their proof of ID and biography form prior to their being able to vote for
BoDs. for USA and International Bureaus.
Raise the requirements for joining APS Co.-IB (International Bureau) and all other subsidiary
provinces and countries to the same standards as the APS Co., USA.
The BoDs shall always consist of a maximum of a maximum of thirty-one names:
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all 31 BoDs
5 Founding Executives
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by USA Parliament MPs
5 Regular Executives
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all 31 BoDs
10 Worker BoDs
Accountable to perpetual "Vote of Confidence" by all elected
"Wish List Staff Nominees", BoDs including Worker BoD nominees, Executives,
Investor BoDs and common stock/shareholders.
10 Investor BoDs
Elected by the top ten voting common stock/shareholders.
Total = 31 BoDs
a. The 31 elected board of directors (BoDs) must complete the following minimum
requirements in order to remain on the BoD. These requirements must be
completed by the dates listed or their name may be removed from the board of
directors, the company's records and web site.
All thirty-one BoDs;
-- Accept being nominated and/or elected to the BoD prior to having their name listed on any ballot.
-- Provide two methods of contact information prior to having their name listed on any ballot.
-- Provide their true name which must be used and
proof of such may be requested by the companies USA Bureau's
executives if/when a question arises as to the truth of the name.
-- Provide Biography Form as described in item.
b. Biography Forms (AKA Bio Forms)
Elected board of directors (BoDs) must provide a completed biography form within
90 days after being elected to the All Party System Co., USA Bureau BoDs.
A blank biography form will be mailed in the same envelope with the quarterly
meeting's minutes. An optional online digital biography form will be
created by the members of the executive.
When a name is eliminated for not providing the complete biographical information,
the name(s) which had been eliminated may be re-elected and a new 90-day cycle
of requiring the biographical information will begins again on after the meeting
where the name was elected and recorded in the meeting's minutes.
Once elected, the CEO must provide the biographical information to the
company office within 90 days.
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(One Year After Establishment of the five-member Executive)
The All Party System Co. elects five Regular Executives,
as a five-member at-large national district.
The Election Times and Schedule for the Regular Executives is based
on Pacific Standard Time.
APS Co. Meetings may only be scheduled by 3/5ths vote of the five "Execs".
When the nominations of a BoD commences, an election
schedule may be announced once approved by the majority of the elected executives.
The schedule timeline will consist of one week of nominations for BoDs,
one week of elections for BoDs, one week of nominations of executives
and finally one week of elections of executives. Such elections must take
place within the four-week span of one month, and each cycle begins on
Sundays at 1 a.m. and ends Saturday at 11 pm of each week.
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Phase Three is the act of incorporation where all of the board members elected to the team by votes cast, then automatically become registered as the board of directors (BoDs) of the new corporate entity. Phase Three is for breaking away from the USA Bureau, where the "IB" becomes an entity as a self-standing international corporate entity, not necessarily to be located inside the USA, or registered as a USA corporate entity.
Forty-six Names - When Phase Three is implemented, all the names
(up to forty-six names) serving on the Board of Directors are to be
designated under the following categories;
Original Ten Founding Executives,
Ten Founding Executives,
Ten Worker BoDs,
Ten Investor BoDs,
Five Regular Executives,
Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
These names shall each receive .1% (1/10th of one percent) of the shares/stocks (one share for each one-thousand shares), in the first issuance of shares should that ever be fulfilled.
8. VOTING: All voting consists of three subjects being voted on
in an ongoing vote which will be compiled on a month to month basis:
a) The election of names to be elected which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV).
b) The election of the bylaws which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV).
c) The election of items on the agenda which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV).
9. Mission Statement
The mission statement will be developed and improved by being the first
item to be listed on and agenda which will be subject to a perpetual
vote and the top ranked version elected by the 36 board of directors
will be the version which will be edited into the bylaws. The first mission
statement will be;
"The All Party System System Co.'s International Bureau" is a company
which raises money through business activities to pay the vote counters
who are counting the votes for the International Parliament. The
money raised will also be used to pay for internet hosting costs,
news media equipment and all other personnel and material
costs which are deemed relevant to promoting the unifying pure
proportional voting system and fair elections for all participants
The officers of the corporation shall consist six main categories
and up to forty-six names, all of whom all hold votes on decisions, until
Phase Two is implemented at which time the "Original Ten Founding Executives"
will no longer hold votes on Board of Directors but whose names will
remain in the company's bylaws.
The Six Categories:
Original Ten Founding Executives,
Ten Founding Executives
Ten Worker Board of Directors (Worker BoDs)
Ten Investor Board of Directors (Investor BoDs)
Five Regular Executives
One Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
The "Original Ten Founding Executives" (August 10th, 2014)
These are the first ten names elected as executives in the "First International
Parliament's Executive Vote of Confidence" which ended on August 10th 2014 and those
ten names will always be:
Equality Chair Cathy Bilsky [Ubuntu] USA (10/2/2013)
Ombudsman Kristy Knight [Consciousness] USA (7/14/2014)
Ombudsman Heli Tattari [Respublica of Earth] Earth (7/1/2014)
President Haji Ajmal Shamali [Independent] Afghanistan (9/18/2013)
[Seat Title] Nikhil Chakma [Jumma indigenous people, Chittagong Hill Tracts] Bangladesh (8/10/2014)
Ombudsman Ian Luckett [Respublica of Earth] UK (7/2/2014)
Intelligence Director Ernest Wells [Communist] USA (5/2/2013)
Vice President James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] USA (9/18/2013)
Ombudsman Gary Jordon [Respublica of Earth] Earth (6/29/2014)
General Secretary Renil Chakma [Social Worker] Bangladesh (8/10/2014)
The "Original Ten Founding Executives" do not hold a vote in decision-making
and that lowers the total votes to up to 36 voters instead of up to 46 voters
on the board of directors (BoDs). The ten Original Ten Founding Executives
are considered neither voters nor BoDs of the IB, leaving a maximum of 36 names.
The "Ten Founding Executives"
The elected "Ten Executives" of the International Parliament are the "Ten Founding Executives", and they will always consist of up to ten names (except in rare cases of ties). In the International Parliament of course, the Ten Executives are always subject to a "vote of confidence", and so the ten names who are the "Ten Founding Executives", can change at anytime the votes cast by the Members of International Parliament Assembly caused change.
The Ten Founding Executives, shall always retain control of 51% of all of the company's stocks which may never be sold.
The Ten Founding Executives of the APS Co., IB, must always be the same names as the ten
executives of the International Parliament. When names change in the International
Parliament's Ten Executives, the same changes happen simultaneously on the APS Co., IB's
ten Founding Executive seats.
The Ten Executives from the International Parliament are invited to elect their own name(s)
to the All Party System Co., IB.
Each of the International Parliament's Ten Founding Executives may elect a replacement for
their own name should they not accept the election of their own name for one of
the ten seats of the Ten Founding Executives of the All Party System Co., IB.
A person elected as a Founding Executive's "replacement" is to be accountable
to the International Parliament's one executive who had first elected them
to the International Bureau, and the election of their name may be annulled
by that same individual Founding Executive for any reason.
The Ten Founding Executives of the USA Bureau of
the All Party System Co. will control all stocks, shares and banking for
all levels and districts of the All Party System Co., International and
Founding Executives in some cases may hold more than one seat
on the All Party System Co., IB, Board of Directors (BoDs). The special
case is for the Ten Founding Executives who may also serve as a Regular Executive
when elected to that position and thereby hold two seats on the board of directors (BoDs).
The Founding Executive who holds a second seat will have only one vote on matters of the
board. No other board members or Regular Executives may hold a second seat.
Founding Executives may not hold a seat on the Worker or Investor BoDs or CEO, only
as Founding Executive and Regular Executive do two seats and one vote apply.
To Here on 9/27/2017 (see 17ib-a-ranked for full document)
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