APS Founding Execs / USA Bureau
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Investor BoDs Ranking Based on Common Stock Holdings (Updated on 11/21/2017)
NOTE: All shares listed below and all shares assigned after to the 4-for-1 share split
approved for 1/1/2018, the totals below after the split was updated as of 1/19/2018.
Investor BoD Ernest Wells [Communist] - 2300 common shares
Investor BoD Dr. Haitham Durbie [Humanity] - 1792 common shares
Investor BoD Rana Sandlin [Independent] - 820 common shares
Investor BoD Frank-Michael Hensel [NWP] - 448 common shares (Unelected on 10/7/2018)
Investor BoD Laura Frustaci [Info. Not Avail.] - 412 common shares (Eliminated on 1/23/2018, must now provide biography form and three agreements prior to being elected)
(elected on 2/2/2018 after reciept of agreement froms and bio form) (Unelected on 10/7/2018)
Investor BoD Ivon Ramzi [Info. Not Avail.] - 412 common shares,
must now provide biography form and three agreements prior to being elected), (Eliminated on 1/23/2018,
elected on 2/6/2018 after reciept of agreement froms and bio form) (Unelected on 10/7/2018)
Investor BoD Dorothy Atkinson [Democratic] - 160 common shares (Elected on 10/8/2018)
Investor BoD Rhett Smith [Free Democratic] - 92 common shares (Elected on 10/8/2018)
Investor BoD Ralph Hoffmann [Republican] - 44 common shares (Elected on 10/8/2018)
Investor BoD Ralph Beach [Independent] - 36 common shares (eliminated on 2/6/2018, elected 2/7/2018 to 10/7/2018) (Unelected on 10/7/2018)
Investor BoD Wayne Christopher [Pastafarian] - 964 common shares (Eliminated on 1/23/2018, must now provide biography form and three agreements prior to being elected)
Investor BoD Francesco D'Alassandro [Info. Not Avail.] - 8 common shares (Eliminated on 2/2/2018)
Three New All Party System Co. (APS) Investor BoDs Elected on 11/6/2017
Investor BoD Jenni Woodward [Gandhian Green] elected on 11/6/2017 (Declined approx. 11/13/2017)
Investor BoD Stan [Info. Not Avail.] elected on 11/6/2017 (Declined approx. 11/13/2017)
Investor BoD Starchild [Libertarian] elected on 11/6/2017 (Agreement to pay 400 share bonus for Starchild to serve as Investor BoD,
failed to send bio form) - 400 common shares
Worksheet notes on 10/24/2017 (Prior to share split of 1/1/2018)
Amount to shares $260. (10/13/2017) / .58 = 448
Dr. Haitham Derbieh
$140. (10/14/2017) / .58 = 241
Wayne Christopher
Amount to shares $60. (7/25/2017) / .58 = 103
Rana Sandlin
Amount to shares $60. (9/25/2017) / .58 = 103
Ivon Ramzi
Amount to shares $60. (9/25/2017) / .58 = 103
Laura Frustaci
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