USA Bureau / Vote Totals for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives
All Party System Co. Vote Totals for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives
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Nominations for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives Who Have Accepted
August 8th, 2016
Jeffrey Drobman nominated by James Ogle, accepts, on 8/8/2016
August 8th, 2016
James Ogle [Republican]
Ernest Wells [Communist]
Tony Jones [Libertarian]
Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
Samael Clemens [Atheist]
Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
Harry Snell [Demogod]
John Spencer [Liberty]
Rhett Smith [Free Democratic]
Misha Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
Dorothy Collins [Democratic] accepted on 12/16/2014
Scot Olewine [Republican - Green Energy] accepted on 12/16/2014
Nadine Squires [One] accepted on 12/17/2014
King Damian [One] accepts nomination on 12/20/2014
Gino Joubert [Info. Not Avail.] accepted nomination on 12/20/2014
Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic] accepted nomination on 12/26/2014
Tim McClellan [Republican] accepted nomination by Scot Olewine on 1/5/2015
Solomon Timothy [Independent Green Energy] accepts nomination on 3/28/2015 and declined on 1/21/2016
Edlira Zeka [Democratic] accepts nomination on 5/23/2015
Amy Winter [Earth Federation] accepts nomination on 11/22/2015
Dr. Tony Sunil Verma [Earth Federation] accepts nomination on 11/25/2015
Phillip Vella [Earth Federation] accepts nomination on 11/28/2015
Kiran Kapoor [Info. Not Avail.] accepts nomination on 12/4/2015
Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic] accepted nomination on 12/4/2015
Sam Halabi [Democratic] accepted nominate via Edlira Zeka on 12/11/2015
Angelo Toyas nominated by Edlira Zeka before 12/7/2015 and accepted nomination on 12/31/2015
Anthony Fernandes [Republican] nominated by Vice President James Ogle on 1/23/2016
Mark Herd [Libertarian] nominated by James Ogle, accepts, on 4/25/2015
Jeffrey Drobman nominated by James Ogle, accepts, on 8/8/2016
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Nominations for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives Who Have Not Confirmed to Have Accepted
Samael Clemens' [Athiest] vote cast on 3/8/2014
Tiffany Briscoe's on 3/25/2013
Jim Doyle [Republican] (4 tics, sum 32) (stands down on 12/7/2015)
James Le Sage [Humanitarian] (8 tics, sum ) (stands down on 12/7/2015)
Scot Olewine [Republican - Green Energy] (3 tics, sum 7) (stands down before 12/7/2015)
Dorothy Collins [Democratic] (2 tics, sum 4)(stands down before 12/7/2015)
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