USA Bureau / Eballots Cast for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives
All Party System Co. Eballots Cast for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives
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Eballots Cast for APS Co.'s USA Bureau Executives
Votes by Elected BoDs for Executives, Factored Into Totals on 2/23/2018, count by James Ogle
Dawn Pierce voted on for APS Co. Exec election on 2/23/2017 as follows:
1 Nadine Squires [One]
2 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
3 Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
4 Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
5 Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
6 Kristy Knight [Consciousness]
7 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
8 Sam Halabi [Democratic]
9 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
10 Jim Doyle [Republican]
* * *
James Ogle's eballot cast on 2/18/2018 for Executives
1 Jeff Drobman
2 Anthony Jamison [Info. Not Avail.]
3 Jim Doyle
4 James Ogle [Republican]
5 Nadine Squires [One]
6 Buck Rogers [Conservative]
* * *
From: Fredi Tia Date: 2017-06-26 06:05
Date: 2017-06-24 05:22
Date: 2017-06-23 09:51
Date: 2017-06-23 08:39
Date: 2017-06-22 18:53
BoD Buck Rogers [Conservative] voted for APS Co. Execs on 10/20/2016 via facebook as follows:
Investor BoD Jim Doyle [Republican] voted via telephone on 10/19/2016:
On 10/10/2016 Tony Jones [Cool Moose] voted for Execs as folows:
Rocio Esparza [Pink] voted via word of mouth on 8/9/2016:
Miss Joy Waymire voted on 8/9/2016 via telephone for Exces as follows:
Ralph Beach's eballot cast on 4/8/2015 for Executives
Vanessa Davis' vote for Executives via facebook on 4/2/2016:
Date: 2016-01-09 05:21
Founding Executive Benjamin Mieklejohn voted on 12/17/2015 as follows:
Ernest Wells' marked eballot for executives
Subject: APS Co. Ballot
Date: 2014-12-18 09:27
*Names elected into Regular Executive positions are removed from the BoDs so that
** Founding Executives elected to Worker and Donor BoDs are
Votes being eliminated (Updated on 9/28/2017)
Edlira Zeka [Democratic] voted on 8/8/2016 as follows:
Dulci Neri [Pink] voted via word of mouth on 5/28/2015:
Executive nominee Rozana Kollcaku Voted on 12/18/2015 for APS Execs via facebook as follows:
Nadine Squires [One] voted via facebook on 4/8/2015
Sam Halabi voted on for APS Co. Exec election on 12/27/2015 as follows:
Subject: EBALLOT Re: executiveelection
Worker BoD Pamela Elizondo's [Green] ballot for Execs via telephone on 6/15/2016:
To: unitedcoalition
__1_ James Ogle [Republican]
__2_ Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
__3_ Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
__4_ Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
__5_ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
__6_ Ernest Wells [Communist]
__7_ Jim Doyle [Republican]
__8_ Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
__9_ Germaine Stewart [Liberal]
_10__ Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
__11_ Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
_12__ Solomon Timothy [Independent Green Energy]
_13__ Ralph Hoffmann [Republican]
* * *
From: Lakhbir Singh Sokhi
_1__ Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
_2__ James Ogle [Republican]
_3__ Nadine Squires [One]
_4__ Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
_5__ Lakhbir Singh Sokhi
_6__ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
7_ Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
_8_ Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
_9__ Jim Doyle [Republican]
_10__ Ernest Wells [Communist]
_11__ Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
_12__ Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
_ 13 Sam Halabi [Democratic]
* * *
1___ James Ogle [Republican]
2___ Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
3___ Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
4___ Nadine Squires [One]
5___ Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
6___ Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
7___ Jim Doyle [Republican]
8___ Ernest Wells [Communist]
9___ Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
10___ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
11___ Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
12___ Sam Halabi [Democratic]
13___ Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
* * *
From: zamble arsene
1 James Ogle [Republican]
2 Ernest Wells [Communist]
3 Buck Rogers [Conservative]
4 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
5 Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
6 Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
7 Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
8 Sam Halabi [Democratic]
9 Jim Doyle [Republican]
10 Nadine Squires [One]
11 Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
12 Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
13 Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
* * *
From: Melanie Nguessan
1) James Ogle [Republican]
2) Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
3) Buck Rogers [Conservative]
4) Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
5) Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
6) Ernest Wells [Communist]
7) Jim Doyle [Republican]
8) Nadine Squires [One]
9) Sam Halabi [Democratic]
10) Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
11) Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
12) Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
13) Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
* * *
From: Jeff Drobman
_1__ Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
_2__ James Ogle [Republican]
_3__ Jim Doyle [Republican]
_4__ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
__5_ Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
_6__ Nadine Squires [One]
_7__ Ernest Wells [Communist]
__8_ Sam Halabi [Democratic]
__9_ Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
_10__ Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
* * *
__1_ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
__2_ James Ogle [Republican]
__3_ Anthony Jamison [Humanitarian]
__4_ Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
__5_ Jim Doyle [Republican]
__6_ Ernest Wells [Communist]
__7_ Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
_8__ Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
* * *
1 Jim Doyle [Republican]
2 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
3 Nadine Squires [One]
4 James Ogle [Republican]
5 Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic]
6 James Le Sage [Humanitarian]
7 Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
8 Germaine Stewart [Liberal]
9 Anthony Jamison [Info. Not Avail.]
10 Kiran Kapoor [Info. Not Avail.]
11 Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
12 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *
1 Tony Jones [Cool Moose]
* * *
1 Edlira Zeka [Republican]
2 Sam Halabi [Democratic]
3 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *
1 Amy Winters
2 Rozana Kollcako
3 Tony Jones
4 Kiran Kapoor
5 Jim Doyle
6 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *
1 Nadine Squires [One]
2 Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic]
3 Anthony Jamison [Info. Not Avail.]
4 James Ogle [Republican]
5 James Le Sage [Humanitarian]
6 Germaine Stewart [Liberal]
7 King Damian [One]
8 Tony Jones [Libertarian]
9 Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
10 Jim Doyle [Republican]
* * *
1 James Ogle
2 Nadine Squires
3 James Le Sage
4 Mahmoud Assaf
5 Anthony Jamison
6 Sam Halabi
* * *
From: Frank-Michael Hensel
To: ""
_1__ James Ogle [Republican]
_2__ Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
_3__ Nadine Squires [One]
_4__ Kristy Knight [Consciousness]
_5__ Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
_6__ Kiran Kapoor [NWP]
_7__ Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
_8__ Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
_9__ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
10__ Ernest Wells [Communist]
11__ Germaine Stewart [Liberal]
12__ King Damian [One]
13__ Solomon Timothy [Independent Green Energy]
14__ Tony Jones [Republican]
15__ Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic]
16__ Anthony Jamison [Info. Not Avail.]
17__ Samir Halabi [Democratic]
18__ Tony Verma [Earth Federation]
19__ Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
20__ Angelo Toyas [Democratic]
* * *
1_ Nadine Squires [One]
2_ Ernest Wells [Communist]
3_ Vanessa Davis
4_ Amy Winter [Earth Federation]
5_ Tony Verma [Earth Federation]
6_ Kristy Knight [Consciousness]
7_ Solomon Timothy [Independent Green Energy]
8_ Rob Roberts [Libertarian]
9_ Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
10_ Buck Rogers [Conservative]
11_ Tony Jones [Republican]
12_ James Ogle [Republican]
13_ Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic]
* * *
1. Ernest Wells
2. Dorothy Collins
3. Nadine Squires
4. James Ogle
5. Anthony Jamison
* * *
Date: 2014-12-25 11:13
From: Alan Reynolds
__1_ Dorothy Collins [Democratic]
_2__ James Ogle [Republican]
_3__ Scot Olewine [Republican - Green Energy]
_4__ Ernest Wells [Communist]
* * *
From: "Ralph Hoffmann"
__1_ James Ogle [Republican]
_2__ Ralph Hoffmann [Unity]
_3__ Jim Doyle [Republican]
__4_ Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
__5_ Scot Olewine [Republican - Green Energy]
* * *
they will have only one seat/vote on the 30-member BoDs which consists of
five Regular Executives, five Founding Executives, ten Worker BoDs and ten Donor BoDs.
automatically eliminated but may remain on the Regular Executives.
* * *
1 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
2 James Ogle [Republican
3 Sam Halabi [Democratic]
4 Jeff Drobman [Democratic]
5 Rozana Kollcaku [Democratic]
* * *
1 Edlira Zeka [Republican]
2 Nadine Squires [One]
3 James Ogle [Republican]
4 Mahmoud Assaf [Democratic]
5 James Le Sage [Humanitarian]
6 Anthony Jamison [Info. Not Avail.]
* * *
#1 Edlira Zeka
#2 James Ogle
#3 Samir Halabi
#4 Mahmoud Assaf
#5 Rozana Kollcaku
* * *
1. James LeSage,
2. James Ogle,
3. Nadine Squires
4. Gino Joubert
5. Anthony Jamison
* * *
1. Edlira Zeka
2. James Ogle
3. Samir Halabi
4. Anthony Jamison
* * *
Date: 2016-01-27 02:16
From: anthony fernandes
To: ""
* * *
1 Edlira Zeka
2 James Ogle
3 Sam Halabi
4 Anthony Jamison
5 Roz Kollcaku
6 Jim Doyle
* * *
Mark Herd [Libertarian] voted 8/10/2016 via telephone:
1 Mark Herd [Libertarian]
2 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *