USA Bureau / USA Bureau Agenda
All Party System Co. CEO Detailed Records from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
CEO Detailed Records from 7/5/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 10/4/2015
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 1/10/2016
All Party System Co.'s Approved Guidelines for 1/10/2016
Meeting's Minutes proposed for 4/10/2016
Votes for Agenda for Meeting's Minutes proposed for 4/10/2016
USA Bureau Virtual Board Room
Facebook Page
The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) will be paid a signing
bonus of 25,000 shares (preferred and/or common)
Meeting's Minutes from 7/5/2015
Share Certificate #:
No known shares owing for 2017 CEO term.
Share Certificate #:
The CEO's annual salary will be paid in shares and will be 1,000 shares.
Company Bylaws from 1/1/2018
Share Certificate #:
The CEO purchased 100 shares at $254. ($194., plus $60. transaction fee), Paid by PayPal on 11/30/2017
Authorized sale 1/15/2018
Share Certificate #:
* * *
The July 5th 2015 Agenda and Ratification of Previous Business
Proposed Items on Agenda approved on 7/5/2015 annual meeting/conference call.
See vote totals
All board members, executives are asked to please sign below to approve
the meeting's minutes and once a simple majority of 13 of the 24 board members
sign, then the agenda is considered approved.
Please sign and return post to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, California 93950
(831) 747-5863
Sign here
Print name here
_____/_____/ 2015
Date Here
Return Postal Address
1213-C Forest Ave.
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
(831) 747-1313
Meeting's Minutes by James Ogle on 7/5/2015
(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
By Secretary James Ogle at 2:15 pm on 7/5/2015
(b) Roll Call.
Present Were:
USA Bureau Workers BoD Jim Doyle [Republican]
USA BureauTreasurer Anthony Jamison [Decline to State]
USA BureauSecretary James Ogle [Republican]
International Bureau Investor BoD Liz Haemmel [Peace & Freedom]
* * *
(c) Proof of notice of meeting (or filing of waiver).
Two of those present didn't receive the notice; Jim Doyle and Anthony Jamison.
But James Ogle did email all board members and also set facebook
invitation page, more than 30 days prior to meeting.
It's noted Jim Doyle was phoned morning of meeting and he
in turn phoned Liz Haemmel and other members/affiliates.
* * *
(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
Item skipped to save time and approved by all present.
* * *
(e) Report of officers.
One report was about the Money Club by Jim Doyle
and a second report was about the privious day's
USA and International Parliament Picnic/Convention
by Anthony Jamison.
* * *
(f) Reports of committees.
* * *
(g) Election of directors.
Approved election of:
BoD Kristi Knight [Consciousness] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Alan Reynolds [Whig] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Dawn Pierce [Pink] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Germaine Stewart [Liberal] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Jim Doyle [Republican] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Ernest Wells [Communist] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Solomon Timothy (Green Energy Independent) elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Dulce Neri [Pink] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD King Damian [One] elected on 7/5/2015
BoD Rocio Esparza [Pink] elected on 7/5/2015
* * *
(h) Election of bylaws.
See vote totals
* * *
(i) Election of agenda.
Marked Eballots for July 5th Agenda
Vote Totals from Doyle, Jamison and Ogle on 7/5/2015
Guidline #35, Jamison 1, Doyle 2, Ogle 3 - Approved (3 tics, sum 6)
Guidline #228, Jamison 2, Doyle 1 - Approved, Table for Three to Six Months (2 tics, sum 3)
Write-in Guidline #229, Jamison 3 - Fails (1 tic)
Original Writing Proposed Rules and Rule Changes
_1,2,3__ Proposed rule #35 shall be amended with a second paragraph which shall read
as follows (current first paragraph of item 35. included below):
35. The Worker Board of Directors (or BoDs) are elected by the "Wish List Staff Nominees".
All Founding Executives, Regular Executives and Investor BoDs may also vote in such
elections. The Worker BoD elections end on July 5th of every year at 2:15 pm PST
and terms last for one year or until the name stands down or is disqualified.
Establish dues-paying memberships and rewards for varying contribution levels and all
dues-paying members and members elected for free may vote on names nominated for Worker BoDs
between the dates of March 1st (rule #68) and July 5th of each year.
___ All Wish List Staff Nominees may vote for Worker BoDs (free)
___ All Investor BoDs may vote for Worker BoDs (free)
___ All Founding Executives, Regular Executives and CEOs may vote for Worker BoDs (free)
___ All Associate Memberships may vote for Worker BoDs ($10. annual fee)
Gets a packet explaining the Organization, add the to to the monthly email update and
may only buy things in the store for the level they bought and the get a ten percent discount;
a APS sticker and a Tee Shirt.
___ All Full Memberships may vote for Worker BoDs ($30. annual fee)
May only buy things in the store for the level they bought and the get a ten percent discount;
same as Associate Member plus a hat and something else.
___ All Members paying $100. will receive one year membership on International Parliament as Senator (optional).
___ All Members paying $500. will receive four years of membership on International Parliament as Senator (optional).
___ All Accredited Investors may vote for Worker BoDs (purchase of common stocks required)
* * *
_2,3__ Add Proposed rule #228 (after #227) shall read:
228. Elect a CEO by majority vote of all BoDs.
The CEO (Chief Executive Officer) will be paid a signing
bonus of 25,000 shares (preferred and/or common) and
will be charged with spearheading the process of both
business plan development and raising capital for
expansion of video and news projects. The CEO will be
elected and their name will posted above the five Executives
on the web page
The guidelines for the election of the CEO are outlined under the company's
bylaw item #187 and subject to a majority approval from the board:
Company Bylaws.
The elected CEO will be subject to a one-year probation
period and the allotment of shares is prorated by month to month
(i.e. 1000 shares upon being elected and 2000 shares a month payable
in full at end of year provided the CEO is not unelected by the
board of directors before first anniversary after being elected.
Should the CEO be unelected before the full year then the
board of directors may vote on how many shares to pay the CEO
beyond the original signing bonus of 1000 shares.
* * *
Proposed rule #229 shall read:
_3__ 229. Review of going public and stock sales.
Cease and desist all activities relating to going public.
Do not go public until the company is ready to go public.
* * *
(j) Miscellaneous business.
Quarterly conference calls beginning in October 2015 and extending to April 2016
were suggested and approved for consideration and implementation.
* * *
(k) Final Roll Call.
Present Were:
USA Bureau Workers BoD Jim Doyle [Republican]
USA BureauTreasurer Anthony Jamison [Decline to State]
USA BureauSecretary James Ogle [Republican]
* * *