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USA Cabinet

The Five Executives' "Votes for Cabinet"

The Cabinet

Press Secretary Karena Apple Feng [Independent] ___1,1,7 (3 tics, sum 9) Karena Apple Feng [Independent] p-7 USA, California, San Francisco County, San Francisco ss7

NOTE of Executive Vote: Assigned Vice Chair on 2024-2-14 https://usparliament.org/

Depuy Press Secretary

Peace Minister Jim Doyle [Republivan] __3,28,7 (3 tics, sum 38)__ Draft for 3rd String Back-up for US Vice President in 2024 Investor BoD: Jim Doyle [Republican] p-7 USA, CA, Contra Costa Ct., Maraga ss7

NOTE of Executive Vote: Picked Deputty Vice Chair of USA Parliament on 2024-2-24 https://usparliament.org/

Depuy Peace Minister

Vote Counting Minister James Ogle [One] __2,14,54 (3 tics, sum 70) James O. Ogle [One] p-7 USA, North Carolina ss2

NOTE of Executive Vote: Picked Vice Secretary of USA Parliament on 2024-2-14 https://usparliament.org/

Depuy Vote Counting Minister

Government Reduction Minister Rana Maria Sandlin [Common Wealth] __2,1 (2 tics, sum 3)__ Rana Maria Sandlin [Common Wealth] p-7 USA, Ohio ss4

NOTE of Executive Vote: Assigned Secretary on 2024-2-14 https://usparliament.org/

Deputy Government Reduction Minister

Small Business Administration Minister Nikki Haley [Republican] __3,3 (2 tics, sum 6)__ Draft for US President in 2024 Draft for US President in 2024 Nikki Haley [Republican] p-7 USA, South Carolina ss3

Deputy Small Business Administration Minister

Foreign Affairs Minister Anna Koskinaris [Independent] __1,18 (2 tics, sum 19)__ Draft for US Vice President in 2024 Anna Koskinaris [Independent] p-7 USA

Deputy Foreign Affairs Minister

Research and Science Minister __2,19 (2 tics, sum 21)__ Davids Castro [Democratic] p-7 USA, Georgia ss3

Deputy Research and Science Minister

Defense Minister __4,20 (2 tics, sum 24)__ Draft for 3rd String Back-up for US Vice President in 2024 Robert F. Kennedy [Independent] p-7 USA, California ss7

Deputy Defense Minister

FEMA Minister __5,19 (2 tics, sum 24)__ Worker BoD: Roy J. Kendall [USS Liberty] royjkendall@hotmail.com p7 USA, California ss7

Deputy FEMA Minister

Interior Minister __22,9 (2 tics, sum 31)__ CEO: Jeremy David [Libertarian] p-7 USA

Deputy Interior Minister

Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Minister __23,10 (2 tics, sum 33)__ CEO: Ozzie Marizan [Libertarian] p7 USA

Deputy Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) Minister

Labor Secretary __36,45 (2 tics, sum 81) __ Draft for US Vice President Christine Macie Lenz [Comedian] p-7 USA ss7

Deputy Labor Secretary

Housing and Urban Development Minister Mary Kay Ivvanetich [Republican] p-7 USA, California ss7

Deputy Housing and Urban Development Minister

Health and Human Services Minister Sassy Cass [Info. Not Avail.] p-7 USA, California ss7

Deputy Health and Human Services Minister

Intelligence and Security Minister __10,27 (e tics, sum 37) __ Worker BoD: Draft for US Senate Anthony Jamison [Info Not Available] USA, CA, Monterey Ct., Seaside ss7

Deputy Intelligence and Security Minister

Independent Expenditure Minister __12,29 (2 tics, sum 41)__ Investor BoD: Bob Watkins [Info. Not Avail.] rlwatkins@gmail.com p-7 USA, Alabama ss3

Deputy Independent Expenditure Minister

Mediation Minister ___24,18 (2 tics, sum 42)__ Worker BoD: Marion Davenport [Info. Not Avail.] marionstanley070@gmail.com p7 USA, Georia ss3

Deputy Mediation Minister

Treasury Minister ___38,6 (2 tics, sum 44)__ Draft for US President in 2024 Kim Ruff [Libertarian] p-7 USA, Arizona ss8

Deputy Treasury Minister

Families, Housing, Community and Indigenous People Minister ___44,9 (2 tics, sum 53)__ Draft for US Vice President in 2024 Larry Elder [Republican] p-7 USA, CA ss7

Deputy Families, Housing, Community and Indigenous People Minister

Environment Czar Keith Cato [Independent] p-7 USA

Deputy Environment Czar ___47,7 (2 tics, sum 54)__ Draft for 3rd String Back-up for US Vice President in 2024 Charles Schaefer [Democratic] p-7 USA, WA ss8

Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Minister ___40,15 (2 tics, sum 55)__ Sarah Rivard [Libertarian] p-7 USA, Maine ss1

Deputy Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Minister

Global Foreign Affairs Minister ___8,48 (2 tics, sum 56)__ Draft for US Senate Caryn Ann Harlos [Libertarian] p-7 USA, Colododo ss5

Deputy Global Foreign Affairs Minister

Federal Maritime Commission Minister ___25,12 (2 tics, sum 37)__ Worker BoD: Rocio Esparza [Pink] p7 USA, California, Monterey County, Salinas ss7

Deputy Federal Maritime Commission Minister

Securities & Exchange Minister ___26,13 (2 tics, sum 39)__ Worker BoD: Zion Davenport [Info. Not Avail.] p7 USA ss3

Deputy Securities & Exchange Minister

IRS Minister ___27,23 (2 tics, sum 50)__ Worker BoD: Tra Crews [Green] traherncrews@gmail.com p7 USA ss5

Deputy IRS Minister

Federal Elections Commission Minister ___28,28 (2 tics, sum 56)__ Draft for US President in 2024 Worker BoD: Taylor Swift [Democratic] p-7 USA, Tennassee ss1

Deputy Federal Elections Commission Minister

Justice Minister ___53,4 (2 tics, sum 57)__ Draft for US President in 2024 Treasurer: Tony Jones [Reform] tonyjonesinri@gmail.com p-7 USA, Rhode Island ss1

Deputy Justice Minister

Agriculture Minister ___13,49 (2 tics, sum 62)__ Eda Zeka [International Parliament] p-11 Albania

Deputy Agriculture Minister

Economics Minister ___38,25 (2 tics, sum 63)__ Worker BoD: Macy K. Kay Ivanetich [Republican] p-7 USA, CA, Contra Costa Ct., Walnut Creek ss7

Deputy Economics Minister

Federal Communications Commissioner Minister ___33,31 (2 tics, sum 64)__ Investor BoD: Paul Holman [Libertarian], paulholman@live.com, p-7 USA ss7

Deputy Federal Communications Commissioner Minister

Evict Corporate Influence Minister ___34,36 (2 tics, sum 70)__ Judicial: Sully Sullivan [Libertarian] p-7 USA

Deputy Evict Corporate Influence Minister

Arts & Culture Minister ___37,35 (2 tics, sum 72)__ Judicial: John Arnold [Libertarian] p-7 USA

Deputy Arts & Culture Minister

Federal Trades Commission Minister ___17,55 (2 tics, sum 72)__ Draft for US Senate Ethics and Grievances Officer: John Hudak [Libertarian] p7 USA, Florida ss3

Deputy National Council on Disability Minister

General Services Administration Minister ___31,42 (2 tics, sum 73)__ Ana Iverson [Info. Not Avail.] p-7 USA ss7

Deputy General Services Administration Minister

Speaker Minister ___32,45 (2 tics, sum 77)__ Joe Allioto [Democratic] p-7 USA, Monterey Ct., Seaside ss7

Deputy Speaker Minister

Federal Reserve System Minister ___29,51 (2 tics, sum 80)__ US Senator Susan Collins [Republican] p-8 USA, Maine ss1

Deputy Federal Reserve System Minister

Social Security Administration (SSA) Minister ___39,41 (2 tics, sum 80) Annette Mullaney [Comedian] p-7 USA

Deputy Social Security Administration (SSA) Minister

States Rights Minister ___35,46 (2 tics, sum 81)__ Draft for US Senator Ann Armstrong [Info. Not Avail.] p-7 USA, Rhode Iseland ss1

Deputy States Rights Minister

TransportatioTransportation Ministern Minister ___30,52 (2 tics, sum 82)__ US Senator Angus King [Independent] p-8 USA, Maine ss1

Deputy TransportatioTransportation Ministern Minister

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister ___39,14 (2 tics, sum of 93)__ Draft for US Vice President in 2024 Heather Horst [Democratic] p7 USA, Nebraska ss8

Deputy Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister

Human RighHuman Rights Minister ___40,58 (2 tics, sum 98)__ CEO: Brian Ellison [Libertarian] p7 USA

Deputy Human RighHuman Rights Minister

Constitutional Law Minister ___6__ Javier Mileo [Libertarian] p-8 Argentina

Deputy Constitutional Law Minister

Energy Minister ___8__ Vice President: Gan Veronica [SG PAP] ganveronica24@yahoo.com.sg p-12 Republic of Singapore

Deputy Energy Minister

Veterans Affairs Minister ___11__ Founding Executive: Secretary General IP Senator Frank-Michael Hensel [New World Party (NWP)] p-11 Germany

Deputy Veterans Affairs Minister

Environmental Minister ___12__ Founding Executive: Jennifer Naidu [Women Empowerment and Education] p-3 & p-4 India

Deputy Environmental Minister

Attorney General Minister ___13__ Founding Executive: Arvind Kumar Sharma [NWP] p-3 & p-4 India

Deputy Attorney General Minister

Platform Minister ___14__ Founding Executive: Nadine Squires (AKA Kwan Tera) [One] p-7 Canada ss9

Deputy Platform Minister

Supreme Electoral Council Minister ___15__ Founding Executive: Dr. Haitham Durbie [Humanity] p-10 Lebanon

Deputy Supreme Electoral Council Minister

United States Postal (USP) Minister ___16__ Founding Executive: Turkan Ergor [Peace] tur35kan@hotmail.com p10 Turkey

Deputy United States Postal (USP)

Internal Affairs of the Senate Minister ___17__ Founding Executive: Elvira Pulcine [Info. Not Avail.] p10 Italy

Deputy Internal Affairs of the Senate Minister

CIA Minister ___22__ Worker BoD: Dr. Jean-Yves Metayer-Robbes [New Humanism] contact@comitefrance2022.fr p11 France

Deputy CIA Minister

BATF Minister ___26__ Worker BoD: Draft for US President Donald Trump [Republican] p-7 USA, FL ss3

Deputy BATF Minister

Education Minister ___30__ Investor BoD: Anna Canetti [Libertarian] Radical Vying for Insurance Commissioner p-7 USA ss7

Deputy Education Minister

AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Minister ___32__ Investor BoD: Ivon Ramzi [Info. Not Avail.] ivonramzi@hotmail.com p-11 Italy

Deputy AMTRAK (National Railroad Passenger Corporation) Minister

Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Minister ___33__ Judicial: Mareille Mohr [New Humanist] p-11 France

Deputy Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Minister

Native American Affairs Minister ___34__ Judicial: Pamela Elizondo [Green] (Vote cast on 2022-10-10) p-7 USA, CA, Humbolt Ct. ss7

Deputy Native American Affairs Minister

Homeland Security Minister ___37__ Judicial: Josh Hilditch [Libertarian] p-11-5-1 United Kingdom

Deputy Homeland Security Minister

Commerce Minister ___41__ Svetlana N. Boginskaya [Libertarian] p-7 USA, Illinois ss4 Picked Chair on 2020-2 https://usparliament.org/

Deputy Commerce Minister

Secretary of State Minister ___50__ Rose Kolkaku [Info. Not Available] p-11 Albania

Deputy Secretary of State Minister

Farm Credit Administration Minister ___56__ CEO: Dr. Michel Tia [New World Party (NWP)] fredi1tia@gmail.com p-5 & p-6 Africa, Ivory Coast

Deputy Farm Credit Administration Minister
* * *

NOTE: The following names are expected to get ranked before 2024-8-31 to qualifybfor Cabinet.
Updated here on 2024-3-26

Depuy Vote Counting Minister Rich Stevenson [Green]

Keith Cato [Independent] p-7 USA

Housing and Urban Development Minister Mary Kay Ivvanetich [Republican] p-7 USA, California ss7

Health and Human Services Minister Sassy Cass [Info. Not Avail.] p-7 USA, California ss7
* * *

Elector's Name and Date of Current Voting Records (Updated on 10/15/2020)
(See past history of votes at bottom of page)

United Coalition USA Electors Current Vote Totals for Five Executives

James Ogle [One]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.]
2 Jess Mears [Libertarian]
3 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
4 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
5 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
6 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green]

Vote for Secretary
1 Caryn Harlos [Libertarian]
2 James Ogle [One]
3 Jo Jorgensen [Libertarian]
4 John Richard Meyers [Life and Liberty] MT jr@johnrichardmyers.com
5 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
6 Brian Ellison [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules (10/7/2019)
1 E-APS-2 Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for USA Parliament
* * *

Mark Herd [Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Mark Herd [Libertarian]
2 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
3 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]

Vote for Secretary
1 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
2 James Ogle [One]

Vote for Rules (10/7/2019)
1 E-APS-2 Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for USA Parliament
* * *

Jeff Drobman [Democratic]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.]
2 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
3 Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic]
4 James Ogle
5 Alan Reynolds
6 Benjamin Meiklejohn
7 Marianne Williamson [Democratic]

Vote for Secretary
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
2 Caryn Harlos [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules (10/8/2019)
1 E-APS-2 Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for USA Parliament
* * *

Kevin Clark [Green Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.]
2 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
3 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
4 Jess Mears [Libertarian]

Vote for Secretary
1 Caryn Harlos [Libertarian]
2 Jo Jorgensen [Libertarian]
3 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules
1 Proposed rules 2014 Increases USA Parliament to up to 10,000 MPs
and Super-state Parliaments to up to 1,000 MSPs.

* * *

Jim Doyle [Republican]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.]
2 Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic]
3 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
4 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
5 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
6 Jess Mears [Libertarian]

Vote for Secretary (9/28/2019)
1 Jo Jorgensen [Libertarian]
2 Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green]
3 James Ogle [One]
4 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
5 Caryn Harlos [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules (10/7/2019)
1 E-APS-2 Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for USA Parliament
* * *

Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
2 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)

Vote for Secretary
1 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules
* * *

Tue, Jan 28, 2020 at 6:58 PM
Ben Mieklejohn [Green Independent] voted by email benjamin.meiklejohn@maine.edu

Vote for Prime Minister
#1 _Jennifer Woodward
#2 __Ben Meiklejohn
#3 ___Sedinam Curry

Vote for Secretary
#1 ___Madea Benjamin
#2 ___Ben Meiklejohn
#3 Sedinam CurryRules
* * *

Rhett Smith [Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic]

Vote for Secretary
1 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
* * *

Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green]
Vote for Prime Minister
1 Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green]
* * *

Larry Skwarczynski [Green]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Mark Herd [Libertarian]

Vote for Secretary
1 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
* * *

Mike Bogatirev [Environmentalist]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Nadine Squires [One]
2 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
3 Mark Herd [Libertarian]

Vote for Secretary
1 James Ogle [One]
2 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]

Vote for Rules (4/7/2015)
1 proposed rules2014c (#s 1-138)
* * *

Ralph Beach [Independent]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Nadine Squires [One]
2 Ralph Beach [Independent]
3 Mark Herd [Libertarian]
4 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
5 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
6 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
7 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]

Vote for Secretary (6/25/2018)
1 James Ogle [One]
2 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]
3 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]

Vote for Rules (2/4/2016)
1 proposed rules 2016a
* * *

Richard Winger [Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
Vote on 6/25/2016
1 Edlira Zeka
2 Lenora Fulani
3 Harry Kresky
4 Nancy Ross

Vote on 4/8/2011
1 Jackie Salit
2 John Opdyke

Vote for Rules
Vote on 6/25/2016
1 proposed rules 2016a
* * *

Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
2 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
3 Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
4 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]

Vote for Secretary
1 James Ogle [Republican]
2 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]
3 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
4 Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
* * *

Zachary Scott Gordon [Free Parliamentary]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
2 Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
3 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]

Vote for Secretary
1 James Ogle [Republican]
2 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]

Vote for Rules (10/22/2014)
1 proposed rules2014c (#s 1-138)
* * *

PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 PRAVDA McCroskey
2 Jeffery Drobman
3 Vanessa Davis
4 Miss Joy Waymire

Vote for Secretary
1 James Ogle
2 Benjamin Meiklejohn

Vote for Rules 7/26/2012
1 proposed rules33 (#1-36)
* * *

Alan Reynolds [Whig]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *

John Goya [Republican]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *

Gregg Fritchle [Democratic]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
* * *

Lawrence Samuels [Purple Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Tiffany Briscoe
2 Jim Doyle
3 Miss Joy Waymire
4 Gail Lightfoot
5 Mary J. Ruwart

Vote for Secretary
1 Dorothy Collins
2 Mosheh Thezion
3 Jim Doyle
4 Rhett Smith
5 Vanessa Davis

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules 2014a Rule 35 ties the cost of a one-time Donor MP fee to same cost as APS Co. shares
* * *

Herb [Aqua Tangerine]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jennifer Woodward [Gandhian Green]
2 Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules 2013a prohibiting anon and avatars in Cabinets in rules #28 & #32
* * *

Harry Snell [Demigod]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jennifer Woodward [Gandhian Green]

Vote for Rules
1 Proposed rules 2014 Increases USA Parliament to up to 10,000 MPs
and Super-state Parliaments to up to 1,000 MSPs.

* * *

Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Benjamin Meiklejohn
2 Tiffany Briscoe
3 Nicole Briscoe
4 Joan Briscoe

Vote for Secretary
1 Vanessa Davis
2 James Ogle

Vote for Rules
1 Proposed rules 2014 Increases USA Parliament to up to 10,000 MPs
and Super-state Parliaments to up to 1,000 MSPs.

* * *

Haywood L. Holst [Democratic]

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules34 (AKA #1-34 w/#17 changed)
* * *

Virgil Hales [Green-Pot-Christ]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jill Stien
2 Roseanne Barr
3 Tiffany Briscoe
4 VD Hales
5 Miss Joy Waymire
6 Ralph Beach
7 Chelene Nightingale
8 Christine Smith
9 Mary J. Ruwart
10 Ned Roscoe
11 Victor Cantu
12 PRAVDA McCroskey

Vote for Secretary
1 Mosheh Thezion
2 Jim Doyle
3 Tiffany Briscoe
4 Kristi Stone
5 Vanessa Davis
6 Jimmy Ogle
7 Daniel Vovak

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules34 (AKA #1-34)
2 proposed rules36a (#1-36a)
* * *

Jacob Covich [Anti-Revolutionary]

For Prime Minister
1 Joy Waymire
2 Tiffany Briscoe
3 Rhett Smith
4 Cindy Sheehan

For Secretary
1 James Ogle
2 Mosheh Thezian
3 Jill Stein
* * *

Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules4 (#1-36)
* * *

David Frey [Socialist]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 David Frey

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules4 (#1-36)
* * *

David Olkkola [Democratic]

Vote for Secretary
1 Jacob Covich

Vote for Rules
1 proposed rules4 (#1-36)
* * *

Victor Cantu [Democratic]

Vote for Rules
1 current rules (#1-34)
* * *

Gary Swing [Green]

Prime Minister
1 Winona LaDuke
2 Stephen Colbert
3 Roseanne Barr

1 Medea Benjamin
2 John Stewart

Vote for Rules
1 current rules (#1-34)
2 Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
* * *

Don Grundmann [Constitution]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Nathan Sorenson
* * *

Gabriella Douglas [Libertarian]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 PRAVDA McCroskey
2 Victor Cantu

* * *

Rob Elliott [Independent]

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Charles Bruce Stewart
2 Rob Elliott
3 George Nelson
4 Dennis Peron

Vote for Secretary
1 James Ogle
2 David Olkkola

Vote for Rules
* * *

Eric Stevenson

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Rob Elliott
2 George Nelson
3 Dennis Peron

Vote for Secretary
1 Michael Badnarik
2 Jimmy Ogle

Vote for Rules
* * *

Marcellius Smith

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Jimmy Ogle
2 Pat Buchanan
3 Thomas Leavitt

Vote for Secretary
1 Fox Grigor

Vote on Rules
* * *

Dale Gieringer

Vote for Prime Minister

Vote for Secretary
1 Jimmy Ogle

Vote on Rules
Yes (3/18/2006)
* * *

Joseph Rogers

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Steve Kubby

Vote for Secretary
1 Jimmy Ogle
* * *

Laura Booth

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Nathan Brown

Vote for Secretary
1 Jimmy Ogle
* * *

Nathan Brown

Vote for Prime Minister
1 Igor Chudov

Vote for Secretary
1 Jimmy Ogle
* * *

New guidelines require Exces to pick one of five seats, top vote getter picks first starting 6/18/2020

Electors' Vote Totals Electing the Five Executives:
Chair, Vice Chair, Deputy Vice Chair, Secretary and Deputy Secretary

Chair Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
(5 tics, sum 9) (elected 2/5/2020 to 2/18/2020, elected 2/18/2020)
Vice Chair James Ogle [One]
(18 tics, sum) (elected 8/9/2019)
Deputy Vice Chair Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
(6 tics, sum 17) (elected 2/18/2020)
Secretary Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
(7 tics, sum 14) (elected 7/21/2018 to 8/28/2019, elected 2/18/2020)
Deputy Secretary Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent]
(6 tics, sum 26) (elected 1/30/2020 to 2/21/2020, elected on 3/7/2020)
* * *

Electors' Vote Totals Electing the Five Executives
(Updated 6/25/2020 when new precedent took effect for one-chair executive)

1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.]
* * *

MPs' Vote Totals Electing the Five Executives
(Updated 3/7/2020 to 6/25/2020 when new precedent took effect for one-chair executive)

Vote for Prime Minister

1,1,2,2,1,1,4,7,4 Jeff Drobman (9 tics, sum 23) (Elected on 11/14/2014 to 2/18/2020) Stands down on 2/18/2020
4,2,2,2,5,2 Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA) (6 tics, sum 17) (elected 2/18/2020 to 6/17/2020)
2,4,2,3,3,5 Joy Waymire [Anarchist] (RIP) (6 tics, sum 19)
4,6,1,6,2,6 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent](6 tics, sum 26) (elected 1/30/2020 to 2/21/2020, elected on 3/7/2020)
3,5,3,1,3 Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian] (5 tics, sum 9) (elected 2/5/2020 to 2/18/2020, elected 2/18/2020)
2,1,2,2,3 Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] (5 tics, sum 10) (unreachable)
3,3,1,1, Mark Herd [Libertarian] (5 tics, sum 14) (elected 7/20/2018) (tied on 8/28/2019 to 8/28/2019, elected 2/21/2020 to 3/7/2020)
1,1,1,1 Dulap Nelson [Info. Not Avail.] (4 tics, sum 4)
6,3,4,3 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] (4 tics, sum 16) (declined)
1,1,1 Jennifer Woodward [Gandhian Green] (3 tics, sum 3)
2,3,1 Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic] (3 tics, sum 6) (elected on 8/28/2019 to 2/5/2020)
6,1,1 Edlira Zeka (3 tics, sum 8) (Stands down)
2,4,6 Jess Mears [Libertarian] (3 tics, sum 12)
1,12,1 PRAVDA McCroskey (3 tics, sum 14)
1,1 Nadine Squires [One] (2 tics, sum 2) (elected 7/21/2018 to 1/29/2019)
2,1 Rob Elliott (2 tics, sum 3)
1,3 Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green] (2 tics, sum 4) (elected 1/29/2019 to 2/5/2020)
1,4 James Ogle (2 tics, sum 5)
2,3 Roseanne Barr (2 tics, sum 5)
3,2 George Nelson (2 tics, sum 5)
5,2 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian] (2 tics, sum 7) (elected 7/21/2018 to 8/28/2019)
4,3 Dennis Peron (RIP) (2 tics, sum 7)
2,6 Ralph Beach [One] (2 tics, sum 8)
11,2 Victor Cantu (2 tics, sum 13)
5,9 Mary J. Ruwart (3 tics, sum ) (2 tics, sum 14)
1 Christine Marie Lenz [Republican] (1 tics, sum 4)
1 Charles Bruce Stewart
1 Igor Chudov [Libertarian]
1 Jill Stien
1 David Frey
1 Winona LaDuke
1 Nathan Sorenson
1 Steve Kubby
1 Nathan Brown
2 Jim Doyle
2 Lenora Fulani
2 Pat Buchanan
2 Stephen Colbert
3 Thomas Leavitt
3 Rhett Smith
3 Harry Kresky
3 Nicole Briscoe
4 Pamela Elizondo [Green] (elected 7/20/2018 to 7/21/2018)
4 Gail Lightfoot
4 Cindy Sheehan
4 VD Hales
4 Joan Briscoe
4 Nancy Ross
5 Alan Reynolds
5 Ned Roscoe
7 Chelene Nightingale
7 Marianne Williamson (Dem president candidate)
8 Christine Smith
* * *

Votes for Secretary

1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,2,6,1,1,1,1,1,3,2 James Ogle (18 tics, sum)
1,2,1,1,1,5,3 Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian] (7 tics, sum 14) (elected 7/21/2018 to 8/28/2019, elected 2/18/2020)
2,2,2,2,2,2 Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] (6 tics, sum 12) (elected 4/10/2015 to 7/21/2018, elected 8/28/2019 Declines, 1/30/2020 to 2/18/2020)
5,2,3,1 Caryn Harlos [Libertarian] (4 tics, sum 11)
3,5,1,5 Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] (4 tics, sum 14)
2,1,2 Jo Jorgensen [Libertarian] (3 tics, sum 5)
1,2,2 Mosheh Thezion (3 tics, sum 5)
1,1 Medea Benjamin (2 tics, sum 2)
2,3 Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green] (2 tics, sum 3)
2,3 Jim Doyle (2 tics, sum 5)
4,1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] (2 tics, sum 5)
3,3 Edlira Zeka [Democratic] (2 tics, sum 6)
1 Dorothy Collins [Democratic]
1 Jacob Covich
1 Jackie Salit
1 Michael Badnarik
1 Fox Grigor
2 David Olkkola
2 John Stewart
2 John Opdyke
3 Tiffany Briscoe
3 Jill Stien
4 Joy Waymire [Anarchist]
4 Rhett Smith
4 Kristi Stone
6 Brian Ellison [Libertarian]
7 Daniel Vovak
* * *

Guidelines Totals and Results

Total of 35 MPs voted as of 5/27/2019, of whom
24 MPs voted on the rules.

Electors' Vote Totals for Guidelines (Updated 10/7/2019)

1,1,1,1 (10/7/2019 typo correction underway) E-APS-2 Simultaneously Elects Guidelines for USA Parliament
1,1,2 proposed rules4 (#1-36)
1,1,1 Proposed rules 2014 Increases USA Parliament to up to 10,000 MPs
and Super-state Parliaments to up to 1,000 MSPs.

1 proposed rules 2019
1 proposed rules 2016a
1,2 proposed rules2014c (#s 1-138)
1,1 current rules (#1-34)
1,1 proposed rules34 (AKA #1-34 w/#17 changed)
1 proposed rules33 (#1-36)
1 proposed rules 2014a Rule 35 ties the cost of a one-time Donor MP fee to same cost as APS Co. shares
1 proposed rules 2013a prohibiting anon and avatars in Cabinets in rules #28 & #32
2 proposed rules36a (#1-36a)
2 proposed rules2016 (#s 1-138)
2 Never play leapfrog with a unicorn.
* * *

44th Chair Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian]
Elected 44th Prime Minister on elected 2/18/2020

43rd Chair Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian]
Elected 43rd Prime Minister on 2/18/2020

46th Chair Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green]
Elected 46th Prime Minister 3/7/2020

8th Secretary James Ogle [One]
Elected 8th Secretary August of 2009

20th Secretary Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian]
Elected 20th Secretary on 2/18/2020
* * *

Get "Eballot" for Members of Parliament

Click for MP's Eballot

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History of Chairs, Vice Chairs and Deputy Vice Chair (Was Prime Ministers until 4/1/2020)

1st Prime Minister Marcus Denoon [Pot] 1996
2nd Prime Minister John Renna [Pizza] 1996
3rd Prime Minister Daniel Brockman [Environmentalist] 1996
4th Prime Minister Steve Michael [AIDS Cure] 1996 to 1997
5th Prime Minister Igor Chudov [Libertarian] 1997 to 4/8/2007 "stands down"
6th Prime Minister Rob Elliott [Independent] 8/12/2004 to 10/22/2005
7th Prime Minister George Nelson [United Veterans Rights] 9/7/2004 to 10/20/2005
9th Prime Minister Victor Cantu [Democratic] 10/22/2005 to 8/21/2007
11th Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] 8/21/2007 to 8/26/2007
12th Prime Minister George Nelson [National Veterans Freedom] 8/26/2007 to 9/6/2007
13th Prime Minister Ted Brown [Libertarian] 9/6/2007 to 4/6/2008 "stands down"
14th Prime Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] 4/24/2008 to 5/30/2008
15th Prime Minister Ned Roscoe [Libertarian] 10/20/2005 to 8/14/2008
10th Prime Minister Robert Elliott [Independent] 4/9/2007 to 10/19/2008
16th Prime Minister Mary J. Ruwart [Libertarian] 5/30/2008 to 12/9/2010 "stands down"
18th Prime Minister Ralph Hoffmann [Democratic-Republican] 10/19/2008 to 1/21/2011
19th Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] 12/9/2010 to 1/22/2011
20th Prime Minister Chelene Nightingale [Constitution] 1/21/2011 to 4/13/2011 "stands down"
22nd Prime Minister Charles Bruce Stewart [Green Libertarian] elected 4/13/2011 to 1/22/2012
23rd Prime Minister Joy Waymire [Libertarian] elected 1/23/2012 to 2/21/2018
17th Prime Minister Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] elected 8/14/2008 to 1/23/2012
24th Prime Minister Ralph Beach [Libertarian] elected 1/23/2012 to 6/12/2012
25th Prime Minister Jim Doyle [Republican] elected 1/23/2012 to 6/21/2012
21st Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] elected 1/22/2011 to 3/3/2013
27th Prime Minister Jim Doyle [Republican] elected 3/3/2013 to 5/28/2013
28th Prime Minister Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] elected 5/28/2013 to 3/28/2014
29th Prime Minister Jennifer Woodward [Gandhian Green] elected 3/28/2014 to 4/11/2014
30th Prime Minister Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] elected 4/11/2014 to 11/14/2014
31st Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] elected 11/14/2014 to 2/18/2020 (stands down)
26th Prime Minister Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] elected on 6/21/2012 to 4/10/2015
32nd Prime Minister Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] elected on 4/10/2015 to 6/25/2016
33rd Prime Minister Edlira Zeka [Democratic] elected on 6/25/2016 to 9/28/2016
34th Prime Minister Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] elected on 9/28/2016 to 7/20/2018
35th Prime Minister Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] elected 2/21/2018 to 7/20/2018
36th Prime Minister Mark Herd [Libertarian] elected 7/20/2018 to 8/28/2019
37th Prime Minister Pamela Elizondo [Green] elected 7/20/2018 to 7/21/2018
38th Prime Minister Nadine Squires [One] elected 7/21/2018 to 1/29/2019
39th Prime Minister Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry [Green] elected on 1/29/2019 to 1/30/2020
40th Prime Minister Tulsi Gabbard [Democratic] elected on 8/28/2019
41st Prime Minister Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green] (elected 1/30/2020 to 2/21/2020)
42nd Prime Minister Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian] (elected 2/5/2020 to 2/18/2020)
43rd Vice Chair Sorinne F. Ardeleanu [Libertarian] (US Presidential candidate) (CA) (elected on 2/18/2020)
44th Chair Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya [Libertarian] (elected 2/18/2020)
45th Prime Minister Mark Herd [Libertarian] elected 2/21/2020 to 3/7/2020
46th Deputy Vice Chair Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green] (elected 3/7/2020)

History of Secretaries and Deputy (4/1/2020)

1st Secretary James Ogle [Labor] 1995
2nd Secretary Gary Swing [TAOAF] 1995 to 10/10/2005(?)
3rd Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] 10/10/2005 to 4/6/2008
4th Secretary Michael Badnarik [Libertarian] (?) to 7/22/2008
5th Secretary David Olkkola [Democratic] 7/22/2007 to 12/15/2010
6th Secretary Vanessa Morley [Defender of the Republic] 4/24/2008 to August of 2009 "stands down"
7th Secretary Mikki Tenj [Phreak the Fourth] 8/30/2008 to 9/30/2008 "stands down"
8th Secretary James Ogle [One] elected August of 2009
9th Secretary Jacob Covich [Catholic Trotskyist] elected 9/30/2008 to 1/21/2012
10th Secretary Rhett Smith [Green] elected 1/22/2012 to 6/10/2012
11th Secretary Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] elected 6/10/2012 to 6/21/2012
12th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected 6/21/2012 to 7/13/2012
13th Secretary Mosheh Thezion [All] elected 7/13/2012 to 4/12/2013
14th Secretary Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic] elected 4/12/2013 to 5/11/2014
15th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected 6/11/2014 to 6/11/2014
16th Secretary Dorothy Collins [Democratic] elected on 6/11/2014 to 4/10/2015
17th Secretary Benjamin Meiklejohn [Green Independent] elected on 4/10/2015 to 7/21/2018
18th Secretary Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian] elected 7/21/2018 to 8/28/2019
19th Secretary Benjamin Meiklejohn [Independent Green] (elected 8/28/2019 to 1/30/2020)
20th Deputy Secretary Jonathan Jaech [Libertarian] elected 1/30/2020 (Deputy effective 4/1/2020)

Royalty History
4/1/2011 to 8/20/2012

Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] elected Queen on 4/1/2011
through 8/20/2012 when the ruling coalition unelected
the Queen and Princess rules.

Princesses Elected on 5/19/2012 through 8/20/2012
when the ruling coalition unelected
the Queen and Princess rules.

Princess Tiffany
Princess Joy
Princess Marnie
Princess Anne
Princess Jane

Additional Royalty History

Princess Vanessa Moreley Elected 5/14/2011 to 5/16/2011
Princess Chassitie Elected 5/21/2011 to 12/13/2011
Princess Vanessa Moreley Elected 12/13/2011 to 5/19/2012

President Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] elected on 8/6/2012
Vice President James Ogle [Republican] elected on 8/6/2012
President Ralph Beach [Independent]
Vice President Joy Waymire [Anarchist]

President Edlia Zeka [Democratic] elected on 8/6/2016
Vice President James Ogle [Republican] elected on 8/6/2016
President James Ogle [Republican] elected on 9/28/2016
Vice President Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] elected on 9/28/2016
* * *

USA Parliament Navigation

Proposed E-APS-2 USA Parliament Guidelines : 4/10/2018 : Jim Doyle and James Ogle
Marked Eballot E-APS-2 for USA Parliament Guidelines : 4/10/2018
Eballot Totals E-APS-2 for USA Parliament Guidelines : 4/10/2018

* * *

USA Parliament (usparliament.org)

New World Super-state (ss1) - January
New York, New Jersey, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Maine, New Hampshire, Rhode Island and Vermont

Atlantis Super-state (ss2) - February
Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland,
Kentucky, West Virginia and Delaware and
District of Columbia (Washington DC)

Atlantis-South Super-state (ss3) - March
Florida, Georgia, South Carolina and Alabama
Great Lakes Super-state (ss4) - April
Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and Indiana
Mid-West Super-state (ss5) - May
Tennessee, Missouri, Wisconsin, Colorado, Minnesota,
Iowa and Mississippi

Texas Region Super-state (ss6) - June
Texas, Oklahoma, Louisiana and Arkansas
California Super-state (ss7) - July
Pacific West Super-state (ss8) - August
Washington, Arizona, Oregon, Utah,
Nevada, Idaho, Kansas, New Mexico,
Nebraska, Hawaii, Montana, South Dakota,
North Dakota, Alaska, Wyoming,
Guam and American Samoa

* * *

Navigation for Voting

Guidelines (e-aps-1)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-1
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-1-marked
Totals e-aps-1-totals

Guidelines USA (e-aps-1-usa)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-1-usa
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-1-usa-marked
Totals e-aps-1-usa-totals

Unity Platform (e-aps-6)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-6
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-6-marked
Paper Ballot Totals e-aps-6-totals

Unity Platform USA (e-aps-6-usa)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-6-usa
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-6-usa-marked
Paper Ballot Totals e-aps-6-usa-totals

Directors (e-aps-13)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-13
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-13-marked
Totals e-aps-totals

Directors USA (e-aps-13-usa)

Blank Paper Ballot e-aps-13-usa
Marked Paper Ballots e-aps-13-usa-marked
Totals e-aps-usa-totals

* * *

International Parliament (Est. 2016)

China #1 (p-1) - January
China #2 (p-2) - February
India #1 (p-3) - March
India #2 (p-4) - April
Africa #1 (p-5) - May
Africa #2 (p-6) - June
America North (p-7) - July
America South (p-8) - August
EurAsia and Middle East (p-9) - September
Russia and North East Asia (p-10) - October
Europe (p-11) - November
South East Asia (p-12) - December
* * *

Updated 2024-5-12
* * *