PDC / PDC Vote Counts
PDC Vote Counts
Records of the Presidential Candidates' Vote Counts
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Votes on Presidential Debate Committee (PDC) Members
James Ogle's vote for PDC members (5/29/2013)
_1__ Vanessa Davis [Defender of the Republic]
_2__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_3__ Ernest Wells [Communist]
_4__ Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
_21__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_7__ Tina Cook [Independent]
_22__ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_8__ Rhett Smith [First Freedom]
_5__ Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
_23__ JL Mealer [Constitution]
_10__ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian]
_32__ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
_30__ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
_9__ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
_31__ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
_25__ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
_24__ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
_6__ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_12__ Joshua-Paul Angell [Socialist]
_29__ David Frey [Independent]
__11_ Gina Zenzola [Green]
_33__ Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated]
_13__ Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy]
_35__ David Parker [Free Energy]
_26__ Elizabeth Warren [Republican]
_14__ Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom]
__15_ Charles Brannan [Independent]
_16__ Carl Person [Libertarian]
_34__ Robby Wells [Patriot Nation]
_17__ Jim Duensing [Boston Tea]
_18__ Ole Savior [New Republican]
_19__ Don J. Grundmann [Constitution]
_20__ J.R. Myers [Constituion]
_27__ Alex Jones [Libertarian]
_28__ Ron Paul [Republican]
_37__ Misha Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
_36__ Jayson Keniston [Ozark]
_38__ Kip Lee [Libertarian]
_39__ Parker Louis Seely [Conservative libertarian Independent]
Jay Keniston's vote for PDC members (2/26/2013)
1 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
2 Mosheh Thezion [All]
3 AJ Dittmar [Libertarian]
4 Jay Keniston [Ozark]
Kip Lee's vote for PDC members (1/27/2013)
1 Kip Lee [Libertarian]
Misha Bogatirev's vote for PDC members (12/26/2012)
1 Misha Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
Jim Burns' vote for PDC members (12/24/2012)
1 Jim Burns [Libertarian]
2 Roseanne Barr [Greren Tea]
Parker Louis Seely's vote for PDC members (12/21/2012)
1. Ron Paul (Republican)
2. Miss Joy Waymire (Decline to State)
3. Don Grundman (Constitution)
4. Parker Louis Seely (Conservative libertarian Independent)
5. Alex Jones (Libertarian)
6. James Ogle (Free-Parliamentary)
7. Robby Wells (Patriot Nation)
Miss Joy Waymire's vote for PDC members (12/21/2012)
_6__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_11__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_1__ Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
_7__ Mosheh Thezion [All]
_16__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_3__ Tina Cook [Independent]
_28__ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_12__ Rhett Smith [Green]
_8__ Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
__33_ JL Mealer [Constitution]
_17__ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian]
_2__ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
_29__ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
_18__ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
35___ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
32___ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
19__ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
_4__ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_13__ Joshua-Paul Angell [Socialist]
_30__ David Frey [Independent]
_5_ Gina Zenzola [Green]
_9__ Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated]
14___ Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy]
27___ David Parker [Free Energy]
_10__ Elizabeth Warren [Republican]
_20__ Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom]
_26__ Charles Brannan [Independent]
_34__ Carl Person [Libertarian]
_21__ Robby Wells [Patriot Nation]
_15__ Jim Duensing [Boston Tea]
_22__ Ole Savior [New Republican]
_25__ Don J. Grundmann [Constitution]
_23__ Parker Louis Seely [Conservative libertarian Independent]
_31__ J.R. Myers [Constituion]
24___ Alex Jones [Libertarian]
Roseanne Barr's marked eballot/vote for PDC members (9/17/2012)
_#1__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_#2__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
__#3_ Mosheh Thezion [All]
__#4_ Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
__5_ Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
__6_ Joshua-Paul Angell [Socialist]
__7_ Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom]
Ole Savior's Marked eballot for PDC members 8/22/2012
1 Ole Savior [New Republican]
Mosheh Thezion's marked eballot for PDC members 7/8/2012
_3_ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_2_ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_7_ Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
_9_ Tina Cook [Independent]
_1_ Mosheh Thezion [All]
_13 Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_10 Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_8_ Rhett Smith [Green]
_6_ JL Mealer [Constitution]
25_ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
24_ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
29_ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
_23 Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
_4_ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian/Independent]
_22 Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
_5_ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
14_ David Frey [Independent]
_21 Gina Zenzola [Green]
20_ Joshua-Paul Angell [Communist]
19_ Robby Wells [Patriot Nation]
28_ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
27_ Jim Duensing [Boston Tea]
26_ Carl Person [Libertarian]
18_ Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom]
_17 Elizabeth Warren [Republican]
_11 Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy]
_15 Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated]
16_ Charles Brannan [Independent]
_12 David Parker [Free Energy]
Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated] vote for PDC members (6/25/2012)
1 Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated] for president
2 Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow] for vice president
3 James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
4 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
Dave Parker's [Free Energy] vote for PDC members (6/24/2012)
#1 Mary Okorn-Jimenez for President
#2 David Parker Vice President
Charles Brannan's [Independent] vote for PDC members (6/18/2012)
1 Elizabeth Warren [Republican]
2 Charles Brannan [Independent]
Robby Wells [Patriot Nation] vote for PDC members (5/27/2012)
__1_ Robby Wells [Patriot Nation]
Carl Person's vote for PDC members (5/4/2012)
__1_ Carl Person [Libertarian]
Jim Duensing's vote for PDC members (5/4/2012)
__1_ Jim Duensing [Boston Tea]
Sam Sloan's vote for PDC members (5/4/2012)
__1_ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
Joshua-Paul Angell's vote for PDC members (3/16/2012)
__1_Joshua-Paul Angell (Communist)
_3__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
___ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
13___ Tina Cook [Independent]
__2_ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_8__ Mosheh Thezion [Libertarian]
__9_ Miss Joy [Libertarian]
__14_ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
___ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
__10_ JL Mealer [Constitution]
_15__ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian/Independent]
_5__ Rhett Smith [Green]
___ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
6___ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
___16 Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
_11__ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
_7__ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
_12__ David Frey [Independent]
__17_ Tiffany Briscoe [Independent]
__4_ Gina Zenzola [Green]
Tiffany Briscoe's vote for PDC members on 3/12/2012
1__ Tiffany Briscoe [Independent]
_2__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_3__ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
_4__ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
_5__ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_6__ Miss Joy [Libertarian]
_7__ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian/Independent]
_8__ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
_9__ JL Mealer [Constitution]
_10__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_11__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_12__ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_13__ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
_14__ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
_15__ David Frey [Independent]
_16__ Mosheh Thezion [Republican]
_17__ Tina Cook [Independent]
_18__ Rhett Smith [Green]
_19__ Gina Zenzola [Green]
David L Wetzell's vote for PDC members (2/29/2012)
_1__ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
_2__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_3__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
Captain David Frey's vote for PDC members (2/6/2012)
1 Captain David Frey [Independent]
Ralph Beach's vote for PDC members (2/3/2012)
_5__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_11__ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_8__ Tina Cook [Independent]
__2_ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_4__ Mosheh Thezion [Republican]
_3__ Miss Joy [Libertarian]
_10__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
__9_ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_12__ JL Mealer [Constitution]
_1__ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian]
_6__ Rhett Smith [Green]
__13_ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
_14__ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
_15__ Thomas Robert Stevens [Objectivist]
_7__ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
_16__ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
_17__ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
Max Abramson's vote for PDC members (1/18/2012)
_1_ Max Abramson_(write in)
_2_ _R. Lee Wrights_(write in)
_3_ _Gary Johnson__(write in)
Diane Beall Templin's vote for PDC members (1/14/2012)
1 Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
Rhett Smith's vote for PDC members (1/11/2012)
1 Rhett Smith [Green]
Tina Cook's vote for PDC members (12/13/2011)
_3__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
__5_ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_1__ Tina Cook [Independent]
_2__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_9_ Mosheh Thezion [Republican]
__4__ Miss Joy [Libertarian]
_6__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_8__ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
_7__ David Jon Sponheim [America's Third]
JL Mealer's vote for PDC members (12/12/2011)
_1__ JL Mealer [Constitution]
Mike Levinson's vote for PDC members (12/12/2011)
_2__ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
_9__ Miss Joy Waymire [Libertarian]
_8__ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
_3__ Tina Cook [Independent]
_5__ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
_6__ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
_7__ Mosheh Thezion [Republican]
_4__ David Jon Sponheim [America's Third]
_1__ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
Danny (Dan) Woodring's vote for PDC members (12/11/2011)
__5_ Roseanne Barr [Green Tea]
__6_ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
__8_ Tina Cook [Independent]
__4_ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
__2_ Mosheh Thezion [Republican]
__7_ Miss Joy [Libertarian]
__1_ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
__9_ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
__3_ David Jon Sponheim [America's Third]
Votes on Rules of Debates
Parker Louis Seely's Vote on Debate Rules (12/21/2012)
1___ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_2__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
3___ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_4__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_5__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
_6__ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
_7__ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
Miss Joy Waymire's Vote on Debate Rules (12/21/2012)
_1__ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_2__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
_3__ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_4__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_5__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
_6__ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
_7__ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.
_8__ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
_9__ The unity coalition agrees that we need to elect a president
and vice president from the elected members/presidential candidates
of the presidential debate committee.
_10__ Our goal is to elect a unity ticket from amongst the presidentail
candidates elected to the presidential debate committee.
_11__ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
_12__ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
Roseanne Barr's vote for Debate Rules (9/17/2012)
__1_ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
__2_ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
__3_ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
__4_ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_5__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
__6_ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.
__7_ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
Joshua-Paul Angell's vote for Debate Rules (3/16/2012)
_10__ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_1__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
_2__ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_3__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
__4_ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
__9_ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
___ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
__5_ The unity coalition agrees that we need to elect a president
and vice president from the elected members/presidential candidates
of the presidential debate committee.
__6_ Our goal is to elect a unity ticket from amongst the presidentail
candidates elected to the presidential debate committee.
_8__ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.
__7_ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
Ralph Beach's vote for Debate Rules (2/3/2012)
_7__ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_8__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
_9__ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_10__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_11__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
_6__ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
_5__ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
__1_ The unity coalition agrees that we need to elect a president
and vice president from the elected members/presidential candidates
of the presidential debate committee.
_2__ Our goal is to elect a unity ticket from amongst the presidentail
candidates elected to the presidential debate committee.
_3__ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.
_4__ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
Mosheh Thezion's's vote for Debate Rules (2/1/2012)
1___ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_2__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
3___ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_4__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_5__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
_6__ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
_7__ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
Thomas Steven's vote for Debate Rules (1/28/2012)
_1__ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
___ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
_2__ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
___ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_3__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
___ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
___ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
* * *
Tina Cook's vote on Debate Rules (12/13/11)
_1__ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
_2__ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
_4__ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
_5__ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
_3__ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
_6__ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
* * *
Dan Woodring's vote on Debate Rules (12/11/11)
__1_ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
__2_ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
__3_ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
__4_ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
__5_ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
__6_ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
* * *
James Ogle's vote on *Rules for debate:* (11/18/2011)
1 The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
2 Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
3 The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
4 The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
5 Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
6 If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
* * *
Eballot For Electing PDC Members and Rules
Official Eballot for POTUS Candidates Only
Elects PDC Members and Rules
Directions to Voters
Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed
to vvc at allpartysystem dot com, mark your choices in blank "___" space,
and reply to vvc at allpartysystem dot com.
Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside
your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on.
You may rank as many choices as you please. Do not put the same
figure beside more than one choice/name.
Copy, paste and email the marked eballot to the volunteer vote counter.
<------cut here, email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com------>
Debate Rules
___ _____________________________(write in)
___ ____________________________(write in)
___ ____________________________(write in)
___ All POTUS candidates who are nominated for the
presidential debate committee's ballot must accept
the nomination before they are included on the ballot.
___ Every four years, timed with the US Constitution and the
national USA presidential elections, the Independent Expenditure
Ministry (IndEx) and the subsidiary Presidential Debate
Committee (PDC), will remove all previous voting records
by all the committee members within the two committees and start
with fresh new results and a new four-year cycle.
___ The Moderator names the candidate to speak.
___ Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves.
___ The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate.
___ The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time.
___ Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth.
___ If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you.
___ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.
___ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
___ The unity coalition agrees that we need to elect a president
and vice president from the elected members/presidential candidates
of the presidential debate committee.
___ Our goal is to elect a unity ticket from amongst the presidentail
candidates elected to the presidential debate committee.
___ Candidates must be respectful towards each other.
___ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.
Rank Candidate Name Party/Category
President Debate Committee Members
___ ______________(write in)
___ ______________(write in)
___ ______________(write in)
___ James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
___ Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
___ Tina Cook [Independent]
___ Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent]
___ Jim Burns [Libertarian]
___ Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent]
___ Rhett Smith [First Freedom]
___ Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow]
___ JL Mealer [Constitution]
___ Lee Wrights [Libertarian]
___ Max Abramson [Libertarian]
___ Gary Johnson [Libertarian]
___ David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
___ Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian]
___ Diane Beall Templin [American Independent]
___ David Frey [Independent]
___ Sam Sloan [Libertarian]
___ Joshua-Paul Angell [Socialist]
___ Gina Zenzola [Green]
___ Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy]
___ Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated]
___ Robby Wells [Patriot Nation]
___ Elizabeth Warren [Republican]
___ Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom]
___ Charles Brannan [Independent]
___ Jim Duensing [Boston Tea]
___ David Parker [Free Energy]
___ Carl Person [Libertarian]
___ Ole Savior [New Republican]
___ Don J. Grundmann [Constitution]
___ Alex Jones [Libertarian]
___ Parker Louis Seely [Conservative libertarian Independent]
___ Ron Paul [Republican]
___ Jayson Keniston [Ozark]
___ Kip Lee [Libertarian]
___ Misha Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
___ J.R. Myers [Constituion]
___ Vanessa Davis (Defender of the Republic)
___ AJ Dittmar [Libertarian]
___ Ernest Wells [Communist]
<------cut here, email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com------>
End of Eballot
* * *
Vote Totals for electing the Members up to 3/2/2013
11,1,4,2,1,3,10,3,5,3,2,5,1 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] (14 tics, sum of 53) [stands down on 3/2/2013]
6,6,2,3,3,2,2,2,2,2,5,4,2 James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] (13 tics, sum of 41)
2,1,4,7,3,9,6,3,4,9,7 Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] (11 tics, sum of 55)
7,3,1,2,8,16,4,9,7,2 Mosheh Thezion [All] (10 tics, sum of 59) [stands down shortly after 3/31/2013]
3,9,7,13,17,8,1,3,8 Tina Cook [Independent] (9 tics, sum of 69)
16,13,21,14,11,10,6,6,1 Danny (Dan) Woodring [Independent] (9 tics, sum of 98)
4,1,6,5,11,5,8,6 Jim Burns [Libertarian] (8 tics, sum of 46)
28,10,22,12,9,8,1,9 Mike Levinson [Republican / Independent] (8 tics, sum of 99)
12,8,8,5,18,6,1 Rhett Smith [First Freedom] (7 tics, sum of 59)
8,5,2,22,5,17,1 Tiffany Briscoe [Independent] (7 tics, sum of 65)
33,6,23,10,9,12,1 JL Mealer [Constitution] (7 tics, sum of 94)
2,24,32,16,3,16,2 R. Lee Wrights [Libertarian] (7 tics, sum of 95)
29,25,30,6,8,14,1 Max Abramson [Libertarian] (7 tics, sum of 113)
35,29,31,11,4,17,3 Gary Johnson [Libertarian] (7 tics, sum of 130)
19,1,5,2,7,14 David L Wetzell [LT Party Movement] (6 tics, sum of 48)
17,4,10,15,7,1 Ralph Allen Beach [Libertarian] (6 tics, sum of 54)
18,23,9,13,13,1 Diane Beall Templin [American Independent] (6 tics, sum of 77)
30,15,1,14,29,12 David Frey [Independent] (6 tics, sum of 101)
32,1,28,25,7 Sam Sloan [Libertarian] (5 tics, sum of 94)
13,6,20,12,1 Joshua-Paul Angell [Communist] (5 tics, sum of 52)
5,19,21,11,4 Gina Zenzola [Green] (5 tics, sum of 60)
14,1,11,13 Mary Okorn-Jimenez [Free Energy] (4 tics, sum of 39)
9,1,15,33 Fred Donald Dickson Jr. [Unaffiliated] (4 tics, sum of 48)
7,1,19,35 Robby Wells [Patroit Natiot] (4 tics, sum of 52)
10,1,17,26 Elizabeth Warren [Republican] (4 tics, sum of 54)
20,7,18,14 Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom] (4 tics, sum of 59)
26,2,16,15 Charles Brannan [Independent] (4 tics, sum of 59)
15,1,27,17 Jim Duensing [Boston Tea] (4 tics, sum of 60)
27,2,12,35 David Parker [Free Energy] (4 tics, sum of 76)
34,1,26,16 Carl Person [Libertarian] (4 tics, sum of 77)
22,1,18 Ole Savior [New Republican] (3 tics, sum of 41)
3,25,19 Don J. Grundmann (Constitution) (3 tics, sum of 47)
5,24,27 Alex Jones (Libertarian) (3 tics, sum of 56)
4,23,39 Parker Louis Seely [Conservative libertarian Independent] (3 tics, sum of 66)
1, 28 Ron Paul [Republican] (2 tics, sum of 29)
1,36 Jayson Keniston [Ozark] (2 tics, sum of 37)
38,1 Kip Lee (Democratic) (2 tic, sum of 39)
1,37 Misha Bogatirev (Environmentalist) (2 tics, sum of 38)
31,20 J.R. Myers (Constituion) (2 tics, sum of 51)
1 Vanessa Davis (Defender of the Republic)
3 AJ Dittmar [Libertarian]
4 Ernest Wells [Communist]
Vote Totals on Debate Rules up to 3/16/2012
1,1,1,1,1,1,7,10,1 The Moderator names the candidate to speak. (9 tics, sum of 24)
3,3,4,4,2,3,9,2,3 The Moderator asks a question and names the candidate
to answer and the same question is asked of each candidate. (9 tics, sum of 33)
5,5,3,3,3,5,11,4,5 Rotation of Candidates with questions: Opening statement
candidate A gives their opening followed by candidate B,
candidate C and candidate D. The next question is first
answered by candidate B, candidate C, candidate D and then
candidate A. The next question is asked of candidate C,
candidate D, candidate A and lastly candidate B. The next
question first asked of candidate D, candidate A, candidate B
and then lastly candidate C.
Then back to the beginning and so forth. (9 tics, sum of 44)
2,2,2,2,2,8,1,2, Each Candidate gets ONE minute to introduce themselves. (8 tics, sum of 21)
4,4,5,5,4,10,3,4 The Candidate gets approximately 30 seconds to answer and
at the 30 second mark the moderator shall say the word: time. (8 tics, sum of 39)
6,6,6,6,6,6,9 If a speaker is finished before their time is up, they
should end by saying thank you. (7 tics, sum of 45)
_3,8,6__ Those not elected as our president and vice president unity
ticket will be first in line for the full support for their campaigns
for whatever federal office they choose to run in their state.(3 tics, total 17)
_4,7,7__ If the unity ticket is excluded from uniting after the
various party's conventions, then an alternative plan of action
will be as follows; those that would like to continue the unity
ticket will do so through a write-in campaign.(3 tics, total 18)
__1,5_ The unity coalition agrees that we need to elect a president
and vice president from the elected members/presidential candidates
of the presidential debate committee. (2 tics, total 6)
_2,6__ Our goal is to elect a unity ticket from amongst the presidentail
candidates elected to the presidential debate committee.(2 tics, total 8)
7,5 Candidates must be respectful towards each other. (2 tics, sum of 12)
Votes on Decisions for 1st Debate on 10/26/2011
Tina Cook's Eballot (10/24/2011)
1 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] is invited to Freedom's Phoenix debate and David Frey [Independent] is not invited
Jim Burns' Eballot (10/23/2011)
1 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] is invited to Freedom's Phoenix debate and David Frey [Independent] is not invited
James Ogle's Eballot (10/23/2011)
1 Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] is invited to Freedom's Phoenix debate and David Frey [Independent] is not invited
Parliament TownHall Temporarily Postponed Due to Technical Problems
Click here for Parliament Townhall
Hosted by: Miss Joy Waymire - follow the link above to view online
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 118069
Question? Call James at (415) 686-1996
Other Recently Recorded Debates
#11 Talkshoe Episode 39 with Ambassador Tiffany Briscoe [Green Tea-Rainbow], Assembly candidate Larry Carter [Green], Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] and host Prime Minister Joy Waymire [Libertarian] appeared at conference/debate on 4/29/2012: Click on Episode 39
#10 Prime Minister Roseanne Barr [Green Tea] and Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] appeared at Maggie Phair debate on 4/21/2012: Maggie Phair Debate
#9 R. Lee Wrights [Libertarian] and Gary Johnson [Libertarian] appeared at the Texas Libertarian Party debate on 4/9/2012: Texas Libertarian Debate
#8 Hon Secretary Rhett Smith [Green] appeared on the show "Deadline" hosted by Hon
Energy Minister Carey Campbell [Green] (to contact Host of Deadline, call 703-351-1235):
Deadline TV Show 2/23/2012
Candidate Statements Video #7, recorded 3/4/2012
Four of the twenty elected PDC candidates appear in videos at California Libertarian Party
Convention in Ventura California; Gary Johnson, James Ogle, Joy Waymire and R Lee Wrights:
Click here for Video List
Debates #5 and #6, recorded 2/18 & 19/2012
One Hour Parliament TownHall Every Saturday and Two Hour Show with Prez/VP Candidates on Sundays, Both at 2 pm PST!
Click here for Parliament Townhall
Hosted by: Miss Joy Waymire - follow the link above to view online
Phone Number: (724) 444-7444
Call ID: 118069
Question? Call James at (415) 686-1996
Debate #4, recorded 2/6/2012
Click here for "The Parliament Daily" with
Jim Burns [Libertarian], Ralph Beach [Libertarian] and James Ogle [Libertarian]
Debate #3, recorded on 1/21/2012
a debate between the USA-PAR's POTUS candidates
Rhett Smith [Green], Mosheh Thezion [Libertarian], Ralph Beach [Libertarian] and James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
which took place on
KMYC am Radio in Northern California (Marysville)
Debate #2, recorded on 1/14/2012
a debate between the USA-PAR's POTUS candidates
Joy Waymire [Libertarian], Ed Noonan [American Independent],
Dan Woodring [Independent] and Jim Burns [Libertarian]
which took place on
KMYC am Radio in Northern California (Marysville)
Debate #1, recorded on 10/26/2011
between the USA-PAR's POTUS candidates
Tina Cook [Independent], Jim Burns [Libertarian] and James Ogle [Free Parliamehtary]
which took place on
Ernest Hancock's Freedom's Phoenix radio show.
(POTUS=president of the United States)