USA Bureau / Holders of Shares 2016
All Party System Co. Total Company Share Sales Before and After 1/1/2016
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Link to total numbers of shares distributed in 2016 PPM
All Stock Sales in 2016
Certificates to Order
Commons = Order #s 300-320, 500-520 blank blue share certificates
Preferred = Order #s 1000-1020 blank green share certificates
Common and Preferred Stock Certificates Records from 2016
Commons, #1 to #308 and #500
Sub-Total Common Issued Payroll =
Sub-Total Common Issued not Payroll =
Total of Common Avail., Issued in 2016 = 375,000
Total Assigned up to 6/24/2016 = 222,723
Remaining Avail. for Issue = 152,276
Total of Preferred Avail., Issued in 2016 = 375,000
Total Assigned up to 6/24/2016 = 222,723
Remaining Avail. for Issue = 152,276
Grand Total of Common and Preferred Issued in 2016 = 750,000
* * *
New Common Stock Sales in 2016
(x) = Have Mailed paper certificate
Assigned Commons from From All Party System Co.
#500 Anthony Jamison - 400 - 2/25/2016 = 400
#501 Amy Winter - 80 - 3/11/2016 = 80
#502 222,727 Pending to President Edlira Zeka 6/24/2016 = (-5 to Kolkacu's #100 on 7/18/2016) = 222,718 (pending max. cap)
#503 Unknown to James Ogle to bring total to 1/11th of avail. 6/24/2016 = (-5 to Kolkacu's #100 on 7/18/2016) = 222,718 (pending max. cap)
#100 (x)-(7/18/2016) Rozana Kollcaku - 550 (plus 10 from Zeka/Ogle's #502 and #503) = 560
Commons Assigned from From James Ogle's #43
#98 (x) Rozana Kollcaku - 320 - 2/6/2016 = 320
#99 (x) Rozana Kollcaku - 180 - 2/23/2016 = 180
5 Commons Assigned each From Edlira Zeka's #502 and James Ogle's #503
#100 (x) Rozana Kollcaku - 10 (5 from #502 and 5 from #503) (7/18/2016)
Commons assigned from Senator payment $60. = 2 shares at $25. each
#101 (x) Francesco D'Alessandro in Italy mailed on 12/13/2016
Total Common = 223,207 (8/27/2016)
* * *
New Assigned Preferred Stock Sales in 2016
(x) = Have Mailed paper certificate
#1009 - Pamela Elizondo - 4 Preferred - 7/5/2016 = 4
#1010 - 222,723 Pending to President Edlira Zeka 6/24/2016 = 222,723 (pending max. cap)
#1011 - Unknown to James Ogle to bring total to 1/11th of avail. (/2) 6/24/2016 = 222,723 (pending max. cap)
#1012 - to CEO Buck Rogers on 7/12/2016 = 25,000
#1013 - to Vice President James Ogle (4/10/2016 BoD meeting) = 1000 (pending max. cap)
#1014 - to Secretary Sam Halabi (4/10/2016 BoD meeting) = 1000
#1015 - to Roz Kollcaku (4/10/2016 BoD meeting) = 1000 (awarded 500 in commons, 500 preferred)
#1016 - to Anthony Jamison (4/10/2016 BoD meeting) = 1000
#1017 - to Roz Kolcaku (7/16/2016) cash purchase = 10
* * *
Total Preferred = 251,741 (8/27/2016)
* * *
Filed with EDGAR on 8/29/2016
Accension #000013
474,948 issued and 275,052 remain.
Salaries in shares
54. The pay scale for Regular Executives
and for Worker BoDs will be;
President - 135 shares a month*
Vice President - 90 shares a month*
Secretary - 90 shares a month*
Treasurer - 90 shares a month*
Ethics & Grievances Officer - 45 shares a month*
Worker BoDs - 2 shares a month*
*Plus 100-unit signing bonus
President Zeka = 10.9 x 135 = 1471.5
President Ogle = 1.1 x 135 = 148.5
Vice President Ogle = 10.9 x 90 = 981
Vice President Doyle = 1.1 x 90 = 99
Treasurer Jamison = 12 x 90 = 1080
Secretary Assaf = 1.5 x 90 = 135
Secretary Winter = 2 x 90 = 180
Secretary Halabi = 6.5 x 90 = 585
Secretary Jones = 1.5 x 90 = 135
E&G Squires = 4 x 45 = 180
E&G Kollkaku = 3 x 45 = 135
E&G Drobman = 5 x 45 = 225
Worker BoD Pierce = 2 x
Worker BoD Esparza = 2 x
Worker BoD Reynolds = 2 x
Worker BoD Singh = 2 x
Worker BoD Clark = 2 x
Worker BoD Haemmel = 2 x
Worker BoD Neri = 2 x
Worker BoD
Worker BoD
Worker BoD
Worker BoD
Worker BoD
* * *
Common and Preferred Stock Certificates Records from 2015
Avail. Common for Issue 60,000
Sub-Total Common Assigned Payroll = 17,468
Sub-Total Common Assigned not Payroll = 11,720
Total of Common Assigned in 2015 = 29,188
Avail. Preferred for Issue 60,000
Sub-Total Preferred Assigned = 27,803
Grand Total of Common and Preferred Issued in 2015 = 120,000
Grand Total of Common and Preferred Assigned in 2015 = 56,991
* * *
Common and Preferred Stock Certificates Records from 2014 and 2013
Private Placement Memorandum First Sale on 2/28/2014
APS Co. is offering 120,000 shares for sale in 2015
See 2014 share issue records
x=have mailed a release of liability form
#=paper certificate number
y=have mailed the certificate to the buyer
Grand Total of Payroll = 4778
Total Common Issued not from Payroll = 4377
Grand Total of Common Issued in 2014 = 9155
Avail. for Issue 2,450,000 - 9,155 = 2,440,845
Grand Total of Preferred in 2014 = 133,513
Avail. for Issue 2,450,000 - 133,513 = 2,316,487
* * *