Republican Party / Republican Party Rules Eballot
Republican Party World
Eballot for Proposed Republican Party Skeleton Rules
Directions to All Voters
Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed
to vvc at allpartysystem dot com, mark your choices in blank "___" space,
and reply to vvc at allpartysystem dot com.
Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2
beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice,
and so on. Consecutive numbers beginning with the #1 only.
You may rank as many choices as you please.
Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.
<----Begin eballot, cut here and email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com---->
___ _________________________________________ (write in new item)
___ _________________________________________ (write in new item)
___ _________________________________________ (write in new item)
___ RULES updated, Novemebr 12th, 2013
___ Nominated names for the ballot electing the Directors must be only names who accept/agree to be nominated.
___ Only elected Directors and Ministers of the World Party should be permitted to vote on rules, names and decision items put forth by the Party.
___ Only rules passed by the Party itself will be recognized by the Party, except for rules affecting the Party that are passed by the U.S. Parliament or the International Parliament.
___ Five Executives, five Worker Board of Directors (Worker BoDs) and five Donor Board of Directors (Donor BoDs).
The board of directors of the Party shall consist three main categories (Executives, Worker BoDs and Donor BoDs) with up to fifteen names with the exception of the names who are tied in elections which can increase the numbers on the BoD until the ties are broken. Ethics & Grievance committee members are consecutively lower-ranked executives as back-ups but they are not board members (BoDs).
___ EXECUTIVES The first five Executives are invited to elect their own names to the Party. The seats remain vacant until the first temporary substitute is elected or self-elected.
___ The five Executives of the Party will oversee the vote counting, rule wring, web page(s), penny credits, finances and banking for all levels and districts (Ministries in Super-states, mini-states, etc.) of that Party within the World Parliament unless these rules are improved by the majority of the Directors within this Party's BoDs.
___ When an Executive or BoD resigns or dies, the next highest ranked name is automatically elected to be executive of the Party.
___ VOLUNTEER ELECTED PARTY EXECUTIVE STAFF (EXECS): Elected Volunteer Executive Staff (Execs) shall always consist of five officers, they may pick in any order only a seat title from among the following consecutively ranked choices:
1. Chair
2. Vice Chair
3. Secretary
4. Treasurer
5. Ethics & Grievances Officer
___ If an opening on the five elected volunteer executive seats ever exists and there are no ballots electing a name as a consecutively ranked back-up, then new elections are called and more names are elected.
___ Whenever a new Party or subsidiary is formed, the first five executive officers may be self-nominated and self-elected.
___ Once three (or more) Executives are elected, the three executives may start electing "Directors" and once all Worker BoDs are full then future Directors are elected by the general pool of all world voters and the elected Directors who are elected will be the only voters conducting the "vote of confidence" as long as all five executive seats are being filled by them.
___ "Committee of Four" Once the Ethics & Grievances Officer is elected, the next four top-ranked names in consecutive order will be invited to be automatically elected to the Ethics & Grievances "Committee of Four". Other than those invited who decline, all elected names will be invited in consecutive order from the list of names garnering votes for the volunteer staff until all four "Committee of Four" seats are filled.
In cases where none of the consecutively ranked names agree to be elected to the "Committee of Four", then the top five elected executive staff will be asked to serve order of their rankings which had elected them to the executive.
The top ranked officer who accepts first to serve on the Ethics & Grievances Officer serves as the tie-breaker vote on decisions brought forward by any of the members of the Ethics & Grievances "Committee of Four".
___ FIVE WORKER BOARD OF DIRECTORS (WORKER BODS): The five Worker Board of Directors (or BoDs) are elected in a free election. Those eligible to vote include all US voters, volunteers, paid workers or elected volunteers using ranked choice voting.
___ FIVE DONOR BOARD OF DIRECTORS (DONOR BODS): The Donor BoDs (AKA Investor BoDs) are elected with penny credits, dollars and cents. The criteria for being ranked on the Donor BoDs shall be first based on acceptance of the seat, secondly their ranking as one of the top holders of penny credits, work time share credits, dollars and cents from the Party's or the USA Parliament's reward bank.
ALL ELECTIONS: The following guidelines apply to all elections for the Party.
___ RANKED CHOICE VOTING: All voting on policy, names and decisions will be made using ranked choice voting (RCV), Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, Hagnebach-Bischoff method in multi-winner districts of two or more only.
___ NOMINATED NAMES: Nominated names for the ballot electing the BoDs must be only names who accept/agree to be nominated. When a person votes for their own name, that is to be interpreted as accepting their name as a nominated name.
___ DORMANCY DURING ELECTIONS: The election of new BoDs and all BoD votes/decisions must pause while conducting nominations and elections of five new executives or five new BoDs, on the BoD which is conducting such elections.
___ TIES: When two people self-nominate or a tie-vote for two or more names for the same office occurs, then both/all names share the position in the tie until a tie-breaker election breaks the tie.
___ SCHEDULE OF ELECTIONS: When the nominations of a BoD commences, an election schedule may be announced by the approval of the majority of the elected executives and the scheduled timeline will usually consist of one week of nominations for BoDs, one week of elections for BoDs, one week of nominations of executives and finally one week of elections of executives.
___ CURRENT NAMES ALWAYS QUALIFY: All elected names always qualify for next election cycle.
___ NEW ELECTIONS: New elections for consecutively ranked names as back-ups as volunteer executive staff members occur only when there are no lower ranked names to automatically elect.
___ ALL NEW ELECTIONS: All new elections should be scheduled within the following month of the date of the departing member. The nominations should start on the 1st of the month, and the election of executives must be held by the last full week of that month (Sunday through Saturday). Final calls for nominations shall be conducted on the preceding week (Sunday through Saturday).
___ WHO MAY NOMINATE AND VOTE: All world residents may vote on Party elections.
___ NOMINEES FOR EXECUTIVES: Any name may be nominated for volunteer executive staff by all Board of Directors, Worker and Donors, as well as by the full and Deputy Minister.
___ ELECTION TIME FOR EXECUTIVES: Once a board of directors of five for the Party entity is elected, the first election of the five executives may be called. Once the executives are elected, the elections for future executives shall continue into perpetuity.
___ ORDER OF BODS: All top five BoD names will be elected in consecutive order under the rules laid out for ranked choice voting in a five-member district.
___ VOTING SYSTEMS A tic is a numeral, i.e. #1, #2, #3 etc. (or 1, 2, 3). Tics are required in all cases in Party voting and any character other than a numeral in voting on Party matters is considered not a legitimate vote and is marked spoiled.
___ When more than one tic is used, the next tics must be consecutive numbers and no number may be skipped or used more than once or the entire marked ballot is marked "spoiled", or no good.
___ Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) Ranked choice voting is a system based on algebra where the voter ranks one or more choices beginning with the number one, followed by consecutive numbers, where no same number can be used more than once or the ballot is marked spoiled. The strict compliance to the consecutively ranked numbers enables a perfect vote count by all vote counters. The number one choice is the top preference of the voter, represented by the numeral 1.
___ Term - Removal: The officers of the Party shall hold office until their successors are chosen and qualify.
___ ELECTIONS and VOTING Executives and Board of Directors Voting: All elected staff and decisions must be elected under simple majority rule, ranked choice voting (RCV), Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, Hagenbach-Bishop method.
___ VOTING OF FOUR ITEMS: All voting consists of the subjects being voted on: a) The election of names to be elected which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV). b) The election of the bylaws which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV). c) The election of items on the agenda which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV). d) The election of resolutions which will always use ranked choice voting (RCV).
All new nominations to any board of directors and executives must formerly accept the position on the ballot before the date of the scheduled ballot release or else their name will not be accepted as a name on the ballot.
One week for nominations and one week for the election is the time frame.
___ After one week of nominations, all the known names, information, statements and links of the nominees will be emailed to the private email list of the workers, BoDs and Executives in the form of a "eballot" or else they will be contacted by telephone.
___ Verification measures will be provided to all those interested in verification.
___ elected BoDs will retain their seat until they request to have their name removed, they decline, withdraw theIR name entirely or ask to have their name and votes specifically deleted from all records.
When the election is complete and the final voting deadline is passed, the top five names will be elected to the executive staff.
___ Once elected, the five executives may switch places with each other from time to time in order to take breaks or take terms as long as the executive which they are switching place with are in agreement and the rankings of order are considered. In other words, the higher ranked name always gets priority over lower ranked names.
___ Once elected, no Volunteer Executive Staff may also hold a second seat on the same BoDs that they serve as executive, so their name is automatically removed in these cases and the next consecutively ranked name on the BoD is automatically elected to the vacated BoD seat.
___ Once the votes are counted and the results are announced and when each elected name is contacted with regard to the election of their name to any board of director seat on the world party, that person has three business days to accept the post or decline. After the time line and should no response be heard then the next highest ranked name may pick the next available seat in their stead.
___ ACCEPTING/DECLINING: Once the election is over and the
voting deadline for electing new names has passed, then
the top vote getter is contacted first and must accept the election
of their name within three business days.
___ Should they accept then they may pick the title of the seat but
they may also defer the decision as to the title in which case they
retain the first seat with the words "(Seat Title)" preceding their
name on the seat until the pick a title.
___ Should they decline then the next highest ranked
vote-getter is contacted and the process is repeated
until all five executive seatS and all four
Ethics & Grievance "Committee of Four" seats have
been filled in consecutive order.
___ Should the name not be in communication, or decline to reply to
the request for their cooperation in picking a seat within the three
day period for accepting, then the next highest ranked vote-getter
is contacted. The person's name who failed to answer or declines is
moved to the bottom of the list.
___ When a person declines nomination to the seat they may not return
to accept the nomination until all other consecutively ranked names
have been contacted with regards to their accepting or declining the seat.
___ Those declining or who are not in communication
may return, vie for a seat again by responding
at a later date. The votes
will be counted and their name may choose
a seat in the order of the votes
in effect but may only pick the highest ranked
open seat at that moment.
___ A perpetual vote of confidence shall be in effect until all five executive seats are filled. Then the vote of confidence shall pause while the Worker BoDs are have been elected. Once all seats open for the Worker BoDs have been filled then the vote of confidence is used by only elected Worker and Donor BoDs into perpetuity.
___ Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any place and at any time and may be called when 100% of the elected Board of Directors have been properly notified thirty days in advance.
___ A quorum is not required on any decisions for day to day operations. A simply majority vote under ranked choice voting (RCV) of the participating voting members is all that will be needed or required.
___ Action of Directors by Communications Equipment: Any action required or which may be taken at a meeting of directors, or of a committee thereof, may be taken by means of a conference telephone or similar communications equipment by means of which all persons participating in the meeting can hear each other at the same time.
___ Signing of Checks or Notes: Checks, notes, drafts, and demands for money shall be signed by only the Party's elected Treasurer from time to time designated by the Board of Directors.
___ Indemnification of Directors and Officers: The Party shall indemnify any and all Executives, Board of Directors, officers, employees, staff, former directors, superintendents, former officers or any person who may have served at its request as a director or officer of the party or of any other party in which it is a creditor, against expenses actually or necessarily incurred by them in connection with the defense or settlement of any action, suit, or proceeding brought or threatened in which they, or any of them, are or might be made parties, or a party, by reason of being or having been directors, officers or a director or an officer of the corporation, or of such other corporation.
___ This indemnification shall not apply,
however, to matter as to which such director or
officer or former director or officer or person
shall be adjudged in such action, suit, or proceeding to be liable for
negligence or misconduct
in the performance of duty. Such indemnification shall not be deemed
exclusive of other rights
to which those indemnified may be entitled, under any law, bylaw,
agreement, vote, or otherwise.
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<----End of eballot, cut here and email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com---->
Self Appointment Form:
___ Yes, please appoint my name as a member of
parliament, the highest position available.
Name________________(write in)
Party/Category________________(write in)
State______ County____________ (write in)
Preferred contact information ______________________ (write-in if applicable)
<------cut here, email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com------>
Paper ballot unavailable. For corrections or more information:
Telephone: (831) 383-1409
Email: vvc at allpartysystem dot com
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Optional: Voter registration form not required, unless US citizen
wishes to register to vote online.
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World Republican Party Voting Links
Get Eballot for Electing Executives of the World Republican Party
Nominate for Electing Executives of the World Republican Party
See Names of Nominations for World Republican Party Executives
See Marked Eballots and Totals for World Republican Party Executives
Nominees for World Republican Party Worker Board of Directors (BoDs)
Nominate for Electing Worker Board of Directors (BoDs) of the World Republican Party
Get Blank Eballot for Voting on World Republican Party Worker Board of Directors (BoDs)
See Marked Eballots Cast and Totals for World Republican Party Worker Board of Directors (BoDs)
World Republican Party Elected Platform Planks
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See Marked Eballots Cast and Totals for World Republican Party Elected Platform Planks
World Republican Party Policy Resolutions
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See Marked Eballots Cast and Totals for World Republican Party Policy Resolutions
World Republican Party Rules
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See Marked Eballots Cast for World Republican Party Rules
See Marked Eballots Cast Totals for World Republican Party Rules
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