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Central California Mini-state Parliament (ss11-6) Cabinet Updated 10/4/2012
Please be sure to contact any one of the five executives (Execs), the three prime ministers and two
secretaries, if/when you'd like to nominate a name to the Cabinet!
See the results of the Execs voting under the "parliamentary go-ahead" by clicking here.
Full Cabinet Ministers
Transportation Minister Alvin Hansen [Independent]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister Darren Courtney [American Independent]
Human Rights Minister Jacob Covich [Catholic Trotskyist]
Constitutional Law Minister Nate Brown [Pot]
Foreign Minister Seth Wetmore [Green Chaos]
Federal Communications Commissioner Minister Hal Ginsberg [Green]
Energy Minister Haywood L. Hotst [Democrat]
Independent Expenditure Minister Harry Smell [Demigod]
Treasury Minister Joe Paul Manship
Deputy Ministers
Deputy Transportation Minister Angela Keaton [Ordinary Anarchist]
Deputy Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister Jane Heider [Libertarian]
Deputy Human Rights Minister Lawrence Samuels [Purple Libertarian]
Deputy Constitutional Law Minister David Henderson [Libertarian]
Deputy Foreign Minister David L. Wetzell [LT Party Movement]
Deputy Federal Communications Commissioner Minister Mike Bogatirev [Environmentalist]
Deputy Energy Minister Daniel Penisten [Citizen]
Deputy Independent Expenditure Minister Tony De Renzo [Teapot]
Deputy Treasury Secretary Minister David Frey [Independent]