ss11-1 / Location

Northern California Mini-state Parliament (ss11-1)

Please be sure to contact any one of the five executives (Execs), the three prime ministers and two secretaries, if/when you'd like to nominate a name to the Cabinet!

See the results of the Execs voting under the "parliamentary go-ahead" by clicking here.

Elected Full Cabinet Ministers

Justics Minister Clinton Crane [Whig]
Independent Expenditure Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
Foreign Minister David Cobb [Green]
Federal Communications Commissioner Minister Brandon Andrews [Info. Not Avail.]
Constitutional Law Minister Dale Hamaker [Independent]
Transportation Minister Robert S. [Pot]
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) Minister Daniel Penisten [Citizens]
Human Rights Minister Cindy Sheehan [Peace & Freedom]

Elected Deputy Cabinet Ministers

Deputy Transportation Minister Judith Schrueder [Independent]