USP Ministry / United States Postal Ministry Rules Eballot
United States Postal Ministry
Rules Eballot
All Voters
Eballot for Voting on USP Ministry Rules
Please copy, paste, mark your choices and reply to
vvc at allpartysystem dot com
Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2
beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice,
and so on. You may rank as many choices as you please.
Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.
---------snip below here and email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com---->
___ _________________________________________ (write in new item)
___ _________________________________________ (write in item)
___ _________________________________________ (write in new item)
___ The United States Postal Service Ministry (USPS) shall hereby be referred to as the United States Postal Ministry (USP), to simplify the entity's name and to differentiate it from the actual USPS of the US government . As long as this rule should be in effect, all other rules in effect that refer to the USPS Ministry shall be considered instantly amended so as to reflect the name USP Ministry, with the former name of USPS inserted paranthetically after the proper name.
___ The minister of the USP (USPS) ministry shall hereby be referred to as the postmaster general, and the deputy minister as the deputy postmaster general. As long as this rule should be in effect, all other rules in effect that refer to the titles of minister or deputy minister shall be considered instantly amended so as to reflect the proper titles, with the former titles of minister and deputy minister inserted paranthetically after the proper titles.
___ Directors of the USP (USPS) ministry shall hereby be referred to as governors. As long as this rule should be in effect, all other rules in effect that refer to the titles of director shall be considered instantly amended so as to reflect the proper title of governor, with the former title of director inserted paranthetically after the proper titles.
___ If rules that rename positions in the USP (USPS) ministry from the standard titles that are used throughout the parliament's ministries should no longer be in effect, then any other rules identifying the positions by their newer attributions shall be considered instantly amended so as to revert to the proper titles of the equivalent position. (For example, if a rule that redefines the minister as the postmaster general is no longer in effect, than any other rules in effect that refer to a postmaster general shall be considered instantly amended so as to refer to the position as minister). This rule also applies to the name of the ministry itself.
___ Only elected Governors (Directors) and Postmaster Generals (Ministers) of the USP (USPS) Ministry should be permitted to vote on resolutions put forth by the Ministry.
___ Nominated names for the ballot electing the Governors (Directors) must be only names who accept/agree to be nominated. (2 tics, sum 12)
___ Only elected governors (directors) and postmaster generals (ministers) of the USP (USPS) Ministry may vote on the ministry's internal rules.
___ Any valid ballot pertaining to USP (USPS) Ministry business, that has been written or printed, and mailed to an official parliament vote counter using an official USPS stamp issued by the All Party System Co., U.S. Parliament or any of its ministries, shall be considered a legitimate ballot and counted accordingly regardless of any rules that restrict voting to only postmaster generals (ministers) and governors (directors). Mailed ballots using stamps purchased from the above mentioned authorities, shall be considered accepted, as an exception to any rules that restrict voting to only certain members of the ministry. Such ballots will be recorded in to the record as "authorized ballot with proper stamp," along with an image of the envelope and canceled stamp. The ballots shall remain part of the total until requested to be removed by the voter, or until this rule is no longer in effect. If the rule is not in effect, but the mailed in ballot was submitted by a person who is otherwise still eligible to vote in the ministry, then the ballot will continue to stand.
___ An executive committee of five members is hereby established, consisting of the postmaster general (minister), deputy postnaster general (deputy minister), and three executive vice presidents. The three executive vice presidents are elected by governors (directors) and postmaster generals (ministers) of the USP (USPS) Ministry in an ongoing election. The three executive vice presidents will be elected separately and no person may hold more than one seat on the executive committee of five. Should one person be ranked the highest for more than one executive vice president position, then that person shall choose which seat they want to hold. The ministry's executive committee of five shall have the authority to conduct business on behalf of the ministry, as authorized to do so within ministry rules or resolutions. Anybody may be elected as one of the three executive vice presidents, so long as they accept nomination, except for the postmaster general (minister) and deputy postmaster general (deputy minister) who by virtue of their offices will already be holding a seat on the five member executive committee. The three executive vice president positions are as follows: chief operations officer and executive vice president, chief information officer and executive vice president, and chief financial officer and executive vice president.
___ For every stamp purchased from the All Party System Co., the U.S. Parliament or any of its ministries, the purchaser may request one Stamp Advisory Credit to be recorded in their name. The credit is optional and must be requested within one month of purchasing the stamp. The request must be made to the USP (USPS) Ministry's executive committee of five, or, to a USP (USPS) Ministry postmaster general, and the purchase must be verifiable. One Stamp Advisory Credit will be issued for each stamp purchased, and credits will be listed on the ministry's website. Once credits are redeemed, they will be removed from the record. Any person who owns more than 50 percent of all unredeemed credits on record may redeem their credits to submit a stamp design or request a stamp to be designed. The USP (USPS) Ministry will then issue the stamp for sale on behalf of the USP (USPS) Ministry of the U.S. Parliament. The ministry's executive committee of five may, by its own rule and decision, set a lower percentage of total unredeemed credits required to submit a stamp design, but not to be less than 15 percent. The executive committee of five will also determine the appropriate price to charge for the novelty stamps to cover the cost if their issuance and distribution. Holders of Stamp Advisory Credits may transfer their credits to other persons by notifying the ministry in writing and mailed. This rule is not intended to regulate the issuance, sales or price of any other stamps issued by the All Party System Co., the U.S. Parliament, or any of its other ministries, however, stamp purchases from those entities will be honored for the issuance of Stamp Advisory Credits from the USP (USPS) Ministry.
___ Only rules passed by the USPS Ministry itself will be recognized by the USPS Ministry, except for rules affecting the ministry that are passed by the U.S. Parliament or its executive committee. All rules passed by other ministries, or other external equal or subordinate entities, which seek to affect the USPS Ministry shall be considered null and void unless approved by the USPS Ministry itself.
___ Nominated names for the ballot electing the Governors (Directors) must be only names who accept/agree to be nominated.
___ Establish the position of HDMi (deduty minister, technically, but
separate office/position).
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<----End of eballot, cut here and email to vvc at allpartysystem dot com---->