USA Bureau / Meeting's Minutes for 7/7/2019

All Party System Co. Meeting's Minutes 7/7/2019


Proposal Meeting's Minutes for 7/7/2019 Meeting
Minutes for 7/5/2020 Meeting
Proposed APS Co., International Bureau (APS-IB) Guidelines for 7/5/2020
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All Party System Co., International Bureau (APS-IB) Virtual Board Room
Facebook Page

Meeting's Minutes for 7/7/2019 Meeting

There are 23 Board Members
Simple majority of 13 of the 25 board members required to vote
in attendance or to sign before the agenda is considered approved.

Please sign and return post to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, California 93950
(831) 236-3825

Sign here

Print name here

_____/_____/ 2019
Date Here

Proposal Meeting's Minutes for 7/7/2019 Meeting

(a) Calling of the meeting to order.
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(b) Roll Call. Present is:
James Ogle
Jim Doyle
Dr. Haitham Durbie (by facebook chat)
Total = 3
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(c) Proof of Service, Notice of Meeting or Filing of Waiver.
James Ogle sent proof of service by email, facebook page and messenger and by telephone, the 7/7/2019 meeting.
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(d) Reading and approval of minutes of last annual meeting.
Meeting's Minutes for 7/8/2018 Meeting
James Ogle and Jim Doyle approved 2018 minutes of last annual meeting
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(e) Ratification of prior Board actions.
James Ogle and Jim Doyle approved 2018 Actions
Approve 7/7/2020
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(f) Report of officers.
Short report by Jim Doyle and James Ogle
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(g) Reports of committees.
Names PPR Electoral College Committee
USA residents James Ogle and Jim Doyle met with former owners APS-USA,
a California Libertarian Party convention on April 7th.

James Ogle attended the Los Angeles County and announced his
POTUS campaign on July 2nd at the West Los Angeles
Libertarian Cub, Region 62.

Jim Doyle met with the La Marinda Democratic Club and will continue
with various meetings.
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(h) Election of directors.
All other elections approved.
Jim Doyle and James Ogle approve #1

CEO Election, votes taken at meeting and by email before gthe meeting:

Jim Doyle voted for CEO 7/7/2019
1 Buck Rogers
2 James Ogle
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James Ogle voted for CEO 7/7/2019
1 Anamika Singh [Social Work]
2 Buck Rogers [Conservative]
3 N'guessan Amoin Melania [World]
4 Michel Tia [NWP]
5 Elvira Pulcili [Independent]
6 Daniel Davenport [UN]
7 Aaditya Pratap Singh
8 Bhanu Pratap Singh
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Dr. Haitham Durbie voted for CEO 7/7/2019
#1 Buck Rogers
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(i) Election of bylaws.
Proposed, to elect all Worker BoDs and Investor BoDs on one ballot - [postpone].
After combining on one ballot written will be brought forward to BoDs for vote of confidence.
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(j) Election of Agenda.
Approve voting shares/common stocks for Worker BoD Elvira Pulcini
Approved 365 shares of common stocks. Jim Doyle and James Ogle both approve #1.
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(k) Misc. Business
Jim Doyle and James Ogle will talk about Unity Platform USA after the meeting so to approve items.
Misc. Business (?)
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(l) Call for Nominations

Nominations (?)
Jim Doyle notes that the 2020 meeting is Sunday, July 5th, 9 am.
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(m) Final Roll Call
Jim Doyle
James Ogle

Meeting adjorned at 9:45 am on 7/7/2019
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