Platform / Jeff Drobman's Rankings

Platform Jeff Drobman's Rankings

Jeff Drobman's Rankings on USA Parliament's Unity Platform

Received from Jeffrey Drobman on 11/20/2014
__1_ IMMIGRATION REFORM: (write in new item) 1. Create a "guest worker" program (rids us of "illegals", since all would be "legal") -- for seasonal, temporary, low-skill and day labor that we all use now. (This just makes them legal.) 2. Add a "path to citizenship" that includes a path to permanent resident status. 3. Include a "staircase to entitlements": legal immigrants gain access to entitlements over time (along their "path to citizenship") -- thereby eliminating the usual objections to allowing immigration. 4. Add amnesty provisions for all pre-reform immigrants that meet reasonable and just requirements.
_2_ INFRASTRUCTURE: A rebuilding of America's infrastructure with a huge investment in high speed rail, electric cars, windmills, solar panels and any other energy efficient technology. Major R&D research into green tech and find those silver bullet breakthroughs that could create a tech boom much like the evolution of the computer/internet age that's still evolving. It's long overdue that America invests in itself and that our government takes a very active role in this. Hiring preferences need to be given to US citizens first and foremost. Also, meaning an increase in the public investments made into the universities of this nation, to encourage leading scientists and high level students to test and work on as much cutting edge research as is possible at the university level with full government support and resources to expedite research.
_3_ CORPORATE LAW: Overturn the citizen's united ruling that 80% of America is opposed to. Add a constitutional amendment that says corporations are not people and that corporations are forbidden to lobby or give money DIRECTLY to political campaigns. And are specifically limited in the amounts Corporations can give per year to any PAC, or Candidate for office, and such non-tax deductible donations must all be publicly disclosed for all to see.
_4_ONLINE VOTING: (write in new item) Add a voting option of ONLINE VOTING via any Internet connected device. (This would be another option, just like vote by mail.)
_5_ TERM LIMITS: Because politics was never intended to be a career choice; for then the career becomes foremost over the needs of the people; Term Limits and Per Diem pay will be set forth for ALL elected officials; From the Presidency on down. Serving as an elected official never was to replace or expand your yearly salary; just a token of appreciation without breaking the backs of the people they serve.
_6_ VOTING SYSTEMS: Abolish the electoral college. Adopt the Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system, TO ELECT LEADERS BASED ON POPULAR VOTE WITHOUT INTERFERENCE OF CONTROL BY ANY GROUP.
_7_ DRUG WAR: End the drug war at the federal level, (by restoring the amendment process and putting forth amendments to LEGALIZE AND OR CRIMINALIZE DRUGS.) and let states decide to legalize (/ CRIMINALIZE) marijuana and regulate (ANY) hard drugs, WHICH IS NOT SPECIFICALLY ADDRESSED IN THE u.s. CONSTITUTION, AND MADE CLEAR BY AMENDMENT.)
_8_ CONGRESSIONAL LEGISLATION: CONGRESS PASS SPECIFIC AND EFFECTIVE LAWS LIMITING THE INFLUENCE OF LOBBYISTS AND ELIMINATING THE PRACTICE OF LOBBYISTS WRITING LEGISLATION THAT ENDS UP ON THE FLOOR OF CONGRESS. And empower the Attorney General to seek punishment for Representatives who do not write their own bills. All Congressional bills must be written by members of Congress, and must be read in entirety by members of Congress prior to voting.
_9_ Immediate labeling of all foods containing GMO products and require that seeds be made available for testing as a condition of their release to the market.
_10_ GREEN ENERGY: (write in new item) federal and state governments should prepare and implement plans for promoting all forms of "green energy", with a focus on solar and wind.
_11_ WATER: (write in new item) federal and state governments should work together to prepare and implement plans for the transport and storage of water across state lines and intrastate. This should include massive new water pipelines, usage of existing dams and reservoirs, and new methods of ground water storage and extraction.
_12_ RESTORE GLASS-STEAGAL ACT: Restore Glass Steagal act.
13_ MARRIAGE: Equal benefits and rights for Civil Unions in comparison to Marriage.
14_ PRO-ORGANIC FOODS AND PURE WATER: Incentives for implementing Pro-organic foods & pure water.
15_ HEALTH CARE: a) A tax based expansion of medicare taxation on all workers, to the point of offering that national insurance plan for all the people under the age of 65, but limited to true emergencies and yearly checkups and otherwise tests which doctors insist are needed. (meaning free healthcare, but not cushy everything you want once a week healthcare which some (some) often do, but honest aS everything YOU ACTUALLY NEED healthcare.) b) The existing HMO systems can remain as supplementary, faster, better service care systems, which offer faster more convenient services, as the result of paying into said HMO systems. Meaning, for profit care can remain, if it actually provides extra services to its members, while all rational and reasonable real needed care for the masses would be provided as by the national system. c) The payment scale for this national plan would be set to what medicare is now, and adjusted as is reasonable over time. d) As part of this national plan, a form of nationalized cheaper testing for all biological samples (blood tests), is needed to provide the affordable means to encourage testing by doctors, and doing everything to motivate doctors to investigate their patients problems to the utmost, and do to this, requires cheap and efficient and trustworthy testing. Yet again, still allow private testing to service HMO's and other systems, who service private clients for profit.
16_ PRIVACY: We support upholding the fourth Amendment 4 - Search and Seizure. Ratified 12/15/1791. The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. Restore constitutional rights of privacy and freedom from self-incrimination.
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