California / Directors' Votes
The California Super-stater Directors' Votes
California Directors' Vote Totals and History for
The Three Prime Ministers and Two Secretaries
2018-05-05 14:35
Kevin Clark [Green Libertarian]
James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
Jim Doyle [Republican]
Virgil Hales [Green-Pot-Christ]
Ron Gold [Republican]
Lawrence Samuels [Purple Libertarian]
Wayne Christopher [Free and Equal]
V.R. Carlton [Libertarian at Large]
Mark Rodregues [Pot]
Byron Stephens [Libertarian]
Richard Winger [Libertarian]
Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]
Starchild [Libertarian]
Jim Cruise [Pot]
Robert S. [Pot]
Don Lake [American Independent]
Directors' Vote Totals Electing the Five Executives Total Directors Voting for Executives: 18 Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] elected.
Prime Minister Ron Gold [Republican] elected.
Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected.
Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected.
Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] elected.
Known History of California Super-state Former Prime Ministers 1st Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 9/10/2003 to 9/9/2006
Former Secretaries 1st Secretary Jimmy Ogle [Free Parliamentary] First elected secretary through 8/27/2006
Navigation for California Super-state (ss11)
Members of Super-state (Directors) 2018
Members of Super-state (Directors) 2014
Three Prime Ministers
Two Secretaries
Unity Platform (ss11)
United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)
History of Candidates
From: Jeff Drobman
1 Jeff Drobman
2 Miss Joy Waymire
3 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
4 Mark Gold
2 Jim Doyle
1 James Ogle
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
1 James Ogle
2 Jim Doyle
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
2 Jeffrey Drobman
1 Jim Doyle
2 James Ogle
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
2 Ron Gold
3 Greg Conlon
4 Miss Joy Waymire
1 Jim Doyle
2 James Ogle
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Ron Gold [Republican]
1 Gail Lightfoot
2 Jim Doyle
* * *
2 Ron Gold [Republican]
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Miss Joy Waymire
2 Paul Holman
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Lily Montgomery
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Ned Roscoe
2 Tom McClintock
3 Jack Hickey
4 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Mark Rodregues
2 Byron Stephens
3 Jimmy Ogle
4 V.D. Hales
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Ned Roscoe
2 Mark Rodregues
3 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *
Prime Minister
1 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Lynnette Shaw
2 Virgil Hales
3 Bob Marsh
4 Dale Gieringer
5 Richard Winger
6 David Cobb
7 Medea Benjamin
8 Ted Brown
9 Doug Tuma
10 Dwight Bailey
1 Gail Lightfoot
2 Marge Akin
3 Medea Benjamin
* * *
* * *
United Coalition Rules #1-32
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Robert S.
* * *
Prime Minister
1 Don Lake
1 James Ogle
* * *
Three #1s & one #2.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 5)
Elected 18th Prime Minister on 8/28/2014.
Three #2s and one #1 tics
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 7)
Elected 9th Prime Minister on 8/20/2014.
One #1 tic, a #3 and one #4 tic
Total of 3 tics. (sum of 8)
Elected 19th Prime Minister on 2/21/2018
Two #2s and two #1 tics.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 6)
Elected 7th Secretary 9/11/2012.
3 #1 votes, 2 #2 votes.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 7)
Elected 5th Secretary on 11/3/2010
* * *
2nd Prime Minister VD Hales [Green-Pot-Christ] Elected 12/9/2006 to 5/1/2006
3rd Prime Minister Bob Marsh [Info. Not Avail.] Elected 5/1/2006 to 10/1/2006
4th Prime Minister Lynnette Shaw [Libertarian] Elected 8/25/2010 to 10/14/2010
5th Prime Minister Ned Roscoe [Libertarian] elected 10/1/2006 to 8/6/2010
6th Prime Minister Norma Harrison [Peace & Freedom] elected 9/9/2006 to 8/21/2007
7th Prime Minister Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom] elected 8/21/2007 to 8/25/2010
8th Prime Minister PRAVDA MCCROSKEY [Libertarian] elected 8/6/2010 to 8/25/2010
9th Prime Minister Virgil Hales [Green-Pot-Christ] elected 8/25/2010 to 8/25/2010
10th Prime Minister Lily Montgomery [Information Not Available] elected 8/25/2010 to 8/10/2013
11th Prime Minister Robert S. [Pot] elected 10/14/2010 to 11/3/2010
12th Prime Minister Don Lake [American Independent] elected 11/3/2010 to 9/13/2012
13th Prime Minister Paul Holman [Independent Democrat] elected on 9/13/2012 to 8/10/2013
14th Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 8/10/2013 to 8/28/2014
15th Prime Minister Censored [Green] elected 8/10/2013 to 4/6/2014
16th Prime Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] elected on 4/6/2014 to 2/21/2018
17th Prime Minister Ron Gold [Republican] elected on 8/20/2014 to current
18th Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] elected on 8/28/2014 to current
19th Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 8/10/2013 to 8/28/2014, elected on 2/21/2018
2nd Secretary Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] Elected Secretary 8/27/2006 to 11/3/2010
3rd Secretary Marge Akin [Peace & Freedom] Elected Secretary 8/27/2006 to 6/2/2007
4th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected secretary 6/3/2007 to 9/4/2012
5th Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] elected Secretary 11/3/2010 to current
6th Secretary (censored) [Peace & Freedom] elected on 9/4/2012 and "stands down" on 9/11/2012
7th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected on 9/11/2012 to current
* * *
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
APS Eballot #1
APS Marked Eballots #1
APS Eballot Totals #1
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #
Blank Eballot APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots APS Eballot #3
Eballot Totals APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots # (Before June 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)
United Coalition of Candidates (2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before June 2014)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Ballots (Before November 2014 Primary)
* * *