California / Directors' Votes

The California Super-stater Directors' Votes

California Directors' Vote Totals and History for
The Three Prime Ministers and Two Secretaries

2018-05-05 14:35
From: Jeff Drobman
1 Jeff Drobman
2 Miss Joy Waymire
3 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
4 Mark Gold
2 Jim Doyle
1 James Ogle
* * *

Kevin Clark [Green Libertarian]
Prime Minister
1 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
1 James Ogle
2 Jim Doyle
* * *

James Ogle [Free Parliamentary]
Prime Minister
1 Pamela Elizondo [Green]
2 Jeffrey Drobman
1 Jim Doyle
2 James Ogle
* * *

Jim Doyle [Republican]
Prime Minister
1 Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic]
2 Ron Gold
3 Greg Conlon
4 Miss Joy Waymire
1 Jim Doyle
2 James Ogle
* * *

Virgil Hales [Green-Pot-Christ]
Prime Minister
1 Ron Gold [Republican]
1 Gail Lightfoot
2 Jim Doyle
* * *

Ron Gold [Republican]
8/20/2014 1 Greg Conlon [Republican](declines on 8/20/2014)
2 Ron Gold [Republican]
* * *

Lawrence Samuels [Purple Libertarian]
Prime Minister
1 Miss Joy Waymire
2 Paul Holman
* * *

Wayne Christopher [Free and Equal]
Prime Minister
1 Lily Montgomery
* * *

V.R. Carlton [Libertarian at Large]
Prime Minister
1 Ned Roscoe
2 Tom McClintock
3 Jack Hickey
4 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *

Mark Rodregues [Pot]
Prime Minister
1 Mark Rodregues
2 Byron Stephens
3 Jimmy Ogle
4 V.D. Hales
* * *

Byron Stephens [Libertarian]
Prime Minister
1 Ned Roscoe
2 Mark Rodregues
3 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *

Richard Winger [Libertarian]
Prime Minister
1 PRAVDA McCroskey
* * *

Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian]
Prime Minister
1 Lynnette Shaw
2 Virgil Hales
3 Bob Marsh
4 Dale Gieringer
5 Richard Winger
6 David Cobb
7 Medea Benjamin
8 Ted Brown
9 Doug Tuma
10 Dwight Bailey
1 Gail Lightfoot
2 Marge Akin
3 Medea Benjamin
* * *

Starchild [Libertarian]
* * *

Jim Cruise [Pot]
United Coalition Rules #1-32
* * *

Robert S. [Pot]
Prime Minister
1 Robert S.
* * *

Don Lake [American Independent]
Prime Minister
1 Don Lake
1 James Ogle
* * *

Directors' Vote Totals Electing the Five Executives

Total Directors Voting for Executives: 18

Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] elected.
Three #1s & one #2.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 5)
Elected 18th Prime Minister on 8/28/2014.

Prime Minister Ron Gold [Republican] elected.
Three #2s and one #1 tics
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 7)
Elected 9th Prime Minister on 8/20/2014.

Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected.
One #1 tic, a #3 and one #4 tic
Total of 3 tics. (sum of 8)
Elected 19th Prime Minister on 2/21/2018

Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected.
Two #2s and two #1 tics.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 6)
Elected 7th Secretary 9/11/2012.

Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] elected.
3 #1 votes, 2 #2 votes.
Total of 4 tics. (sum of 7)
Elected 5th Secretary on 11/3/2010
* * *

Known History of California Super-state

Former Prime Ministers

1st Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 9/10/2003 to 9/9/2006
2nd Prime Minister VD Hales [Green-Pot-Christ] Elected 12/9/2006 to 5/1/2006
3rd Prime Minister Bob Marsh [Info. Not Avail.] Elected 5/1/2006 to 10/1/2006
4th Prime Minister Lynnette Shaw [Libertarian] Elected 8/25/2010 to 10/14/2010
5th Prime Minister Ned Roscoe [Libertarian] elected 10/1/2006 to 8/6/2010
6th Prime Minister Norma Harrison [Peace & Freedom] elected 9/9/2006 to 8/21/2007
7th Prime Minister Stewart Alexander [Peace & Freedom] elected 8/21/2007 to 8/25/2010
8th Prime Minister PRAVDA MCCROSKEY [Libertarian] elected 8/6/2010 to 8/25/2010
9th Prime Minister Virgil Hales [Green-Pot-Christ] elected 8/25/2010 to 8/25/2010
10th Prime Minister Lily Montgomery [Information Not Available] elected 8/25/2010 to 8/10/2013
11th Prime Minister Robert S. [Pot] elected 10/14/2010 to 11/3/2010
12th Prime Minister Don Lake [American Independent] elected 11/3/2010 to 9/13/2012
13th Prime Minister Paul Holman [Independent Democrat] elected on 9/13/2012 to 8/10/2013
14th Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 8/10/2013 to 8/28/2014
15th Prime Minister Censored [Green] elected 8/10/2013 to 4/6/2014
16th Prime Minister Miss Joy Waymire [Decline to State] elected on 4/6/2014 to 2/21/2018
17th Prime Minister Ron Gold [Republican] elected on 8/20/2014 to current
18th Prime Minister Jeffrey Drobman [Democratic] elected on 8/28/2014 to current
19th Prime Minister PRAVDA McCroskey [Democratic] elected 8/10/2013 to 8/28/2014, elected on 2/21/2018

Former Secretaries

1st Secretary Jimmy Ogle [Free Parliamentary] First elected secretary through 8/27/2006
2nd Secretary Gail Lightfoot [Libertarian] Elected Secretary 8/27/2006 to 11/3/2010
3rd Secretary Marge Akin [Peace & Freedom] Elected Secretary 8/27/2006 to 6/2/2007
4th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected secretary 6/3/2007 to 9/4/2012
5th Secretary James Ogle [Free Parliamentary] elected Secretary 11/3/2010 to current
6th Secretary (censored) [Peace & Freedom] elected on 9/4/2012 and "stands down" on 9/11/2012
7th Secretary Jim Doyle [Republican] elected on 9/11/2012 to current
* * *

Navigation for California Super-state (ss11)

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

APS Eballot #1
APS Marked Eballots #1
APS Eballot Totals #1

Members of Super-state (Directors) 2018
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Members of Super-state (Directors) 2014
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Three Prime Ministers
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Two Secretaries
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Unity Platform (ss11)
Blank Eballot APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots APS Eballot #3
Eballot Totals APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots # (Before June 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)

United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)
United Coalition of Candidates (2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before June 2014)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Ballots (Before November 2014 Primary)

History of Candidates
* * *