International Parliament / Rules

International Parliament Rules

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Approved Guidelines

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International Parliament Rules

1 - Require all the elected members to be in communication either through facebook, email, twitter, telephone or postal service or else their name will be eliminated after one year.
Approved on 7/30/2014

2 - The number of seats on the executive may remain at ten but not more than ten.
Approved on 7/30/2014

3 - Once the number of seats on the executive is determined by a majority of the elected MIPs then an election of names who have self-nominated for those seats will take place on the first full week that follows. The election begins on Sunday morning and ends Saturday night at midnight Pacific Standard Time (PST). All current names elected to the executive automatically qualify for the election's ballot, there will be three write-in spaces for new names and only the elected 100 MIPs (up to fifty MIPs and fifty Donor MIPs) may vote on the executives under this rule. All votes and new MIPs may change their vote as a "vote of confidence" into perpetuity.
Approved on 7/30/2014