IndEx Ministry / Marked Eballots for Decision Items

IndEx Ministry Marked Eballots for Decision Item

Ministry Votes for Decision Itemss

Ralph Beach's eballotsBallot for Independent Expenditure Ministry Decisions (1/29/2012)
_1__ Have Ralph Beach as a back up Presidential Candidate for 2012
_2__ Promote the Mid-West Super-state Parliament's (ss8) write-in names, Judy Angell [Green Tea],
Don Angell [Green Tea], Diane Hines [independent], Tasvir Singh Bhardwaj [Green],
April Flint [Democratic], Diana P Fanai [All Party System] and all good new write in names,
in order to get the best people elected to ss8.
_3__ "Great Work" as round sticker by Commonwealth Marketing.
_4__ Advertise $100. worth on Propaganda Minister's radio show "The
Propaganda Hour".
_5__ Elect a maximum of twelve campaign directors in the Campaign Ministry.
_6__ Encourage members, directors, etc to run for political offices in their
areas under party name, including on a min-level school board elections, etc
to stregthen the party.
_7__ Include the Libertarian and Independent Parties as other Campaigning Parties
_8__ Use the website as a campaign website.
_9__ Coordinate the websites,,, Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook
and add new websites to this list whenever possible.
_10__ People towel - Roseanne teaching Kaballah by Norm Cutson.
_11__ Poster, Roseanne Presidential seal saying "GoNott Barr/Tax-payers 2012".
_12__ Have our group ally with the Green Party Presidential Committee.
__13_ Use ranked choice consensus voting on all decisions by the directors.
_14__ Print stickers from Director Joshua-Paul Angell's Green Tea Party logo.
__15_ Roseanne Barr 2012 bumper sticker (r, w & b).
_16__ Advocate an alliance to decriminalize and legalize hemp and marijuana.
_17__ Try to conduct a Mid-West Super-state Parliament election and debate among all 125 nominees and
write-ins in the The Mid-West Super-state Parliament Election of 2011 (ss8)
and split the debate time proportionately between all participants as a Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
_18__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement.
_19__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement of the Green Party Presidential Committee.
_20__ Suggest a running mate.
_21__ Set up Green Tea Party Straw Poll debates in all twelve super-states between 4/20/2012 and 8/5/2012.
_22__ Hold a weekly USA Parliament Presidential Debate
_23__ Have the volunteers in the Programming Ministry fix the US Parliament's search
engine so that the search results give the US Parliament's
web page, membership and super-state regional structure top-rankings in the results.
_24__ Conduct the Mid-West Super-state Parliament among all 125 nominees and
write-ins as Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
_25__ Have Joshua-Paul continue to organize free meet-up groups, Groupomatic sign-up system,
across the country, with one main organizer in each of the 50 states, then go city, county and
neighborhood to regularly hold meetups.
_26__ Have Joshua Paul compose any press releases needed utilizing his
press service as news develops, websites become operational, new positions
are filled, new elections are held, etc.
* * *

James Ogle's eballot for Independent Expenditure Ministry Decisions (8/28/2011)
_10__ Encourage members, directors, etc to run for political offices in their
areas under "All Party System" party name, including on a min-level school board elections, etc
to stregthen the party.
_7__ Advocate an alliance to decriminalize and legalize hemp and marijuana.
___ Promote the Mid-West Super-state Parliament's (ss8) write-in names, Judy Angell [Green Tea],
Don Angell [Green Tea], Diane Hines [independent], Tasvir Singh Bhardwaj [Green],
April Flint [Democratic], Diana P Fanai [All Party System] and all good new write in names,
in order to get the best people elected to ss8.
_8__ Print stickers from Director Joshua-Paul Angell's Green Tea Party logo.
_9__ Roseanne Barr 2012 bumper sticker (r, w & b).
___ Have our group ally with the Green Party Presidential Committee.
___ Use ranked choice consensus voting on all decisions by the directors.
_6__ Have Joshua-Paul continue to organize free meet-up groups, Groupomatic sign-up system,
across the country, with one main organizer in each of the 50 states, then go city, county and
neighborhood to regularly hold meetups.
___ Elect a maximum of twelve campaign directors in the Campaign Ministry.
___ Encourage members, directors, etc to run for political offices in their
areas under party name, including on a min-level school board elections, etc
to stregthen the party.
___ Poster, Roseanne Presidential seal saying "GoNott Barr/Tax-payers 2012".
___ Advertise $100. worth on Propaganda Minister's radio show "The
Propaganda Hour".
___ "Great Work" as round sticker by Commonwealth Marketing.
_5__ Have Joshua Paul compose any press releases needed utilizing his
press service as news develops, websites become operational, new positions
are filled, new elections are held, etc.
___ People towel - Roseanne teaching Kaballah by Norm Cutson.
_2__ Use the website as a campaign website.
___ Coordinate the websites,,, Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook
and add new websites to this list whenever possible.
_1__ Try to conduct a Mid-West Super-state Parliament election and debate among all 125 nominees and
write-ins in the The Mid-West Super-state Parliament Election of 2011 (ss8)
and split the debate time proportionately between all participants as a Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
___ Set up Green Tea Party Straw Poll debates in all twelve super-states between 4/20/2012 and 8/5/2012.
___ Conduct the Mid-West Super-state Parliament among all 125 nominees and
ins as Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
_4__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement of the Green Party Presidential Committee.
___ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement.
_3__ Have the volunteers in the Programming Ministry fix the US Parliament's search
engine so that the search results give the US Parliament's
web page, membership and super-state regional structure top-rankings in the results.
___ Suggest a running mate.
* * *

Carey Campbell's eballot cast on decsions 8/15/2012 (SPOILED)
__11_ Have our group ally with the Green Party Presidential Committee
* * *

Joshua-Paul's Eballot on Decisons 8/26/2011
_15__ Advocate an alliance to decriminalize and legalize hemp and marijuana.
__14_ Promote the Marketing Minister's Groupomatic sign-up system for
meetups in every state.
__16_ Promote the Mid-West Super-state Parliament's (ss8) write-in names,
Judy Angell [Green Tea],
Don Angell [Green Tea], Diane Hines [independent], Tasvir Singh Bhardwaj
[Green], April Flint [Democratic], Diana P Fanai [All Party System] and all good
new write in names, in order to get the best people elected to ss8.
__4_ Print stickers from Director Joshua-Paul Angell's Green Tea Party logo.
__3_ Roseanne Barr 2012 bumper sticker (r, w & b).
__18_ Have our group ally with the Green Party Presidential Committee.
__17_ Use ranked choice consensus voting on all decisions by the directors.
__6_ Have Joshua-Paul continue to organize free meet-up groups across the
country, with one main organizer in each of the 50 states, then go city, county
and neighborhood to regularly hold meetups.
__5_ Elect a maximum of twelve campaign directors in the Campaign Ministry.
_22__ Encourage members, directors, etc to run for political offices in
their areas under party name, including on a min-level school board elections, etc
to stregthen the party.
__7_ Poster, Roseanne Presidential seal saying "GoNott Barr/Tax-payers 2012".
__23_ Advertise $100. worth on Propaganda Minister's radio show "The
Propaganda Hour".
__21_ "Great Work" as round sticker by Commonwealth Marketing.
__2_ Have Joshua Paul compose any press releases needed utilizing his
press service as news develops, websites become operational, new positions
are filled, new elections are held, etc.
_20__ People towel - Roseanne teaching Kaballah by Norm Cutson.
__1_ Use the website as a campaign website.
__8_ Coordinate the websites,,, Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook
and add new websites to this list whenever possible.
__9_ Try to conduct a Mid-West Super-state Parliament election and debate
among all 125 nominees and write-ins in the The Mid-West Super-state Parliament
Election of 2011 (ss8) and split the debate time proportionately between all
participants as a Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
__10_ Set up Green Tea Party Straw Poll debates in all twelve super-states
between 4/20/2012 and 8/5/2012.
__19_ Conduct the Mid-West Super-state Parliament among all 125 nominees and
write-ins as Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
__13_ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement of the Green Party
Presidential Committee.
_12__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement.
_11__ Have the volunteers in the Programming Ministry fix the US
Parliament's search engine so that the search results give the US Parliament's
web page, membership and super-state regional structure top-rankings in
the results.
___ Suggest a running mate.
* * *

David Gwaltney's Eballot on Decisons 8/27/2011
_1_ Advocate an alliance to decriminalize and legalize hemp and marijuana.
___ Promote the Mid-West Super-state Parliament's (ss8) write-in names,
Judy Angell [Green Tea], Don Angell [Green Tea], Diane Hines
[independent], Tasvir Singh Bhardwaj [Green], April Flint [Democratic],
Diana P Fanai [All Party System] and all good new write in names,
in order to get the best people elected to ss8.
_2__ Print stickers from Director Joshua-Paul Angell's Green Tea Party logo.
_3__ Roseanne Barr 2012 bumper sticker (r, w & b).
___ Have our group ally with the Green Party Presidential Committee.
___ Use ranked choice consensus voting on all decisions by the directors.
_4__ Have Joshua-Paul continue to organize free meet-up groups across the
country, with one main organizer
in each of the 50 states, then go city, county and neighborhood to
regularly hold meetups.
___ Elect a maximum of twelve campaign directors in the Campaign Ministry.
_5__ Encourage members, directors, etc to run for political offices in their
areas under party name, including on a min-level school board elections, etc
to stregthen the party.
___ Poster, Roseanne Presidential seal saying "GoNott Barr/Tax-payers 2012".
___ Advertise $100. worth on Propaganda Minister's radio show "The
Propaganda Hour".
___ "Great Work" as round sticker by Commonwealth Marketing.
_6__ Have Joshua Paul compose any press releases needed utilizing his
press service as news develops, websites become operational, new positions
are filled, new elections are held, etc.
___ People towel - Roseanne teaching Kaballah by Norm Cutson.
_7__ Use the websitehttp://www.freegreenteaparty.comas a campaign website.
_8__ Coordinate the websites,,, Roseanne Barr for President 2012 Facebook
and add new websites to this list whenever possible.
_9__ Try to conduct a Mid-West Super-state Parliament election and debate
among all 125 nominees and
write-ins in the The Mid-West Super-state Parliament Election of 2011 (ss8)
and split the debate time proportionately between all participants as a
Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
___ Set up Green Tea Party Straw Poll debates in all twelve super-states
between 4/20/2012 and 8/5/2012.
___ Conduct the Mid-West Super-state Parliament among all 125 nominees and write-ins as Green Tea Party "Iowa Straw Poll".
_10__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement of the Green Party
Presidential Committee.
_11__ Contact the Green Party's Audrey Clement.
_12__ Have the volunteers in the Programming Ministry fix the US
Parliament's search
engine so that the search results give the US Parliament's
web page, membership and super-state regional structure top-rankings in
the results.
___ Suggest a running mate.
* * *

See Tic Totals
See Directors/Decisions Vote Totals in USA Parliament's Forum.
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