Mid-West / Mid-West Cabinet

Cabinet Mid-West Super-state Parliament (ss8)

Cabinet Minister

Please be sure to contact any one of the five executives (Execs), the three prime ministers and two secretaries, if/when you'd like to nominate a name to the Cabinet!

See the results of the Execs voting under the "parliamentary go-ahead" by clicking here.

Full Ministers

Veterans Affairs Minister Dick Franson [Indpendent]
Vote Counting Minister Jim Mueller [Choice of Representation]
Human Rights Minister Dean Barkley [Independent]
Transportation Minister Nick Miller [Republican]
Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board Minister Paula Bradshaw [Green]
Federal Reserve System Minister Lex Green [Libertarian]
Agriculture Minister Jason Plummer [Republican]
Justice Minister Ron Duebbert [Republican]
States Rights Minister Joshua Fauver [Constitution]
Constitutional Law Minister Dale Dorch [Constitution]

Deputy Cabinet Ministers

Deputy Veterans Affairs Minister Jon McLean [Republican]
Deputy Minister Human Rights Minister Jesse Ventura [Independent]

Click Here to See Eballots

Page Updated on 2/4/2013