Rules / Unity Platform Eballots

Coalition of Seven "Unity Coalition" Unity Platform Eballots Phase One

Totals on 4/29/2014 Platform and Agenda Phase One

Items Which Are Approved With Majority Vote (Two of Three Voters Required)

_5,1,1__ Campaign finance reform (3 tics, sum 7)
_2,5,3__ Education (3 tics, sum 10)
_4,2,6__ Alternative energy (3 tics, sum 12)
_3,4,7__ Immigration reform (3 tics, sum 14)
_6,3,5__ Sea water desalination (3 tics, sum 14)
__1,6,9_ Legalization / decriminalization of Marijuana (3 tics, sum 16)
_7,8,4__ An agreement amongst our candidates to "elevate" the discussion and make this election different, by talking ISSUES, instead of petty personal shortcomings. None of us are perfect, so it seems a bit ridiculous to get into attacking someone else. Regardless of how everyone else takes this, I am making a commitment that this election cycle, I will be talking about the issues and the differences between my position and the other candidates, I will NOT be talking about the other candidates, other than their stance on issues. (3 tics, sum 19)
__8,7,8_ An agreement amongst the candidates that should any of us win, we will agree to keep an "open door" policy. In other words, each candidate will have access to the winner, should any of our group go on to win the general election. (3 tics, sum 23)

Items Which Are NOT Approved With Majority Vote (Two of Three Voters Required)

_1__Decriminalize all victimless conduct, recognize each person is sovereign over their own body; restore freedom of association; get government out of marriage (1 tic, sum of 1)
_2__ Election reform (IRV etc) (1 tic, sum of 2)
_2__ Reduce and eliminate taxes in favor of user fees, to the maximum extent possible. Instead of trying to reform elections, reduce government power so that who gets elected is not so important (1 tic, sum of 2)
_3__ Develop restitutionary justice system in which victims are compensated for harms and wrongdoers have an opportunity to reform and redeem themselves; reduce prison populations (1 tic, sum of 3)
_4__ Implement a free market in money - not subject to capital gains taxes, stop forcing people to use federal reserve notes by allowing workable alternatives to exist and be traded freely (1 tic, sum of 4)
_5_ Resist expansion of federal power, protect personal privacy, protect right to travel and reside peacefully in a location of one's choice regardless of citizenship, remove capital controls (1 tic, sum of 5)
_6_ Reduce standing army, phase out overseas bases, bring troops home; national defense should be handled mainly by volunteer militia (1 tic, sum of 6)
_7_ Restore free & voluntary market in health care; reduce government involvement (1 tic, sum of 7)
_8_ Restore free & voluntary market in education services; reduce government involvement (1 tic, sum of 8)
_9_ Encourage development of voluntary community-based alternatives to state-funded welfare institutions (1 tic, sum of 9)
_10__ Open government, no secrets; no special laws or privileges for government or wealthy donors; investigate police misconduct (1 tic, sum of 10)

Three Marked Eballots Received as of 4/29/2014

Jonathan Jaech's [Libertarian] for Attorney General eballot on 4/29/2014
_1__Decriminalize all victimless conduct, recognize each person is sovereign over their own body; restore freedom of association; get government out of marriage
_2__ Reduce and eliminate taxes in favor of user fees, to the maximum extent possible. Instead of trying to reform elections, reduce government power so that who gets elected is not so important
_3__ Develop restitutionary justice system in which victims are compensated for harms and wrongdoers have an opportunity to reform and redeem themselves; reduce prison populations
_4__ Implement a free market in money - not subject to capital gains taxes, stop forcing people to use federal reserve notes by allowing workable alternatives to exist and be traded freely
_5_ Resist expansion of federal power, protect personal privacy, protect right to travel and reside peacefully in a location of one's choice regardless of citizenship, remove capital controls
_6_ Reduce standing army, phase out overseas bases, bring troops home; national defense should be handled mainly by volunteer militia
_7_ Restore free & voluntary market in health care; reduce government involvement
_8_ Restore free & voluntary market in education services; reduce government involvement
_9_ Encourage development of voluntary community-based alternatives to state-funded welfare institutions
_10__ Open government, no secrets; no special laws or privileges for government or wealthy donors; investigate police misconduct

Date 4/29/2014
From Alan Reynolds [Americans Elect] for Lt. Governor
_2__ Election reform (IRV etc)
_1__ Campaign finance reform
__6_ Alternative energy
__7_ Immigration reform
_3__ Education
__9_ Legalization / decriminalization of Marijuana
__5_ Sea water desalination
_8__ An agreement amongst the candidates that should any of us win, we will agree to keep an "open door" policy. In other words, each candidate will have access to the winner, should any of our group go on to win the general election.
_4__ An agreement amongst our candidates to "elevate" the discussion and make this election different, by talking ISSUES, instead of petty personal shortcomings. None of us are perfect, so it seems a bit ridiculous to get into attacking someone else. Regardless of how everyone else takes this, I am making a commitment that this election cycle, I will be talking about the issues and the differences between my position and the other candidates, I will NOT be talking about the other candidates, other than their stance on issues.

Date: 2014-04-15 15:14
From: Amos Johnson
_5__ Campaign finance reform
_4__ Alternative energy
_6__ Sea water desalination
_3__ Immigration reform
_2__ Education
__1_ Legalization / decriminalization of Marijuana
__8_ An agreement amongst the candidates that should any of us win, we will agree to keep an "open door" policy. In other words, each candidate will have access to the winner, should any of our group go on to win the general election.
_7__ An agreement amongst our candidates to "elevate" the discussion and make this election different, by talking ISSUES, instead of petty personal shortcomings. None of us are perfect, so it seems a bit ridiculous to get into attacking someone else. Regardless of how everyone else takes this, I am making a commitment that this election cycle, I will be talking about the issues and the differences between my position and the other candidates, I will NOT be talking about the other candidates, other than their stance on issues.

Subject: Re: California State Candidates' Unity Team "Coalition of Seven": (Are we crazy?)
Date: 2014-04-11 00:38
From: "Jeff Drobman"
_1__ Campaign finance reform
__2_ Alternative energy
__3_ Sea water desalination
__4_ Immigration reform
__5_ Education
__6_ Legalization / decriminalization of Marijuana
__7_ An agreement amongst the candidates that should any of us win, we will agree to keep an "open door" policy. In other words, each candidate will have access to the winner, should any of our group go on to win the general election.
__8_ An agreement amongst our candidates to "elevate" the discussion and make this election different, by talking ISSUES, instead of petty personal shortcomings. None of us are perfect, so it seems a bit ridiculous to get into attacking someone else. Regardless of how everyone else takes this, I am making a commitment that this election cycle, I will be talking about the issues and the differences between my position and the other candidates, I will NOT be talking about the other candidates, other than their stance on issues.
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Navigation for California Super-state Parliament (ss11)

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

APS Eballot #1
APS Marked Eballots #1
APS Eballot Totals #1

Members of Super-state Parliament (MSPs) 2018
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Members of Super-state Parliament (MSPs) 2014
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Three Prime Ministers
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Two Secretaries
Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

Unity Platform (ss11)
Blank Eballot APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots APS Eballot #3
Eballot Totals APS Eballot #3
Marked Eballots # (Before June 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)

United Coalition of Candidates (UCC)
United Coalition of Candidates (2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before June 2014)
Marked Eballots and Totals (Before November 2014)
Blank Eballot # (Before November 2014 Primary)
Marked Ballots (Before November 2014 Primary)

History of Candidates
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