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USA Parliament Guidelines Approved 10/9/2019

Votes Cast by MPs

GUIDELINES - RESOLUTION NUMBER 1 - 10/7/2019 - Committee of Jim Doyle and James Ogle
The election of the members of the USA Parliament (AKA "Electors"), is to be known as the "pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College.

National, state, county and city elections:
When no votes are cast, the committee is disbanded and nominations are to start all over from scratch on the first day after voting took place on paper ballots for the government's election. All correctly marked paper ballots, including nomination ballots, count as one vote as long as one name is enumerated with number "1", with consecutively ranked names to follow, with no deviations.

Requirements of US Presidential Electors by the United Coalition as a pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College shall be as follows:
Nominations for Electors shall begin the day after US Presidential Elections and will continue through the month of March 31st in the year of USA Presidential Elections, shortly before Eath Day of that year. All write-in votes will count as votes as long as the numeral one ranked choice voting. Votes cast a second time will automatically disqualify the previous vote cast by that voter/Elector.
NOMINATIONS: Any resident of the United States of America living at home or abroad, may nominate up names for either member of parliament or for president or vice president. The full name of the nominees and nominators will be recorded, made public and will be available through the US Parliament's secretary's office. Nominations mailed through US Mail or email, must be postmarked and received between February 1st and March 31st in each election cycle. Pacific Standard Time (PST) shall apply in all time relevant cases, on all election matters. Email and voice nominations are acceptable.
All nominations for President, Vice President and Elector which are either a sign-up on web site, a ranking on a write-in nomination eballot or paper ballot, a "party list" submitted by outside sources, individual votes, and other elections for President, Vice President and Elector, may count as one vote to be factored in with the voting and vote counting on 5/19/2019 in Monterey California, USA.
The voting and vote counting can be extended through different political party conventions by the majority coalition as long as all proper identification, verification and validation of the votes are made in transparency and carried forward as one stack of paper ballots by the executives of the 11th USA Parliament.
The final list of Presidential Electors shall be generated in ranked order by the results of the "10th USA Parliament Election of 2020" and will elect the "11th USA Parliament" on 5/19/2019 in Monterey California, USA and votes cast after the deadline will be factored into the totals through the first Tuesday in November 2020.
In cases where votes are cast after the April 19th deadline, those votes will also help determine the final results and will change the final prioritization of names including President and Vice President through the first Tuesday of November 2020.
Votes cast after the first Tuesday of November shall be the beginning of the 2024 US Presidential election and will be the start of the new stack of paper ballots.
A sign up as Presidential Elector serves as a #1 vote for the name, but the name must be a US citizen or resident, they must be compliant with the requirements of the US Constitution and their votes as Presidential Elector must follow the principles outlined in the US Constitution.
When there are not enough names who are elected to serve as Presidential Electors for US President and Vice President at the time of the final vote count for electing the ranked list of names in the USA Parliament of which #1 is President and #2 is Vice President, along with the contact information which is to be used for communication and organizing, or when names cannot be contacted by a specific deadline to be determined by the US Constitution, then after names are eliminated on that date the next highest ranked names are elected by marked ballots by the President and Vice President until all the US Presidential Electors are elected.
Names are to be removed from the PPR Electoral College list only when a person dies, moves out of state, is given a judicial nomination, if they request to be removed or if the name doesn't meet the qualifications of Elector under the US Constitution.
In cases where a name is removed, the next consecutively ranked name will be elected in their stead, until all the seats are filled.
Voice record, eballots and paper ballots may be used for nominating the PPR Electoral College, but only paper ballots may be used and paper ballots are required for the election of the PPR Electoral College, so the information from digital votes "eballots" must meet the strict verification and validation by the majority coalition.

States and county subsidiary elections will be conducted in all the states, counties and territories of the US, by being organized into twelve POPULATION BALANCED districts with twelve population subsidiary districts, referred to as the super-states (states and groups of states) and the mini-states (counties and groups of counties). Counties are to be known as county micro-state parliaments except in counties which are already classified as mini-states. No existing state or county boundary lines drawn and recognized by the US Government will be breached by any boundaries drawn up to form the 12 super states, 144 mini states and county micro-state parliaments within the US Parliament's boundaries. All super-states and mini-states will have the same rules and dates as the national parliament until/unless new rules are approved by said elected bodies.

The PPR Electoral College Elections takes place in four-year cycles to be timed with USA Presidential Elections and Earth Day. Super-state Elections take place on the even years between the USA Presidential Elections and timed with USA State government's elections. County Mini-states' Elections take place on odd years and both the County Mini-states' Elections and County/City Micro-state Elections can be customized dates when the first organizing elections need to occur for the first time.

Super-state election dates and cycles will fall on the even years between the national US Parliament/US Presidential Election cycles every four years and the maximum number of names elected will be 250 members of super-state parliament (MSPs).

Mini-state election dates and cycles will fall on odd numbered years and mini-state parliaments will elect a maximum of 100 elected members of mini-state parliament (MMPs).

County and city Micro-state elections will elect a maximum of 100 names.

Elections in Super-states, Mini-states and County Micro-states may begin shortly after 100 appointments are achieved but some elections may be organized more quickly before the 100 self-appointment level.

ELECTORAL VOTES Under Article 11 of the US Constitution, "Electors shall meet in their respective States, and vote by Ballot for two Persons, of whom at least one shall not be an Inhabitant of the same state with themselves."

All seven geo-levels (city, county, mini-state, super-state, national, provincial and international) of the First International Parliament and each consecutively enumerated elected International Parliament which follows, shall have the one set of guidelines (also known as "rules").

In cases where primaries and runoffs are scheduled in all world elections, there might be customized dates selected for the primaries and runoffs for planning primary and runoff elections.

Guidelines for seven geographical levels of the earth shall
be approved by the International Parliament, and then the approved guidelines
of the International Parliament will hereby apply to all elections in
in general organizing terms to provide consistancy for the following geographic levels:
First Geographical Level) International
Second Geographical Level) Twelve Population-balanced Republic of Earth World Provincial Parliaments
Third Geographical Level) National Republic of Earth Parliaments
Fourth Geographical Level) Twelve Population-balanced Republic of Earth Super-state Parliaments
Fifth Geographical Level) Twelve Population-balanced Republic of Earth Mini-state Parliaments
Sixth Geographical Level) County and City Micro-state Parliaments

Eballots must have a team of two or more volunteer vote counters who are in agreement to observe and count marked eballots.

The ID verification of the voters must be confirmed by the two or more vote counters who guarantee the verification of every voter who submits an "eballot".

Parliamentary procedures, terms and pure proportional representation (PPR), must be used in all elections. Except for first-time sign-ups, all voting on eballots and paper ballots must use consecutively ranked numerals or the ballot is marked "SPOILED" and removed from the master stack.

Paper Ballots.
The paper ballots are placed in a clear ballot box by the voter, the box is guarded, video taped all day and the votes are counted at the polling location the day or night of the election.

The votes are counted two times by two different and diverse teams of counters, recorded/taped/broadcast by two different devices with the public able to observe and video/livestream the counting.

Vote counting in all governmental elections must allow the public able to observe, must be video-taped and/or live-streamed during the entire proceedings.

The results from the polling locations in all official government elections will be brought to the Board of Elections All totals from vote counters must match and so the Board of Elections will hand tally the results from all the polling locations, by two different and diverse teams of counters.

Polling locations in all elections should serve a maximum of 1,000 voters and Election Day should be a national holiday with employers, if necessary, having to arrange for special accommodations for employees that must work, as with hospitals. A minimum of two hours personal time to vote will be given to all US citizens and voters.

The voters' names and marking on the ballot will remain secret when possible and the vote counting must be publicly observable.

PAPER BALLOTS will be made confidential to the highest level possible. Any US resident, nominee and/or proxy may observe the counting of the ballots. Volunteer counters will conduct the vote counting.

Choices marked on "eballots" are posted for public view and are not bound by confidentiality under the behavior of officers of the Parliament.

EBALLOTS are ballots cast via email and must be emailed to unitedcoalition "at" international-parliament "dot" org, a private email address used by the vote counters, the executive(s) and observers for receiving such eballots. No reply email will be sent to voters who cast eballots other than a verification message, unless the voter indicates that he/she wishes to be self appointed to the site USPaliament.org or www.international-parliament.org, or when a question regarding verification or validation is raised by a volunteer vote counter.

Volunteer vote counters may be added to the exploder email address "unitedcoalition "at" international-parliament "dot" org" as a subscriber by sending the message "subscribe" to unitedcoalition "at" international-parliament "dot" org.

General Counting, Balloting and Eballoting Guidelines

RANKED VOTING ONLY: All voting and vote counting shall be in the form of ranked paper ballots only (and eballots when practical and verifiable). Consecutive numbers beginning with the #s 1, 2, 3, 4, etc. etc. must always be used when marking on (e)ballot of all alternative decisions or names. Deviation from this guideline will disqualify the ballot, and the ballot will be marked spoiled.

THE SAINTE-LAGUE PARLIAMENT SYSTEM, Hagenbach-Bischoff method, under ranked choice voting, for seat allocation in all multi-seat districts:

Divide the election's total number of votes by the number of seats. This is the 1st quota.

Divide this quota into each candidate's votes, and round off to the nearest whole number. That's that candidate's seat allocation.

If, due to rounding, this awards a number of seats different from the desired number of seats, then adjust the quota slightly up or down, till, when paragraph two is carried out, it will award all seats.

The voter must register their name with at least two methods of contact; and must comply with the voter eligibility requirements for voter's state of residence.

The voter must be 18 years old or older on Election Day. The voter must not be in prison, on parole, serving a state sentence in county jail, serving a sentence for a felony pursuant to subdivision (USA only) of Penal Code section 1170, or on post-release community supervision. The voter must not have been found to be mentally incompetent by a court. Non-voting class membership will always be made available.

Voters must only provide their name (as registered), and at least two methods for contacting the voter, as part of their registration.

When two or more methods of contact aren't provided by the voter, then further explanation will be considered by the volunteer vote counters/verifiers. Violation of this or any other rule will automatically disqualify a ballot.

All residents are eligible to vote in Elections.
Paper ballots and eballots may be retype set or altered to specifically identify their select nominees' correct name and party affiliation. All ballots released to public use Parliament's elected secretaries shall count as a legitimate ballot and shall be presumed to represent the correct and most current candidate name information.

All names in the parliament elections and subsidiary parliament elections will be determined by the results caused by the voters' ranking of the nominees on the previous election's ballots. This is known as the correct consecutive order of nominee.

TIES and Alphabetication
Ties in the order of new nominations of names for all ballot preparation will be broken through alphabetizing the names. All parties are listed on the final ballot alphabetically.

Ballot Placement
New nominees will be placed on the ballot in the order that they were nominated first by rankings and second by chronilogics. New names will fall below the existing, higher-ranked elected members, and then the new nominations will be grouped within the group of similar party/category unless a specific placement within a different group is requested by the nominated name at which time the name will be moved to the new requested placement and added to the bottom of that new group.
The final order of the parties/categories on the final prepared ballot will be determined by the nominees' party name/category and the parties/categories will be listed on the ballot in alphabetical order.

Switching parties/categories
If an elected member switches party/categories at any time, then their name will be placed in the new party/category below all other nominees already listed after the name is moved to the new party/category.

The ballot shall feature more information in addition to the name of the nominee and although not required, this information shall be added when available;
Name, party/cetgory, state and contact information (email address or phone number).

Ties can be broken by holding a runoff election, but only when called by one of the two secretaries. In all other cases, all the names/items in a tie will be included in the results in a new "tied" category, even if the size of the assembly or agenda list must be expanded beyond normal size set forth by the tie.

All U.S. residents, and U.S. citizens living abroad, may vote one time and only one time, during each US Parliament (USP) election cycle.
When more than one nomination or vote is made by any voter then the most recent correctly marked paper ballot shall replace previous marked paper ballots that had been cast by the voter and the former will be marked spoiled and regarded disqualified.

The USA Parliament will never hold any election in a single winner district where a single winner decision or name is elected.

Numbers of MPs or Members of Parliament to be Elected.

The US Parliament's elected national assembly shall consist of the same number of elected members (MPs) as Presidential Electors outlined in the US Constitution for each state and the District of Columbia.
In 2020 the number is expected to be 538 Electors.

The top vote-getter shall be elected as President, and the second highest vote-getter Vice President, both elected to four year terms. All other vote-getters are elected as consecutively ranked names as back-ups for President and Vice President.

Majority Coalition
Once elected, the President and Vice President serve as the initial contacts for the eventual and ongoing formation of a majority coalition. The majority coalition is empowered to approve / modify a set of rules by which to operate for four years. The majority coalition is a group of elected MPs, and the largest group of voting MPs, becomes the "majority coalition". The second biggest group of MPs who elect a second set of guidelines are the "minority coalition".

THE PARTY LEADER within the USParliament is a label for the highest ranked name categorized under each party. Party leaders are responsible for the distribution of all ballots and rules to the members of their party/category and lists.

SPACE FOR FIVE OR MORE WRITE-IN choices must be provided on each and every ballot, in all elections and write-ins may be attached or written on the back-side of marked paper ballots.

CATEGORIZATION AND PARTY NAMES The first and most important criterion in determining the nominee's party/category is the nominee's most recently requested or declared party/category in US Parliament matters. The second most important criterion in determining the nominee's party/category is determined by the nominee's state's records, as written by the member while registering to vote. Appointed members may be categorized with any party/category that they wish, and the party/category of all members is considered to be the true one. Elected members may decide to change or switch their party/categorization at any time by proclamation. Members automatically qualify for the ballot in the next election cycle under the party/category of their choice.

First and last names are preferred, however all names nominated will be permitted on the ballot as well as the party/category of the nominee. If party/category is not known, the label "[Info. Not Avail.]" will be used. A nominee's name (and thus identity) may appear on the ballot only once, so fusion voting is not allowed.

NOMINATION SEASON DORMANCY: All "votes of confidence", elections of executives, cabinet members and nominations of MPs, shall pause during the period for ballot preparation, from April 1st to Earth Day (Approximately on April 20th) during the Parliament's nomination period in election years.

Once ELECTED, ALL NOMINEES and write in names may vote as a member of national parliament (MP), member of super-state parliament (MSP), member of mini-state parliament (MMP) or member of county micro-state parliament (MCMP), to elect the three prime ministers, two secretaries

Paper ballots and eballots may be post-marked and received between noon and 4:30 pm on Earth Day.

NOMINEES' STATEMENTS for the "USA Parliament Elections" must be post-marked and received before April 15th of each election cycle. Late statements shall be included when possible and may be placed on the All Party System or US Parliament's site.

RESIGNATIONS. When any elected member, executive or minister, stands down, resigns, retires, or dies - the transfer of the name for the office will always be automatically allotted to the 2nd preferred choice on the same voters' marked ballots for that seat, as directed by the votes for the voters' 2nd choice (or next highest-ranked numeral) in each previous election.
When a candidate who has chosen to stand down then wishes to return to the position which they had departed, then they need not to be first re-affirmed by all the voters who had previously cast a vote for them by proving that the MP has indeed agreed to continue awarding the MPs vote/ ranking.

THE VOICE of the Parliament will be the FIVE EXECUTIVES.

THE TRIPLE PRIME MINISTER/DUAL SECRETARY SYSTEM will be always used in the USA Parliament. The executive decisions will be made by the five (known as "the five executives"), in a majority rule vote of at least 3/5ths of the three prime ministers and two secretaries. Only three of the five executive members are needed to implement actions by the executive as a whole.

The Sainte-Lague parliament seat distribution system will be the voting system used for election of the three prime ministers and the two secretaries as a three member district (three prime ministers) and as a two member district (two secretaries). The two districts combined are the elected five executives.

All executives and Cabinet Ministers must be live, real people and no avatars or anonymous names may be used by the elected executives other than their real names. Only real names can be used and verification of the member's true name may be requested when such verifications are of interest to the five national executives.

VOTES OF CONFIDENCE for the Prime Ministers (also known as "Taoiseach"s), secretaries and/or rules, may be collected at any time, by any member of the US Parliament and in subsidiary parliaments, except for during domant period every four years between April 1st and April 20th.

The US Parliament's national, super-state, mini-state and county micro-state parliament assemblies, shall elect up to 60 unique Full Cabinet Ministers and up to 60 Deputy Cabinet Ministers.

Each of the five executives agree to rank all names nominated by each of the other four executives, thus guaranteeing that each of the five executives elects 1/5th of the 60 cabinet ministers or eleven new nominees.

The executives shall take turns nominating new names to the cabinet. Once each exutive approves the PARLIAMENTARY GO-AHEAD, all new nominees automatically receive all other four executives' #1 rankings.
Details about how the Parliamentary go-ahead works: http://international-parliament.org/cabinet2.html


All voters may elect Directors, resolutions, agenda items, guidelines
and Administrators within the one earth-at-large Ministry district.

Initiating the Ministry
a. While the Ministry is being established and Directors and Administrators are being elected to maintain the Ministry, the Parliament's President and Vice President shall have the authority needed to establish and maintain these election guidelines. Once the three Administrators are elected, then the five-member executive, the two Ministers and three Administrators, are expected to maintain the elections.

Fifty Directors Are to Be Elected in Each Ministry
b. Fifty Directors Are to Be Elected in Each Ministry and the fifty Directors rank the names for the three Administrators and the resolutions, agenda items and/or internal guidelines.

Accept Nominations
c. Nominated names for the ballot electing the Directors must be only names who accept/agree to be nominated, must be ranked to be nominated and each Ministry must have a cap of fifty elected Directors.

Facebook Page Nominating
d. An exception is to being required to be ranked are the Ministries using the "facebook page nominating" system.

The first fifty names who join the Ministry's facebook page and/or who are ranked by correctly registered voters of the International Parliament are automatically elected to the Ministry.

Once the cap of fifty is reached, no more names will be automatically added as elected Directors.

Names who join the facebook page are considered automatically self-nominated and elected Directors and joining/accepting is equivalent to a one-time #1 vote for their own name, after which all future votes must be ranked choice voting (RCV).

Only Ministry Members May Vote on Internal Rules
e. Only elected Directors, Administrators, full and Deputy Ministers who are correctly registered voters of the International Parliament may vote on the Ministry's internal elections of guidelines, agenda, resolutions and Administrators.

Only This Ministry Where These Rules are Posted Are to be the Rules Recognized
f. Only rules passed by the Ministry itself will be recognized by members of the Ministry, except for rules affecting the USA Parliament that are passed by the USA Parliament or its executive committee. All rules passed by other ministries, or other external equal or subordinate entities, which seek to affect this Ministry in USA Parliament shall be considered null and void unless approved by the majority of elected Directors within the Ministry itself.

Establishes Administrative Committee
g. An administrative committee of five members is hereby established, consisting of the full and Deputy Minister and three administrators. The three administrators are elected by Directors of the Ministry in an ongoing "vote of confidence" election. The highest ranking administrator shall be the Administrator; the second highest, Deputy Administrator; and the third highest, Associate Administrator. The executive committee of five shall have the authority to conduct business on behalf of the ministry, as authorized to do so within ministry guidelines or resolutions. Anybody may be elected as one of the three administrators, so long as they accept nomination, except for the full and Deputy Minister, who by virtue of their offices will already be holding a seat on the five member executive committee.

Facebook Voting Page and Password
h. This five-member executives shall have a password to a facebook page and when one of the five stands down or is unelected, the password may be changed by the remaining five executives to insure privacy.

Party/Category of Directors
i. Elected Directors may choose any party/category, which is represented by a word beside their name within the Ministry.

As each Ministry elects its first fifty ranked Directors, the political party/free speech word (or Independent, Info. Not Avail., etc.) is picked during ballot preparation by the ballot preparer.

The primarily suggested word choice is made by the nominator/voter, a secondary choice may be picked randomly by the elections clerk.

Since the free speech word/party category is not always the correct word(s), of course the elected Director herself or himself, may pick a word(s) they wish by their own name. They make pick and change that word(s) anytime, in any week of the year.

Vote Counting Ministry Certification
j. The elections last into perpetuity and the voting records and results are to be overseen, announced, maintained and subject to approval and Certification by the International Parliament's Vote Counting Ministry.

THE EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE controls itself and recruits as many people as possible who will work in the Cabinet to run the efforts, elects the planks and run the parliament's efforts free from political conflict or bias. The executives do not control who gets elected to the general assembly.

DUTIES OF THE TWO SECRETARIES shall include overseeing the communication link between members. The secretaries call for new elections when ties occur and help oversee convening and recessing of each parliament assembly.

The "Ten Executives" of the International Parliament will serve as "founding executives" on the business entity named "All Party System". The All Party System is established in order to report on debates, business and financial matters, vote counting and results of vote counting.


All seven geographic levels of the Republic of Earth Parliaments may conduct a Direct Democracy (DD) election which will elect planks to a "Unity Platform". A simple majority (50% plus 1 vote) of the votes is required in order to be approved as an official plank on the platform. The "top 26" system is to be used for Unity Platform ballot perparation and and at the end of the year all previous votes are erased and the top 26 items may remain on the ballot (or eballot), all votes are deleted on January 1st, and then the voting starts fresh with new votes through the end of the year, until December 31st.

NO PERSON MAY BE CENSORED, and no limits may be placed on free speech by/of any other person or nominee, including US Parliament's elected members and staff, at any time except when applying guidelines to party/category labels/names and parts of this rule which regulate antagonists.

Party/category's labels/names may not be used in such a way that slanders or libels names of any person or other party/categories or individuals. Those that refuse to comply by continuing to libel others through their choice of party name will be categorized as members of the Censored Party. Elected members using a name or pseudonym rather than their actual name, which libels, slanders or mimics (such as incorrect spellings), shall have their name censored and instead will be known only as Anonymous.

Members of any USA Parliament entity who antagonize others more than once use through the use of profanity, slander, insulting or offensive vulgar language, harassing or chauvinistic speech, terrorizing threats, including the threats of lawsuits against other members/vote counters or volunteers within the USA Parliament or those who use actual physical force or violence, may be permanently or temporarily removed by the full Minister in that Cabinet Ministry, by any of the five national executives of the USA Parliament or by the USA Parliament's web page maintainer.

Members of Parliament (MPs) who continually prioritize the promotion of plurality elections at the expense of the promotion of the USA Parliament elections may be removed as MPs and set aside as "MPs awaiting Reinstatement".

Appeals of the name's removal action may be taken to the USA national Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service Minister where rules for such appeals will be written, voted upon and approved.

Facebook Chat Group Posting Guidelines

The USA Parliament uses facebook web pages and chat groups.

a. The facebook chat groups entitled "USA Parliament Facebook Chat List", "Senators", "Senators/IP 2016 Convention", "IP Execs and Ministers", "Only Ministers IP", "All Party System Co.", "APS Co.'s International Bureau" and all chat groups used for both USA and International Parliament and it's individual "Ministries" business entities, will all be official news outlets for announcements of information about the new USA Parliament are subject to the restrictions on posting under these guidelines.

b. Elected members of the USA Parliament are sometimes added to these chat lists from time to time without prior notification or permission of the elected members. The participating members are not offended when a person chooses to "leave the conversation". No one's standing as an elected member is affected when they are added or whenever they "leave the conversation".

c. Announcements may be posted from time to time by the President and/or Vice President and other members but announcements may be only about the new USA Parliament.

d. Any frivolous, congratulatory, gratuitous comments which are inefficient, "thumbs up" posts, other sticker posts, posts not about the guidelines, the United Coalition, and posts made which are not about the team and team psychology to the designated USA Parliament facebook chat groups are not permitted.

e. "Thumbs up" are particularly prohibited because "thumbs up" is a plurality vote (thumbs up vs thumbs down) and all plurality voting is prohibited. Only ranked choice voting (RCV) is allowed and since RCV provides the "fuel" for our elected team we do not allow "thumbs up".

f. The USA Parliament's President and Vice President or other volunteers may delete the person's facebook name from the facebook chat group, the person who posts violations once, or continually posts, which are in violation of this guideline in chat group to which this guideline applies.

g. The "three strikes" system will be used so there will be two warning deletions before the permanent deletion of the person who may have been in violation of this guideline once it is approved and implemented.

h. Only elected Executives, Members, Directors, Administrators and Cabinet Ministers may vote on the guidelines for the USA Parliament's official facebook chat groups.

i. Appeals by the deleted member may be made through the USA Parliament's Mediation and Conciliation Ministry.

j. Participants may request to be added or removed to different facebook chat groups by contacting the President, Vice President, Prime Ministers, Secretaries or the Vote Counting Ministry of the USA Parliament.

Once voting for MPs begins each registered voter may vote for a maximum of ten names. When more than ten names are correctly ranked in consecutive order on the ballot or eballot then the first ten names are considered recipients of the ranked votes, but not names enumerated number eleven (11) and after number eleven (11), which are affected. Once an automated voting system is in place or there enough volunteers to handle large numbers of marked eballots and ballots, then the limit of eleven rankings will not be required and will not be in effect.
The exception to this may be made when there are fewer than 100 marked eballots or when the International Parliament's Vote Counting Minister deems that all tics can be calculated together. But when the limit of ten is used, or any limit, the same cap must apply to all marked ballots and eballots.

Mediation and Conceliation Ministry

Should any financial compensation be asked for or awarded after an appeal had been heard and a ruling had been finalized by the USA national Mediation and Conceliation Ministry Minister, who is charged with recommending such financial compensation, then the case can be taken to the All Party System Co.'s USA Bureau's Ethics & Grievances Committee of Four where a determination of the exact amount can be made and executed.

All monetary considerations such as donations and reports to the USA Federal Elections Commission will be recorded and reported by the USA Parliament's Treaury Minister. Donations will be not be refunded.

Declare that all of the elected members of the International Parliament, all twelve Provincial Parliaments, all countries' national parliaments, all subsidiary super-state, mini-state, county micro-state and city Republic of Earth Parliaments, to be members of a "Unity Coalition" or "United Coalition" effective November 5th, 2014.

All Unity Coalition members may make their own decisions as individuals regarding candidates, initiatives and propositions on ballots in the official state elections.

Unity Coalition of Candidates can be for elective State and Federal offices; Including but not limited to US President, Governor, Lt. Governor, Secretary of State, Treasurer, Insurance Commissioner, Controller and Attorney General, those who accept the nomination of their name will be added to the ballot/eballot, and/or elected, for the "Unity Coalition" election.

These Rules, intent, purpose and function, will not change once approved by majority vote by the elected members, or MPs, of the USA Parliament. These rules shall apply to the USA Parliament's Elections, the subsidiary super-state, mini-state and county micro-state and city Republic of Earth Parliament elections, unless they are replaced by a bigger majority of voting members of parliament.

Contact the US Parliament via telephone (831) 236-3825 or the web site at http://www.usparliament.org for obtaining more information.

The US CONSTITUTION: The US Parliament shall commit to following constitutional law, and work to restore constitutional law and limits on the government both nationally and in the states, and the executive committee is charged with setting forth votes concerning amendments to the present constitution to continually work to form a more perfect union. Any and all proposed amendments to be voted on and approved by the largest majority coalition of registered members of the US Parliament with a required majority vote are to be considered ratified.

The US Parliament will do what the present Federal Government refuses to do, which is to lead on a constitutional basis, and restore the true principles of a representative government with constitutional limits.

Guideline of Priority and Procedure
GENERAL PROVISIONS: Guideline of Priority and Procedure. The GUIDELINES contained on this web page shall be the official first GUIDELINES of procedure for the USA Parliament and will be used for all transactions of business once ratified by a majority of the Members of Parliament (MPs). These GUIDELINES will take precedence over ALL other sets of GUIDELINES.

GUIDELINE CHANGES: The Executive Committee reserves the right to make changes in these GUIDELINES by 3/5th vote and to present these changes to the delegates/members at any time. All changes should accommodate the desires or complaints of the MPs or staff so as to improve the conduct of business online and offline.

AGENDA and Selection of Agenda Items
Agenda items shall be selected by the Executive Committee. Once selected, these items are fixed for the duration of the conference and no other items will be discussed.

ORDER OF CONSIDERATION OF AGENDA ITEMS: Agenda items will be considered in the order in which they appear in the agenda eballot, unless that order is altered by a majority of the Committee.

Administrator Elections in Ministries

a. Elected terms of the three Administrators, the Administrator, Deputy Administrator and Associate Administrator, shall last through the end of the calander year on December 31st.
b. New names elected during the year leading up to December 31st shall take office immediately similar to "vote of confidence".
c. As new names garner votes and those top three names are cycled in as the votes of confidence arrive, all votes cast by email, message or paper continue to be updated onto the records, and every vote is added (or withdrawn) in the same annual cycle as the votes of confidence until end of year.
d. In the years that follow, the votes of confidence by the Ministry's Directors, Administrators and Ministers, will continue but the votes are not required nor mandatory and so the elected names remain in office as Administrators until the first vote of the year(s) which follow the votes which elected the Administrator, are cast by the Ministry's elected member(s).
e. Once the first vote has been cast in each year following 2019 when these precedents were written and adopted, only after the first vote had been recieved by Vote Counting Ministry or published in the Ministry's email list and/or facebook page, shall the blank eballot for electing the Administrators and the vote totals for that particular Ministry to which the vote(s) apply. That new vote, then cancels all votes from the previous year(s), and the updates should then be applied.
f. There will likely be cases where there are no votes being published by either the Vote Counting Ministry or a vote counter who is not connected to the Vote Counting Ministry and acting as an independent. In all of these cases where no votes are/were recorded, then no changes need occer to either the Administrators who currently serve nor to the blank/marked ballots and/or eballots for electing the Ministry's Administrators.
g. The Preparation of the blank eballot/ballot for new election cycles shall always include the "top 13" nominees. The top 13 shall include all Administrators who are currently serving the Ministry as well as all former nominees and reciepinets of votes from the previous years whose name(s) had been recorded in the Administrator vote count totals. Only the top 13 names shall quality for the fresh blank eballot for the Ministry in the cycles which follow.
h. In a case where the Parliament's Vote Counting Ministry is incompacitated or unable to maintain the elections of the three Administrators then an outside vote counter within the Ministry or out side the Ministry, can work with all parties so to continue the records for voting until the Vote Counting Ministry is able to continue the work. For these reasons the email address of all nominees for Administrator be listed on nominations page.
i. In all cases the Vote Counting Ministry retains top priority in vote counting and voting records maintenance.
Nominations are generated when the potential nominee completes the
signup form and clicks the choice "Cabinet Ministry Administrator Nominee".
Nominate Here:
Additional ways to nominate:
--Nominee can be added by ballot preparer, often the Vote Counting Ministry, by expressing a desire to be involved in the election process.
--The nominee must provide the relevant information in this case which is the name, party/catergory and email address.
--In cases of conflicts or problems with nominations, Vote Counting Ministry shall determine outcome.
--In cases where the Vote Counting Minister is unavailble for a period of more than 30 days, then any one of the IP's Ten Execs may rule on all Administrator Election ballot problem(s) until a new Vote Counting Minister comes to the Cabinet to oversee vote counting.
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USA Parliament Rules/Guidelines

MPs' Votes
Blank Eballot #e-aps-proposed
Blank Eballot #e-aps-2
Marked Eballots #e-aps-2

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