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Global Foreign Affairs Ministry

Global Foreign Affairs Minister Edlira Zeka [Democratic]
Global Foreign Affairs Minister in International Parliament
Deputy Global Foreign Affairs Minister Joy Waymire [Decline to State]
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Policy Decisions Eballot

Official Eballot Vote Online Now

Elects Global Foreign Ministry Decisions

Directions to Voters

Please copy the eballot below, paste the eballot on an email message addressed
to vvc@allpartysystem.com, mark your choices in blank "___" space,
and reply to vvc@allpartysystem.com.

Do not use X marks. Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside
your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on.
You may rank as many choices as you please. Do not put the same
figure beside more than one choice/name.

Copy, paste and email the marked eballot to the volunteer vote counter.

<------cut here, email to vvc@allpartysystem.com------>

Rank Ideas for Decisions

___ ___________________________________________ (write in)

___ ___________________________________________ (write in)

___ ___________________________________________ (write in)

Measure 1
___ Withdraw all combat troops and disband all combat bases everywhere in the world.

Measure 2
___ Legalize all drugs immediately as an emergency measure.

Measure 2-A
___ Send troops to the borders to address any issues that come up during this transition.

Measure 2-B
___ Form a think tank comprised of ex CIA, FBI, NSA and DOD whistleblowers to develop a plan to efficiently route out all intelligence assets and plants all over the world and disband the CIA.

Measure 3
___ Disband Homeland Security.

Measure 4
___ Withdraw from the United Nations.

End of eballot.-------->cut here, email to vvc@allpartysystem.com------>

Results as of 7/7/2011
Measures Which Passed (two tics required to pass, 50% of total voters plus one vote)

Measure 1
_1,1__ Withdraw all combat troops and disband all combat bases everywhere in
the world.
Measure 2
__2,2_ Legalize all drugs immediately as an emergency measure.
Measure 2-A
_3,3__ Send troops to the borders to address any issues that come up during
this transition.
Measure 2-B
_5,4__ Form a think tank comprised of ex CIA, FBI, NSA and DOD
whistleblowers to develop a plan to efficiently route out all intelligence
assets and plants all over the world and disband the CIA.
Measure 3
_4,5__ Disband Homeland Security.

James Ogle's eballot:

Measure 1
_1__ Withdraw all combat troops and disband all combat bases everywhere in the world.
Measure 2
_2__ Legalize all drugs immediately as an emergency measure.
Measure 2-A
__3_ Send troops to the borders to address any issues that come up during this transition
Measure 2-B
_4__ Form a think tank comprised of ex CIA, FBI, NSA and DOD whistleblowers to develop a plan to efficiently
route out all intelligence assets and plants all over the world and disband the CIA.
Measure 3
_5__ Disband Homeland Security.
Measure 4
___ Withdraw from the United Nations.

Seth Wetmore's eballot

Policy Decisions Eballot

Measure 1
_1__ Withdraw all combat troops and disband all combat bases everywhere in
the world.
Measure 2
__2_ Legalize all drugs immediately as an emergency measure.
Measure 2-A
_3__ Send troops to the borders to address any issues that come up during
this transition.
Measure 2-B
_5__ Form a think tank comprised of ex CIA, FBI, NSA and DOD
whistleblowers to develop a plan to efficiently route out all intelligence
assets and plants all over the world and disband the CIA.
Measure 3
_4__ Disband Homeland Security.
Measure 4
_6__ Withdraw from the United Nations.
Chaos CHON Ministry additions
__7__ Create sustainable food sources
__8___ Create a education system to provide sustainable resources for
permanent human occupation of the planet.
__9___ Open up land in the U.S.A. for permanent private agriculture for
organic produce and eddible plants, and animals.
__10__ Make genetically modified organisims illegal, disband all corperate
structures/entities that maintain or produce genetically modified
products. Destroy all crops, seeds, created by enhacement/alteration
through genetic modification.
__11__ Create permanent tax incentives for farmers to grow organically.
__12__ Create permanent laws that provide farmers with permanent land rights.
__13__ Convert all power grids to renewable/alternative sources such as
photovoltaic, wind, water, hydrogen, and methane power sources.
__14__ Create laws making comercial nuclear power, weapons, and devices