United Coalition USA
Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College 2020

Official Write-in Paper Ballot (prints out on one page)
https://www.allpartysystem.com/e-aps-13.php Web Page
https://www.allpartysystem.com/e-aps-13.pdf PDF (Stage One Version OK to Use)

Official Party-list Paper Ballot (prints out on twenty pages)
http://usparliament.org/v-h-2020-paperballot.htm Web Page
https://www.allpartysystem.com/e-aps-13.pdf PDF

Simultaneously elect up to 538 consecutively ranked names of Electoral College
with plenty of consecutively ranked names as back-ups.

Directions to Voters
Do not use X marks.
Mark your choice(s) with numbers only.
Put the figure 1 beside your first choice, the figure 2 beside your second choice, the figure 3 beside your third choice, and so on.
You may rank as many choices as you please.
Do not put the same figure beside more than one choice/name.
Mail the completed paper ballot before 11/3/2020 ("Stage Four")

Nominee Name
________________________________________(write in)
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________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
________________________________________(write in)
____________________________(write in)
Allen McKinney
[AJ Woodstock]
Brady Olson
[American Delta]
Nathan Johnson
[American Independent]
Paul Wetterau
Stephen Long
Uma Yartan
Lolo Rose
Herb Egleston
[aqua tangerine]
Kip Lee
[Ashtar Command]
Samuel Clemens
Orion Karl Daley
Ben Jakupi
[Blue Collar]
Lisa Davis
Martese Conchun
[Border Warrior]
Larry Targett
[Boston Tea]
Tony Jones
[Bull Moose]
Tim Gildersleeve
Keyantwon Stevens
Stephen Colbert
[Comedy Central]
Jon Stewart
[Comedy Central]
Jim Spahr
[Comedy Central]
Ernest Wells
Katie Hunesta
Li Huong
Mykai Landis
Lucas Thoms
Marsha Williams
Jesus Alba
JT Murray
Mat Reland
Andy Martinez
Chelsea Tatum
Anne Armstrong
Parker Louis Seely
[Conservative libertarian Independent]
Don J. Grundmann (CA) stoptheirs@hotmail.com (510) 895-6789
Michael Peroutka
JL Mealer
Michale Treeplanter
BJ Jordan
[Dallas Cowboys]
Asa Gordon
[DC Statehood]
Vanessa Davis
[Defender of the Republic]
Andy Caffrey
Jong-pil Park
Dennis Kucinich
Herbert Peters
Emory Rogers
Steve Stokes
PRAVDA McCroskey
Victor Cantu
Harry Snell
Haywood L. Holst
Ro Khanna
Peter Choi
Kevin McCarty
Jeffrey H. Drobman (CA) (Presidential Candidate) E-mail: jhdphd@alumni.ucla.edu
Roneen Henn
Loretta Sanchez
Kamala Harris (CA)
Michael R. Bloomberg
Bernie Sanders
Roy J. Kendall (CA) royjkendall@hotmail.com
Eric Fine (CA) (310) 277-8403 docfiner@aol.com
Tulsi Gabbard (US Presidential candidate) (HI) http://www.tulsi2020.com info@tulsi2020.com
Marianne Williamson (CA)
Elizabeth Warren (MA)
Kirsten Gillibrand (NY)
Amy Klobuchar (MN)
Daniel Penisten
[Direct Democracy]
Jim Mueller
[Direct Representation]
P. Steele
Kalera Stratton
Mark Key
Mike Bogatirev (CA) michaelb93950@juno.com
Chuck Pasch
Amaterasu Solar
[Ethical Planetarian]
Nick Dartern
Topher Conway
Benzo Diazepene
Cheryl Martin-Buescher
[Free Thinker]
Mary Okorn-Jimenez
[Free Energy]
Dave Parker
[Free Energy]
Zachary Scott Gordon
[Free Parliamentary]
Rene Jean
[Free Parliamentary]
Frank Camdenosa
[Free Parliament]
Laura Booth
[Free Parliamentary]
Babbette Hogan
[Free and Equal]
Wanda Hermanden
[Free Spirit]
Hermosi Kandanzai
[Free Radical]
Connie Mendosa
[Free Thinker]
Roscoe Waden
[Free to Be]
Heather Kenny
Jennifer Gopinathadasi Woodward
[Gandhian Green]
Tina Drugg
Sedinam Kinamo Christin Moyowasifza-Curry (CA) (310) 594-4030 therealmsskcmcurry@gmail.com
Winona Laduke
Colia Clark
Medea Benjamin
Larry Carter Center
David Cobb
Anita Stewart
Marnie Glickman
Mike Nelson
Susan Estes
Pamela Elizondo
Gina Zenzola
Rich Stevenson
Thomas Leavitt
Hal Ginsberg
Larry Skwarczynski
Tasvir Singh Bhardwaj
Dinah Coffman
John Carter
Farheen Hakeem
Kat Swift
Laura Wells
Gail the Rail Parker
Celisa Godwin
Tad Robinson
Michael Grazian
Brett Johnsen
Paul Brown
Linsey Tenlap
Morgan Juma
Boone Timutua
Laurie Dean-Arms
Georgeena Abad
Mike Rogers
Don Cook
Deb Shafto
Janet Murphy
Harry Hempy
Aldous C. Tyler
Dr. Paul Kangas
Will Lupinacci
Charles Brannan
Scott Olson
David Grimesey
Eric Peterson
Joseph C. Skues
Ronnie Henley (TN)(US Senate candidate) (731) 613-3196 https://www.facebook.com/runronniehenleyus/
Michael A. Murphy (CA) mxm@retropostmodern.com
Bridget Duffy (CA) (415) 760-2084 (San Matao) bridgetofthebridge@gmail.com
Eric Brooks (CA) brookse@igc.org
David Bond (CA) ajb8551@hotmail.com
Aidan Hill (CA) aidan4berkeley@gmail.com (510) 982-1948
Phoebe Sargen (CA)
Josh Jones (CA)
Sid Akbar (CA) sid@akbar2020.com (916) 470-3669
Jennifer Walters (US Presidential candidate) (NY)
Danielle St. John (CA) Tel: (619) 807-6012 (Business) www.readytovomit.com
Hunter Crow (TX) 4101 W Green Oaks #305-508 Arlington, TX 76016
Ian Schlakman (US Presidential candidate) (MD)
Martha Kelly (CT) (860) 920-9214
Seth Wetmore
[Green Chaos]
Benjamin Meiklejohn
[Green Independent]
Kevin Clark
William Cerf
[Green, Modern Whig]
Marcia Everett (NC) mle62mle62@gmail.com (919) 369-8643
[Green Party USA]
Virgil Hales
Christopher Michael Ward
[Green Roseannearchist]
Jill Stein
[Green Rainbow]
John Liquori
[Green Tea]
Roger Mead
[Green Tea]
Nicole Briscoe
[Green Tea]
Barry Briscoe
[Green Tea]
Lisa Clampitt
[Green Tea]
David Gwaltney
[Green Tea]
Tiffany Briscoe
[Green Tea-Rainbow]
Michael Looney
Anthony Jamison
James Le Sage
Sonya Kent (CA) Sonyakent2018@gmail.com
Anilise Stewart
[I Follow Who I Believe In]
Ajai Dittmar
Jesse Ventura
Ralph Nader
Victoria Peterson
Loris Scagliarini
Arianna Huffington
Dea Riley
Joan Briscoe
Joe Briscoe
Tony Briscoe
Sugar Ray Leonard
Pamemla Azar
Thomas Muhammad
John Fitzgerald Johnson
Charles Frederick
Dale Hamaker
Terry W. Wheelock
Rana Marie Sandlin
Dale Gieringer
Kat Penisten
Michael Moore
Casper Leitch
Rob Elliott
Andy Gonzalez
Partick K. Martin
Debra Paulsen
Danny (Dan) Woodring
Eric Weinrib
Todd Palin
Casey Peters
Nathan Wolfe
Jen Foster
Kimberly Richardson
Dorothy Henderson
Joey Montez
Shamal Leonard
Dwayne Renal Sims
James Hinton
Joe Leicht
Paul Tape
Mary M. Hill
Alexander "Sasha" Ivanoff
Dick V. Franson
Alan Reynolds (CA) https://www.facebook.com/alan.reynolds.378
Tom Maris tommaris@comcast.net (CA)
Josh D. Ondich
Carey Campbell
[Independent Green]
Mike Levinson
Sonar Gupta
[Indian Democracy]
Epifanio Hernandez
[Indigenous People]
Ben Saenz
[Indigenous People]
Andrew Hollis
[Info. Not Avail.]
Todd Andrew Barnett
[Info. Not Avail.]
Link K. Scwartz
[Info. Not Avail.]
JZ Knight
[Info. Not Avail.]
Greg Cipes
[Info. Not Avail.]
Annie Leonard
[Info. Not Avail.]
Vicky Holte Takamine
[Info. Not Avail.]
Helen Caldicott
[Info. Not Avail.]
Colleen Camp Goldwyn
[Info. Not Avail.]
Dr. Shalomim HaLahawi MD, ND, PsyD. DFM, DPH
[Info. Not Avail.]
Sandra Bernard
[Info. Not Avail.]
Diane Wilson
[Info. Not Avail.]
Grace Lee Boggs
[Info. Not Avail.]
Theresa Vaughn
[Info. Not Avail.]
Clint Eastwood
[Info. Not Avail.]
Woody Harrelson
[Info. Not Avail.]
George Lopez
[Info. Not Avail.]
Renee Farnsworth
[Info. Not Avail.]
Kristina Kearns
[Info. Not Avail.]
Joan Pollycutt
[Info. Not Avail.]
Diane Rosellini
[Info. Not Avail.]
Cindy Ryno
[Info. Not Avail.]
Dennis Nelson
[Info. Not Avail.]
Greg Jacobs
[Info. Not Avail.]
Shawn Bradley
[Info. Not Avail.]
Sherry Golden
[Info. Not Avail.]
Vic Havelaar
[Info. Not Avail.]
Tony Ouimet
[Info. Not Avail.]
Ed Begley Jr.
[Info. Not Avail.]
Gordon Hermosa
[Info. Not Avail.]
Kelly Tome
[Info. Not Avail.]
Victor Connor
[Info. Not Avail.]
"Poncho" Jorge Santos
[Info. Not Avail.]
Wendell Orgam
[Info. Not Avail.]
Don Pitts
[Info. Not Avail.]
Christopher Nicks
[Info. Not Avail.]
Davis Guggenheim
[Info. Not Avail.]
Norm Einer
[Info. Not Avail.]
Sandra Contri
[Info. Not Avail.]
Amenz Portaniw
[Info. Not Avail.]
Deanne Vorow
[Info. Not Avail.]
Lawrence Gomen
[Info. Not Avail.]
Lisa Murkowski
[Info. Not Avail.]
Jim Shew
[Info. Not Avail.]
Jett Jackson
[Info. Not Avail.]
John Comana
[Info. Not Avail.]
Firenz Lorganzi
[Info. Not Avail.]
Virginia Edwards
[Info. Not Avail.]
April Levine
[Info. Not Avail.]
Nina Blackburn
[Info. Not Avail.]
Chuck Pollycutt
[Info. Not Avail.]
Vince Rosellini
[Info. Not Avail.]
Gary Ryno
[Info. Not Avail.]
Jacki Silva
[Info. Not Avail.]
Mike Silva
[Info. Not Avail.]
Sandhya Scott
[Info. Not Avail.]
Martha Havelaar
[Info. Not Avail.]
Chuck Scott
[Info. Not Avail.]
Carole Scott
[Info. Not Avail.]
Lidia Seebeck
[Info. Not Avail.]
Mike Seebeck
[Info. Not Avail.]
Demetrius Perry
[Info. Not Avail.]
Lily Montgomery
[Info. Not Avail.]
Walter Nayakik
[Info. Not Avail.]
Robert Sislo
[Info. Not Avail.]
Martin Covax
[Info. Not Avail.]
Charlie Sheen
[Info. Not Avail.]
John Goodman
[Info. Not Avail.]
Jose Aparecido Moreno
[Info. Not Avail.]
Niranjan C. Bhat
[Info. Not Avail.]
Brandon Andrews
[Info. Not Avail.]
Steve Kest
[Info. Not Avail.]
Mark Phillips
[Info. Not Avail.]
Charlie Hill
[Info. Not Avail.]
Petrina Clary
[Info. Not Avail.]
Maranda Metz
[Info. Not Avail.]
Edward Snowden (Draft Snowden 2020 US President) (USA)
[Info. Not Avail.]
Anita Kegley for TX CD 20
[Info. Not Avail.]
Hudson Jackson Jr. https://www.facebook.com/hjackson92
[Info. Not Avail.]
Dulap Nelson (TX) https://www.facebook.com/Dulap-Nelson-for-LNC-Chair-102034407967629/
[Info. Not Avail.]
Rose Weinstock
[In Solidarity of Our Representative Joshua Angell]
Morly Canton
[Jewish Conservative]
Frejeda Sokol
[Jewish Conservative]
Natalie Hugger
[Joshua Paul]
Yari Nanuku
[Joshua Paul]
James Mason
Rocky Anderson
Patricia Gray
Ryan Doody
[Land and Freedom]
Robert Caro
[LBJ Book]
Gail Lightfoot
Gary Johnson
Mark Herd (CA-CD-33) voteherd@yahoo.com 310 877-8664
Bob Barr
Dwight Bailey
Alex Plewniak
Scott Keller
Jim Fulner
Cory Nott
Kristi Stone
Alvin Chin
Jerry "Jed" Siple
Gabriella Douglas
Ned Roscoe
Richard Winger
Anne Kissel
Jane Heider
Debra Dedmon
Alex Jones
Alan Pyeatt
Christopher Edes
Jonathan Jaech (CA) johnaj@vlda.org
Max Abramson (US Presidential candidate) (NH)
Rhett Smith
Keenan Dunham
Rob Roberts
Gary Nolan
Gabe Huerta
Gregory Koch
Jesse Haffran
Beth Ostrosky
Fred Norris
Mark Hinkle (CA) mark@garlic.com
William J. Wagoner
Howard Stern
Joe Paul Manship
Chuck Seevers
Al Segalla
Fred Fritz
Aaron Starr
Carl Person
Jim Gray
Pierre Crevaux
John Stossel
Sam Hopkins
Sam Sloan samhsloan@gmail.com (917) 659-3397
Sandra Salas (US Presidential candidate) (PA)
Vermin Supreme (US Presidential candidate) (MA)
Sarah Rivard (CA-Senator) voteherd@yahoo.com 310 877-8664
Heather Horst (US Presidential candidate) (NE)
Geraldo Guinto (CA) (707) 342-0703
Marc Romain (CA) marcromain1@gmail.com
Erick Brown (CA) rockclubfoundation@gmail.com
Jo Jorgensen (US Presidential candidate) (SC)
Colleen Guerrero (CA) (760) 583-4865, clelesteg@yahoo.com
Kim Ruff (US Presidential candidate) (AZ)
Erin Adams (OK) https://www.facebook.com/erin.adams.543
Souraya Faas (US Presidential candidate) (FL)
Geraldo Guinto
Paul Holman www.publicsensus.com, paulholman@live.com
Lou Burns (323) 928-6665 louissinburns08@gmail.com
Demetra Jefferson Wysinger (US Presidential candidate) (TX) askwy2020@gmail.com
Dan Taxation is Theft Behrman (US Presidential candidate)
Jennifer Ogle (TN) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100008326305937&ref=br_rs
Blake Ashby (US Presidential candidate)
Sorinne F. Ardeleanu (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
Arvin Vohra (US Presidential candidate) (MD)
Demondria Jefferson (US Presidential candidate) (TX)
Cecil Anthony Ince (US Presidential candidate)
Svetlana Natalia Boginskaya (IL) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1467201076
Stephen James Schrader (US Presidential candidate)
Joseph Charles Campell (US Presidential candidate)
Geby Eva Espinosa (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
Mr. Francis Christoper Weaver (US Presidential candidate)
Dakota Hale (US Presidential candidate)
Jason Daniel Peach (US Presidential candidate)
William Joseph Hurst
Brad Hartliep (US Presidential candidate)
Jedidiah Hill (US Presidential candidate) jedidiahhill@hotmail.com (OH)
Mr. Nyle Benjamin Layton (US Presidential candidate)
Dakinya J. Jefferson (US Presidential candidate) (TX)
Keenan Wallace Dunham (US Presidential candidate) (SC)
Seymour Art Lee (US Presidential candidate)
Joey Berry (US Presidential candidate)
Benjamin G Leder (US Presidential candidate) (TX)
Mark Douglas Spivey (US Presidential candidate)
Erik Chase Gerhardt (US Presidential candidate)
Kenneth Blevins (US Presidential candidate)
Mr. Cameron KN Jones (US Presidential candidate)
Adam Kokesh (US Presidential candidate) (CA)
Jacob Hornberger (VA) www.jacobforliberty.com
Kenneth Reed Armstrong (US Presidential candidate) (CA) https://www.facebook.com/WildfireCF armstrong2020@usa.com
John R. Phillips JR (US Presidential candidate) ()
Brandon Kelsey bkelsey.6692@gmail.com (CA)
Jason Michael Sibilio (US Presidential candidate)
Samuel Joseph Robb (US Presidential candidate)
Derrick Michael Reid (US Presidential candidate)
Terry Wilkerson (US Presidential candidate)
D'Artagnan Dumas Nicholas (US Presidential candidate)
Steven Allen Richey (US Presidential candidate)
Cop Samminger WA https://www.facebook.com/CopSamminger/
Charles Bruce Stewart
[Libertarian & Common Law]
TJ Campbell
Richard A. Weir
[Libertarian Socialist]
John Spencer
John Richard Myers (MT) jr@johnrichardmyers.com
[Life & Liberty]
Asko Emerson
David L Wetzell
[LT Party Movement]
Sabrina Melicia
Kelly Russell
Goncho Alvarez
J. Roach
Victor Huego
[Mexico Free]
Amendalia Horveo
Dutch Bart
[Mitt Romney Republican]
Cornelius F. Brantley Jr.
[Multi-Party USA]
Rebecca Belding
[Mutualism and Cooperation]
Joseph Kopsick
[Mutualism and Cooperation]
Larry Duggett
[Morman Takeover]
Vigo Veritas
Consuela Mendola
[My Own]
Kim Thomas
[My vote is for Joshua Paul in TX Thanks!]
Michael Davis
[Natural Law]
Noam Chomsky
Ole Savior
[New Republican]
Jane Violet
[No Affilation]
Dr. Lawiy Zodok Shamuel (Negus Shemsizedek) (TX) (832) 576-6806 lawiyzodok@live.com
Elisheba Zodok-El (TX) noocraticparty@protonmail.com
Clive Grey
[No Party Preference]
Steve Lopes
[Not Available]
Janel Buycks
Jeannette O'Neal
James Ogle
Ralph Beach
Jonah Bolt
Angela Keaton
[Ordinary Anarchist]
Eric Charles
Justin Kahm (Montana) j.kahm@yahoo.com
Marcellius Smith
Wayne Christopher
Stewart Alexander
[Peace and Freedom]
Cynthia McKinney
[Peace and Freedom]
Michael Music
[Peace and Freedom]
Russell Lajoie
[Peace and Freedom]
Maureen Smith
[Peace and Freedom]
Michael Kostopoulas
Eric Stevenson
Lucian Myron
Myra Fourwinds
Nate Brown
Brandon Garcia
Randy Jork
Bo Kakke
Jorge Seester
Scott Comings
Robert S.
Sister Somayah
[Pot/Nigritian Kief]
Thomas Lui
Victoria Moore
[Presidential Elector]
Savva Vassiliev
[Progressive Libertarian]
Lawrence Samuels
[Purple Libertarian]
Jennifer Perkins
[Radical Revolutionary]
Annie Garner
[Radical Revolutionary]
Pat Buchanan
Joseph Wendt
Ron Paul
Jim Doyle (CA-CD-11) Tel: (925) 376-9265
Lani Guinier
Greg Conlon
Dale Mensing
Andy Whallom
Matt Munson
Devon Mathis
Palmer Kain
John Goya
Roy Allmond
Richard Aguirre
Robert Morris
Dr. Anthony Fernandes
Larry Fenton
Barbara Schroeppel
Karen Roseberry
George C. Yang
Von Hougo
Rand Paul
Jerry J. Laws
Michele Marie Bachmann
Bubba The Love Sponge
Colin Powell
Arnold Swarzenegger
Rush Limbaugh
Beaulah Mae Jackson
Dave Hester
Blanca Sounders
Kylee Porter
Patricia Cornwall
Michael Dell
Sonja Franzea
Roberta Marrone
Don Blackstone
Toni Allen
Brenda Wickens
Dick Little
Mark Meuser
Gordon Humphry
Mary Stark
Steve Forbes
Sarah Palin
Tina Rodney
Ron Gold
Nathaniel Tsai
Zachary Taylor
Glen Ratcliff
Barbara Marumoto
Pedro Rios
Dave Erlich
Ricardo Benitez
Aberra Shiferraus (CA) (702) 245-6948
Scot Olewine
[Republican - Green Energy]
Tom Bartlett
Parker Car
Hugo York the man
Ethan Moore
Sandy Montauk
[Roseanne and Johnny]
Patrick Swarts
Jim Cortez
Jenny Pentland
Jake Pentland
Shannon Cox
Tippy Canoe
Dashus Christ
Johnny Argent
Lady Jane Green
Debs Keeler
Carla Vox
Michael Gornes
Jasper Yentil
Prince Joseph
Kelly Ann Pritchard
Joel West
Sheryl Carter
Vickie Chrisawn
Ashley Hair
Jill Zarin Advices
Dawn Varga
Patricia Dillard
S Newton
Michael Fishman
Holland Taylor
Blogett Bird
Kell Bell
Sarah Jess
Candis Frye
Dylan Brody
Suzanne Simnick
Peter Howard
Jonathan Jones
Darren Staley
Adonica Williams
Jenni Spin
Christopher Gotti
Barry Boom
Josh Adams
Louis Peitzman
Katie Anderson
Piper Page
Berent Lawton
Karen Misses
Jesse Smith
Kelly Carlin
Adam Cavalli
Angela Field
Saif Quadri
Jonathan D. Lovitz
Gabe Alfassy
Jay Kelly
Jason M. Phelan
Shannon Flynn
Brandon Michael
Mary Rewis
Kiwi Jae
Laura Cavallier
Martha Plimpton
Fifi LeRuef
Bonnie Tierney
Laurie Irvin
Elizabeth Brossa
John Price
Brian Harrell
Anne Beckett
Robin Armstrong
Bradley Moreland
Lisa Sahani
R. Newell DeWitt
Scott Draper
Mahatma Kane Jeeves
Mike Frizz
Sweetred Archer
Magdalena Zurawski
Big Joe Hawley
Jeff Ostach
Devyn Johnson
Patrick Driscoll
Tim Tapp
Horace Boothroyd III
Diane Hines
Savanna Knight
Tami Craig Davis
Julie Orton
Michael King
Gregory Green
William Howard
Hugo Arenas
Charlie Bertini
M. Vaughn
Kevin Demarest
Patricia Harvey
Julia A. DiCamillo
Katherine Farah
Somali Rose
Peter Calweeko
[Roseanne Barr for President]
Mike Banon
David Frey
Joe Phillips
Veronica Nowakowski
Mimi Soltysik
Melinda Pillsbury-Foster
[Sustainable Humane Economy]
Willie Nelson
Maria Sharapove
Daniel Davenport (US Presidential candidate) (GA) dnldvnpt@icloud.com (510) 776-0753
Richard Hines
Marcia Bradley
Heli Tattari (OR) https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1218246558&ref=br_rs
Mary Jane Thompson
Gary Swing (US Senate candidate) (CO) theswingvote@yahoo.com
Coco Schitz
Jermaine Nommick
[Vote for Josh]
Baruth Radimoro
[Vote for Joshua Paul]
Verone Auzenne Thomas
Clinton Crane
Bobert Nagan
[Wiccan Free Liberal]

<----End paper ballot---->

Membership signup information (*=required fields), and print very clearly:

*Name _____________________________________________________________ (write in)

Political Party _____________________________________________________________ (write in)

*State _____________________________________________________________ (write in)

*Contact Method #1 (will be made public) _____________________________________________________________ (write in)

*Contact Method #2 _____________________________________________________________ (write in)

___ Yes, please nominate my name for US Presidential Elector on pure proportional representation (PPR) Electoral College (AKA United Coalition USA for USA citizens only).

*Signature required.

Mail marked paper ballot to:
All Party System Co.
1213 C Forest Avenue
Pacific Grove, CA 93950
* * *

Navigation Bar for USA Parliament

Eleventh USA Parliament Election 4/19/2020
Blank Paper Ballot (Available April 1st, 2020)
Marked Paper Ballots
Marked Paper Ballot Totals
Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College Nominations (#e-aps-13)

Pure Proportional Representation (PPR) Electoral College (#e-aps-13) All-write-in Paper Ballot
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-13
Blank PDF Paper Ballot #e-aps-13
Marked Paper Ballots #e-aps-13
Paper Ballot Totals #e-aps-13

Unity Platform Election (#e-aps-6)
Blank Paper Ballot #e-aps-6
Blank PDF Paper Ballot #e-aps-6
Marked Paper Ballots #e-aps-6
Paper Ballot Totals #e-aps-6

History of Candidates

Blank Eballot #
Marked Eballots #

* * *